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New player experiance on Eclipse

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Me and a couple of friends decided that we wanted to try out GTA RP so we joined Eclipse. 

The initial experiance was good, we got whitelisted fast and earned some money form legal jobs, bought new cars and were starting to save for a house.
I'd say i had a good experiance up until i had interaktions with police and the justice system. My first interaktion was with a police officer who T-boned me in a intersektion, i tried to rp the scenarion with me going unconscious from the collision and so on but as soon as i did that the cop started to tell me i was annoying and an idiot and refused to rp the scenario out. All that cop wanted to do was get out of the scenario and move on not trying to rp with me just calling me a bunch of slurs and left the scene. I made a report but no one took my ticket so i just logged of and moved on.
My next few interaktions was me being cought red handed doing house robberies, i was thrown i jail instantly with barely any rp but to be fair i was cought red handed so there was not much to debate.
But the most recent interaktion made me want to quit the server because it felt like the police don't care about rping with you and just want to throw you in jail and move on to the next thing kinda like it's a chore. So what happened was that me and 2 friend wanted to do store robberies and i wanted to get som rp out of it if we got caught so i went unarmed so i could claim that i was held hostage and forced to help them. We eventually got caught and they read my my rights so i told them i wanted a lawyer because it's my right and that i was innocent, but they told me i did not have that right because there would be no interrogation because they know i did the robbery. They refused to entertain me being innocent and continue the rp. I tried my best to get rp out of the police but everytime i get thrown in to jail without any chance of debating my case. I can't even get a court case going because there are no lawyers or judges so i just got the feeling there was no point of even trying enymore.

And what's up with the police power gaming every scenario? Getting pulled over for a traffic stop and 4 police cars show up? Doing a store robbery and a police helikopter and 6+ police car chasing you?

I have played on this server for about a week now and already got tired of it. There is minimum rp going especially with the police, they refuse to give criminals a chanse to win by power gaming every time with evidance that does not exist , abusing police equipment and refusing to rp with you once you get caught. After all of this i saw no point in continue playing on the server because no matter what i do i will just get thrown in jail with minimum rp and get as many charges they can place on me. 

I made this post so i gave give my point of view of the server and hopefully open the admins eyes to the state of the server.


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Hi there,

I am sorry to hear that your interactions with LEO (Law Enforcement Officers) was a negative experience. I do not speak for anyone of any LEO faction, but I would suggest that if you have any video footage of it, to make a player report. No one should be subject to any slurs, or denied any RP, even if they were annoyed. That's not fair to the other party involved, being you in this situation.

The portion about the being denied a lawyer is there because there aren't always Lawyers playing in the game. LEO's have to be judge, jury, executioner due to the hangups of doing a proper court trials. You'd be sitting in a cell for literal days with no chance of leaving. I mean real life days. So the rights were altered to accommodate for different time-zones and player availability. This explanation is borderline mixing, but that is why it's different from what you see in the US or anything.

In regard to your scenario of backups being called, evading is a common tactic on this server when being pulled over. People on both sides enjoy chases. We will make the call on whether we feel the person we are pulling over will evade or not, and call in. Some of those are experienced LEO in game, and some of them are Cadets. It's their discretion on whether they will call in for backup.

Also, there is nothing wrong with having AIR respond to a Store Robbery. We know that if a store is being robbed, at least one of those individuals will be armed, calling for a public safety issue, that we would need to control to the best of our abilities.

What you've explained isn't power-gaming. Power-gaming would be them forcing RP with no chance of responding, like cuffing, not doing investigations if the evidence is not definitive, frisking you without allowing you to respond or fight, etc. There's a lot of evidence we can look at, as well as being on the scene empowers us to conduct specific detainments and searches. It's not power-gaming, but within the written law of the IC government.

I am curious about what you mean by abusing police equipment. In what experience, were you seeing abuse of that? Not discrediting you, but I would like to know.

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Sadly i do not have any footage.

I do understand your point on lawyers and judges. what was frustrating for me in that scenario was that the cops had already decided my fate before i could plead my case, I'm fine with going to jail but atleast let me plead my case so i can get some rp out of it.

