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Burner Phones

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Pretty simple and self-explanatory idea. I think it would be a good idea to add burner phones to the general stores. They would be a great alternative for wanted people to use instead of having their phones off for the entire time they play, now they would have an option to tell time or send anonymous texts without relying on someone else to always do it for them.

To add more detail:

  1. It should have a pre-determined text/call limit per burner phone before required to purchase another one. (this amount should be chosen by the devs to figure out a proper balance)
  2. Untraceable by detectives, and no number should appear when sending calls or messages. This would allow the owner of the burner phone to set up illegal activities and not having it traced directly to them without further investigation such as catching him with his phone, seeing if the messages match up the ones that PD has been receiving calls from, etc.
  3. 1 way communication. The person with the burner can contact others, but not vice versa. Similar to currently getting an 'anonymous' text. This would allow them to still contact their friends if they know their number, talk to people who bleet about purchasing items/services, etc.
Edited by TheCanadian
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2 hours ago, Hilbert said:

I think the command was /togglecallerid to make anonymous calls.


You can make an anonymous call with this command, but im fairly certain police can still track you even if you do this, hence the suggestion of burner phones.

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1 hour ago, Prezeey said:

+1 but just a question here. Would people still be able to use their old, trackable phones and have a burner phone at the same time?


That would be what i had in mind. able to have both at any time you choose. ex. using your burner only for illegal things, and normal phone with the contact list for legal.

Edited by TheCanadian
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1 hour ago, TheCanadian said:

You can make an anonymous call with this command, but im fairly certain police can still track you even if you do this, hence the suggestion of burner phones.

I asked this from police officer once, he said they can't track phones by phone number. But it's possible he was lying.

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1 hour ago, Hilbert said:

I asked this from police officer once, he said they can't track phones by phone number. But it's possible he was lying.

well you are sort of right, they dont track it by phone number. they track it by who the phone is tied to. Its the reason why breaking a phone and buying a new one wont get detectives off of you.

So all the caller ID toggling does is make people you text/call see you as anonymous. It does nothing in terms of cops being able to track you, you must still turn the phone off (unless i am very misinformed).

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