I do not agree with your point on AIR response to Store robbery. Police should respond to the situatuin with proper amount of force and responding with AIR support is in my opinion excessive and in a gameplay point of view unfair. Because the criminals doing store robberys probably does not have the best cars and already has a hard time evading 6 police cars, so adding a helicopter to that makes it impossible for the criminal to win. And like you a chase is fun for both sides but if the power balance is uneven it's not fun for both sides.

What i mean with abusing police equipment is when the police responds with excessive force that makes it impossible for the criminal to win. Like when they respond with way to many police vehicles, comes with SWAT gear to a store robbery or like my earlier point respond with AIR support when it's not needed. It's supposed to be fun for both sides and when you have to be in jail for hours after a situation you hade no chance of winning or getting any rp just sucks.

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yeah i ran from a traffic stop and was being rammed off the road by 4+ cop cars and a swat vehicle within 2 minutes. 

If police are bored and have nothing to do, RP goes out for the window for the criminal in their eyes. One guy speeding running from the cops? Chase him with 10 police cars, 2 helis and start shooting at him when you get close. FUN RP!!! 😄

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Also the number of times ive been stopped by the police for something and then a minute later they just say 'Something more important is happening i have to go' is just pathetic. 

They're all just waiting for something exciting to happen, and as soon as it does the whole fkn PD rushes there cus they want to see it. So any other crimes in the city at that time dont matter cus police dont care cus its not exciting enough for em.

They really dont care about RP as much as they claim to. Along with half of the city.


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22 minutes ago, Billy,Bob said:

Sadly i do not have any footage.

I do understand your point on lawyers and judges. what was frustrating for me in that scenario was that the cops had already decided my fate before i could plead my case, I'm fine with going to jail but atleast let me plead my case so i can get some rp out of it.

Well, the thing is, if you're there, it's reasonable suspicion that you were involved. Store Robberies rarely if ever have hostages. You'd have been detained, and if you had incriminating evidence, charged appropriately.



I do not agree with your point on AIR response to Store robbery. Police should respond to the situatuin with proper amount of force and responding with AIR support is in my opinion excessive and in a gameplay point of view unfair. Because the criminals doing store robberys probably does not have the best cars and already has a hard time evading 6 police cars, so adding a helicopter to that makes it impossible for the criminal to win. And like you a chase is fun for both sides but if the power balance is uneven it's not fun for both sides.

AIR can get to a location a lot quicker than a cruiser can. AIR patrols the city. They can't get involved on the ground other than call outs, number of vehicles, and suspects. I don't think it is an unfair advantage, and a lot of times, the stores are clear by the time ground units arrive. Unfortunately, this is just a scenario of bad luck. There are so many times I've seen chain robberies, and either they die out with no proper leads, or they get caught at another store mid-robbery. Also, to say that it's impossible to win is not true. I've seen people get away from a pursuit of a Store Robbery loads of times.


What i mean with abusing police equipment is when the police responds with excessive force that makes it impossible for the criminal to win. Like when they respond with way to many police vehicles, comes with SWAT gear to a store robbery or like my earlier point respond with AIR support when it's not needed. It's supposed to be fun for both sides and when you have to be in jail for hours after a situation you hade no chance of winning or getting any rp just sucks.

You have just as much of an equal chance of leaving a store with cash and not getting caught as much as anyone else. It's a successful criminal activity that is widely done. Perhaps you need to readjust your approach and execution instead of thinking that LEO's are making it hard for you.

LEO's are reactive in our duties. We're not all about the win, and we take very many number of losses. Read through the OOC gang stories on what they've done and gotten away with. It's not always every interaction with LEO is an automatic L for them. Realistically, it should be more L's for crims getting caught, because that's how it is in real life. LEO's are properly equipped, and trained to deal with these situations and scenarios.

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14 minutes ago, Nobbins said:

yeah i ran from a traffic stop and was being rammed off the road by 4+ cop cars and a swat vehicle within 2 minutes. 

If police are bored and have nothing to do, RP goes out for the window for the criminal in their eyes. One guy speeding running from the cops? Chase him with 10 police cars, 2 helis and start shooting at him when you get close. FUN RP!!! 😄

I want to give you the benefit of the doubt as well, but as I said above, PD in specifically are reactive and we have set protocols on what we do. I cannot speak for SD, as I am not part of their faction, and am not aware of their internal policies, but I believe they are vey much akin to ours. 

We do not actively start immediately shooting unless there's an active public safety threat, nor send 10 cars, nor ever have 2 helicopters up. We want crims to have fun, and we commonly set up resets with admin approvals on things. I had a situation last night with a gang, where there was an unfortunate event, and it was reset a bits back. They all had fun, even if they took a loss.



Also the number of times ive been stopped by the police for something and then a minute later they just say 'Something more important is happening i have to go' is just pathetic. 

You don't know what radio calls come in. Some calls that come in do actually warrant immediate response, and being pulled over is lower on the list of priorities. So yeah, this makes sense that they'd say that and take off. 

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5 minutes ago, SquirtleSquad said:

You don't know what radio calls come in. Some calls that come in do actually warrant immediate response, and being pulled over is lower on the list of priorities. So yeah, this makes sense that they'd say that and take off. 

I find it hard to believe that 10 cop cars chasing 1 guys needs an 11th to come on over as well. Its just extra lifes for police at that point. They just bring more and more cars. Even when the crime dosen't warrant it.

And im not talking about gang situations - this thread is the experience of a new player. And new players dont get the same treatment as gang members when it comes to crimes.

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Just now, Nobbins said:

I find it hard to believe that 10 cop cars chasing 1 guys needs an 11th to come on over as well. Its just life insurance for police at that point. 

It's not always chasing, and you don't understand the situation. There are gangs in the city, and there are violent gangs in the city. You can rob banks, have shootouts, etc. There's a lot more that goes on, and if you're still new to the server, over time you'll learn.


And im not talking about gang situations - this thread is the experience of a new player. And new players dont get the same treatment as gang members when it comes to crimes.

See above, whether you think it's gangs or not, a lot of times, its big situations calling for all hands on deck. New Players actually do get a bit of leniency over regulars from what I've seen

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11 minutes ago, SquirtleSquad said:

It's not always chasing

not always, but still happens. a lot. 

ive seen many posted clips of police shootouts and bank robberies, but have never partaken, yet have seen just as many police show up to my small crimes as ive seen in these clips.

Im not trying to prove or disprove anything that goes on, or say that new players have it worse or easier. Im just stating my experience as a new player. And from my experience as a new player, i can tell that a lot of the time police abuse the rules and systems put in place for a good rp experience just to get a 'quick win'.

Maybe its not a lot of police, just a very loud and present minority. But its simply a fantasy to pretend like a lot of the cops on this server arent systematically powergaming most of the time using the police's resources.


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also surely the fact that youre telling me that youve reset rp situations with gangs before, shows that gangs do get more benefits than newer players, since nothing like that has ever been brought up or suggested to me when ive been expressing my discontent with the police's rp in ooc chat.


which would make sense. since if a gang has multiple members and is active on forums, it would make more sense the police to respect them a bit more, as if they break rules like normal there would be more people to call out and corroborate their bs.

whereas when theyre chasing one guy who is fairly new to the city, they know its free game and nobodies gonna stop em

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30 minutes ago, Nobbins said:

ive seen many posted clips of police shootouts and bank robberies, but have never partaken, yet have seen just as many police show up to my small crimes as ive seen in these clips.

Bank robberies are a big deal. They are a major felony, one of 9 Serious Felonies listed by GOV: State of San Andreas Penal Code - Eclipse Government (eclipse-rp.net)
We try not to use excessive response, and will dismiss people if the situation is okay to. If you're still new, not even a full 24 hours of play time on the server, I suggest just holding off on your opinion of LEO for the time being, and just give it a bit more of a chance, please 😃


Im not trying to prove or disprove anything that goes on, or say that new players have it worse or easier. Im just stating my experience as a new player. And from my experience as a new player, i can tell that a lot of the time police abuse the rules and systems put in place for a good rp experience just to get a 'quick win'.

There's a specific reason why New Players have the tag over their head and are protected for some time. You're expected to explore the city more, and get a feel for the community, but if you decide to bite into crime without a lot of insight on how response works, then I can see your frustration and confusion. It's not often that New Players want to dive straight into the criminal path, not without at least having a good idea of what is and isn't doable, and how they can avoid conflict with the police.


But its simply a fantasy to pretend like a lot of the cops on this server arent systematically powergaming most of the time using the police's resources.

If you have video evidence that suggest Power Gaming, you are urged to make either a Player Report here, or make an OOC IA report to be investigated in. Both PD and SD have these here to ensure that IC actions are met with IC consequences, but also OOC actions are also dealt with. Being LEO doesn't make us immune to disciplinary actions. 
PD IA - Commendations and Complaints - Eclipse Government (eclipse-rp.net)
SD IA - Commendations & Complaints - Eclipse Government (eclipse-rp.net)



also surely the fact that youre telling me that youve reset rp situations with gangs before, shows that gangs do get more benefits than newer players, since nothing like that has ever been brought up or suggested to me when ive been expressing my discontent with the police's rp in ooc chat.

No, I just used that as an example, and not as the only requirement. Again, this comes with more experience being on the server and knowing when to ask, or when to make an in-game report. We can only know what goes on, on our side, and not what goes on, on your side. Make a /report 3 or /report 4 and a member of staff can look into it, assuming they are not involved in the RP scenario.

Edited by SquirtleSquad
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40 minutes ago, SquirtleSquad said:

Well, the thing is, if you're there, it's reasonable suspicion that you were involved. Store Robberies rarely if ever have hostages. You'd have been detained, and if you had incriminating evidence, charged appropriately.

yes sure if i was caught red handed like in my house robbery attempts, but in this scenario they had suspicion yes but could not possibly know for sure. Police rp's that they have evidance from security cameras in the store but they do not actually know what happens in there so they don't know if my story is true or not. So what i want is that we RP it out, for example we go back to the store and check the footage and so on. But they refused to rp the situation and just do the easy thing and just throw me in jail instead.

51 minutes ago, SquirtleSquad said:

AIR can get to a location a lot quicker than a cruiser can. AIR patrols the city. They can't get involved on the ground other than call outs, number of vehicles, and suspects. I don't think it is an unfair advantage, and a lot of times, the stores are clear by the time ground units arrive. Unfortunately, this is just a scenario of bad luck. There are so many times I've seen chain robberies, and either they die out with no proper leads, or they get caught at another store mid-robbery. Also, to say that it's impossible to win is not true. I've seen people get away from a pursuit of a Store Robbery loads of times.

I don't think you understand how much the information the air support gives is valued, how is a criminal especially a new one supposed to get away if there always is a helicopter above giving information where they are? Maybe i do have terrible luck but every scenario i have been in the police responds with overwhelming force, but i don't mind losing aslong i get some fun rp out of it.


58 minutes ago, SquirtleSquad said:

You have just as much of an equal chance of leaving a store with cash and not getting caught as much as anyone else. It's a successful criminal activity that is widely done. Perhaps you need to readjust your approach and execution instead of thinking that LEO's are making it hard for you.

LEO's are reactive in our duties. We're not all about the win, and we take very many number of losses. Read through the OOC gang stories on what they've done and gotten away with. It's not always every interaction with LEO is an automatic L for them. Realistically, it should be more L's for crims getting caught, because that's how it is in real life. LEO's are properly equipped, and trained to deal with these situations and scenarios.

I do not agree with that, as a new player i have much less chance of getting away. And yes i am a terrible criminal and would still get caught even if there was 2 police cars responding but i would have a chance, I do not have a chance when 10 cop cars show up and some has SWAT gear. 
I don't know how old these gang stories are and if it's relevant to this. To think that i need alot of experiance and expensive cars and equipment to rob a store and not a bank is just crazy in my mind.

But everything can't be like it's in real life because it does not translate well to gameplay.

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58 minutes ago, SquirtleSquad said:

There's a specific reason why New Players have the tag over their head and are protected for some time. You're expected to explore the city more, and get a feel for the community, but if you decide to bite into crime without a lot of insight on how response works, then I can see your frustration and confusion. It's not often that New Players want to dive straight into the criminal path, not without at least having a good idea of what is and isn't doable, and how they can avoid conflict with the police.

In my case we did not dive straight into criminal path, we started with legal jobs but we got bored of that and got contact with criminals that told us about various things. And i hope what i have seen is not how response i supposed to work because i know that i am not the only one that is frustrated about this.

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2 hours ago, SquirtleSquad said:

We do not actively start immediately shooting unless there's an active public safety threat, nor send 10 cars

this is just blatantly untrue. unless you're telling me the accounts of police officers regularly get hacked and thats whos doing it.

are you trying to tell me that my own experiences are false?

or are you saying 'we arent SUPPOSED to start immediately shooting' and 'we arent SUPPOSED to send 10 cars'. because that may be what youre supposed to do, but what happens in the server is a very different thing.

maybe you havent experienced yourself the countless cases of 10 cop cars chasing one guy for something extremely minor, but it happens all the time.

To be honest its kind of worrying if you really think this isnt something that happens and isnt a problem, considering your position. I would expect you to at least be aware of this happening, even if u dont condone and want to reduce it. embarrassing really. just deny deny deny.

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yes sure if i was caught red handed like in my house robbery attempts, but in this scenario they had suspicion yes but could not possibly know for sure. Police rp's that they have evidance from security cameras in the store but they do not actually know what happens in there so they don't know if my story is true or not. So what i want is that we RP it out, for example we go back to the store and check the footage and so on. But they refused to rp the situation and just do the easy thing and just throw me in jail instead.

No, we can actually see the CCTV footage. I won't go further into that as it delves into meta-gaming. We can see what happened, and make the judgement from that. I wasn't at that situation, and as I said, if you have evidence of power-gaming, please share it through the appropriate links I shared above, or make a player report. LEO's are not immune to punishment.


I don't think you understand how much the information the air support gives is valued, how is a criminal especially a new one supposed to get away if there always is a helicopter above giving information where they are? Maybe i do have terrible luck but every scenario i have been in the police responds with overwhelming force, but i don't mind losing aslong i get some fun rp out of it.

No, I do. One of my characters is LEO, and I've been in the faction actively since end of November. That is why I am giving you this insight from my personal experiences. I've put over 1,2k hours into ECRP as LEO. I am not trying to downplay your scenario, but I am explaining that I've been involved with a lot of different RP situations. It's not always black and white, and at times it is very much black and white. I think in regards to luck, it's just unlucko, but given more time and experience in the server, you will get better at understanding it.


I do not agree with that, as a new player i have much less chance of getting away. And yes i am a terrible criminal and would still get caught even if there was 2 police cars responding but i would have a chance, I do not have a chance when 10 cop cars show up and some has SWAT gear. 

If you're relying on vehicles to allow you to escape, yes, however, LEO's have responded to store robberies, and lost visual of a Panto. Just because a streak of bad luck happened, doesn't mean that LEO are overpowered. If you were committing crimes while I'm generally on duty, I can confirm that you'd have a much easier time. I won't explain why, as that is more meta-gaming.


I don't know how old these gang stories are and if it's relevant to this. To think that i need alot of experiance and expensive cars and equipment to rob a store and not a bank is just crazy in my mind.

Everyone is taking the example of gangs way out of context. I am using them simply as an example. Gangs do not have to be official factions. They could literally be 5 people who play together. Gangs aren't just Underground, OTF, Rooks, Rising Suns, Lost MC, there's much more to them. These were just an example of large groups of people who have been successful due to coordination and understanding of peoples habits in game. Something that takes time and experience.


this is just blatantly untrue. unless you're telling me the accounts of police officers regularly get hacked and thats whos doing it.

are you trying to tell me that my own experiences are false?

or are you saying 'we arent SUPPOSED to start immediately shooting' and 'we arent SUPPOSED to send 10 cars'. because that may be what youre supposed to do, but what happens in the server is a very different thing.

maybe you havent experienced yourself the countless cases of 10 cop cars chasing one guy for something extremely minor, but it happens all the time.

No, that's not what I said at all. I am not discrediting your experiences. I am just saying that jumping straight into a crim position without a full understanding of some things in the server can lead you to get frustrated, confused, or potentially accusing legal factions of being abusive of their roles. I don't want you to feel mislead in this direction. We have rules and regulations in place ICly and OOCly to prevent this, as well as checks-and-balances to negate this. That's why I provided IA links here, which you can use to submit OOC reports to the correct faction departments to investigate. And I will tell you now, they take it very seriously.

See above, I have 1,2k hours into ECRP. All of it was in LEO. I've been an LEO since November. I have experienced a lot, and seen a lot. Yes, there are times where things are very one sided, and that's not always in LEO's favor. Sometimes you just gotta take the L, learn, and try again. Things are checked if we have 10+ cars in pursuit of one vehicle. If there's that many and there's no reason, people are broken off to respond to other situations. If the pursuit is due to a severe threat, then they'll maintain, and branch off to do something else that'll help the pursuit. Again, I am not going to go into it, as it is meta-gaming. 


To be honest its kind of worrying if you really think this isnt something that happens and isnt a problem, considering your position. I would expect you to at least be aware of this happening, even if u dont condone and want to reduce it. embarrassing really. just deny deny deny.

My position as a member of Staff Support has nothing to do with my outlook, nor that I am denying anything that is going on. I've provided 2 methods to bring attention to situations you've been involved in that you feel were either an OOC rule break, Player Reports, or an IC protocol break, IA reports. 

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17 hours ago, Nobbins said:

yeah i ran from a traffic stop and was being rammed off the road by 4+ cop cars and a swat vehicle within 2 minutes. 

If police are bored and have nothing to do, RP goes out for the window for the criminal in their eyes. One guy speeding running from the cops? Chase him with 10 police cars, 2 helis and start shooting at him when you get close. FUN RP!!! 😄

Funniest thing is no one has footage of all their claims when they overexaggerate an interaction that happened in a completely different manner for the other side.

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14 hours ago, Nobbins said:

this is just blatantly untrue. unless you're telling me the accounts of police officers regularly get hacked and thats whos doing it.

are you trying to tell me that my own experiences are false?

or are you saying 'we arent SUPPOSED to start immediately shooting' and 'we arent SUPPOSED to send 10 cars'. because that may be what youre supposed to do, but what happens in the server is a very different thing.

maybe you havent experienced yourself the countless cases of 10 cop cars chasing one guy for something extremely minor, but it happens all the time.

To be honest its kind of worrying if you really think this isnt something that happens and isnt a problem, considering your position. I would expect you to at least be aware of this happening, even if u dont condone and want to reduce it. embarrassing really. just deny deny deny.

I do not think anyone is trying to deny anything here. 

It'd be silly to say that no LEO has ever shot someone they weren't supposed to shoot or no LEO has ever been in a pursuit where there's 10 cars chasing a white Warrener on the freeway. This stuff happens. Rarely, sure, but it does happen. Having excessive units for a situation naturally happens a lot more since the IC consequences for just shooting at someone outside of the respective law enforcement agencies' force matrix are extremely severe and can easily end up with that character being removed, as has happened quite a few times in the past if you want to have a peek at the respective factions employee adjustment sections on the gov forums.

Cops aren't some kind of mystical figures. They're regular players with the same status as any other player on the server. Cops can break rules, cops can also act out of what their faction ICly allows. It happens, but generalized complaining won't quite fix the issue. 

There's routes you can go. If rules are being broken, make a report. If things happen that shouldn't happen, make an Internal Affairs report. They do work and I can assure you both IC and OOC Internal Affairs reports get investigated properly and with great attention to detail. 

As harsh as it may sound, if someone acts out of line and stuff happens to you and you don't report it or try to actually do something about it in any other way, I personally think you don't have any right to publicly complain about this stuff.

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2 hours ago, Harveyyy said:

This isn't FiveM where a cop "let you" evade for "entertainment". That's a bit unrealistic.

I'm not saying that they should let somone evade or let somone win for entertainment. The point im trying to make is that police should respond to the crime being committed appropriately. In my opinion responding with 4+ cop cars to somone speeding is excessive, or calling in AIR support for a store robbery. And if the situation escalates they can always call in for backup, i don't se how that makes cops letting you evade.

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5 hours ago, DoTo said:

As harsh as it may sound, if someone acts out of line and stuff happens to you and you don't report it or try to actually do something about it in any other way, I personally think you don't have any right to publicly complain about this stuff

Except if i did report any of this, the response i would get would be similar to yours which is 'uhhhh sometimes 10+ cops chase white warreners. It makes for terrible unrealistic rp but thats what we do on this server. Sorry not sorry.'

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6 minutes ago, Nobbins said:

Except if i did report any of this, the response i would get would be similar to yours which is 'uhhhh sometimes 10+ cops chase white warreners. It makes for terrible unrealistic rp but thats what we do on this server. Sorry not sorry.'

The police in the field are monitored by supervisory units and direct which situations for them to attend. If 10+ units are chasing one car, then thats less police to respond to other situations and criminals get a free escape elsewhere, obviously causing problems for the city. I can assure you that if for some reason 10+ police are chasing a warrener, a supervisor will clear them off it and direct them elsewhere. 

30 minutes ago, Billy,Bob said:

I'm not saying that they should let somone evade or let somone win for entertainment. The point im trying to make is that police should respond to the crime being committed appropriately. In my opinion responding with 4+ cop cars to somone speeding is excessive, or calling in AIR support for a store robbery. And if the situation escalates they can always call in for backup, i don't se how that makes cops letting you evade.

You may feel that certain response is excessive, but you might not understand the other side either though. What if only 1 unit showed up to a store robbery and 6 armed robbers ran out of the store and shot and killed the officer(s)? 

I can see from your side and limited experience on the server how some of these situations can be frustrating. I would recommend each of you make a legal character and join one of Law Enforcement factions and get a feel for what its like. I have seen many examples of long time criminals on the server having similar experiences or opinions as yourself, but eventually made a law enforcement character and were able to gather a better understanding of both sides. 

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35 minutes ago, Billy,Bob said:

I'm not saying that they should let somone evade or let somone win for entertainment. The point im trying to make is that police should respond to the crime being committed appropriately. In my opinion responding with 4+ cop cars to somone speeding is excessive, or calling in AIR support for a store robbery. And if the situation escalates they can always call in for backup, i don't se how that makes cops letting you evade.

Here's the thing. We don't always know what 911 calls we are responding to are going to turn into. 

Scenario: LEO are getting intermittent calls of a group of 4 robbing stores. We can tell they have heavy weapons on their backs while they are doing this. They've been chain robbing stores for the last hour. We get lucky and a call is placed right around the corner from 2 units. They call in for backup, and 3-5 more units appear to help with the situation, as it could turn into a shootout. Come to find out, that it's actually just 2 people with a Pistol. -- Is this an over the top response? In my opinion, no. Will people get cleared from scene, yes.

The reason it's not an over the top response is, we don't know how many or what sort of criminals we are dealing with at these stores. LEO's are reactive.

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2 hours ago, Requiem said:

You may feel that certain response is excessive, but you might not understand the other side either though. What if only 1 unit showed up to a store robbery and 6 armed robbers ran out of the store and shot and killed the officer(s)? 


I do the the other side though, I would call 1 unit showing up to a robbery rekless and they should wait for backup. But my point i have been trying to make is that AIR support and 6+ unit's to a store robbery is excessive in my opinion, and im not saying they should let criminals evade or show up at a disadvantage posision just for it not to be so one sided if that makes sense.

2 hours ago, Requiem said:

I can see from your side and limited experience on the server how some of these situations can be frustrating. I would recommend each of you make a legal character and join one of Law Enforcement factions and get a feel for what its like. I have seen many examples of long time criminals on the server having similar experiences or opinions as yourself, but eventually made a law enforcement character and were able to gather a better understanding of both sides. 

I agree that would help and might be something i would do if i decide to go back. But i feel like there should be a way to make these situations less frustrating for both sides? 

3 hours ago, SquirtleSquad said:

Scenario: LEO are getting intermittent calls of a group of 4 robbing stores. We can tell they have heavy weapons on their backs while they are doing this. They've been chain robbing stores for the last hour. We get lucky and a call is placed right around the corner from 2 units. They call in for backup, and 3-5 more units appear to help with the situation, as it could turn into a shootout. Come to find out, that it's actually just 2 people with a Pistol. -- Is this an over the top response? In my opinion, no. Will people get cleared from scene, yes.

Assuming there it 2 police officers per unit that would be in total of max 14 police officers for a store robbery where there are potentally 4 robbers with pistols, that is alot of officers in my opinion. In my situation what made their response a over the top was the AIR support because there is no way of escaping it without a high end car.
I thought store robbery was a semi entry job for criminals, is it meant to be for experianced cirminals with good cars?

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