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Give Coroner Role to LSEMS

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So, I appreciate that work has been put in place to attempt to make the Coroner job more viable/activate by adding a job spot in the city. However it is no secret that even with this, the Coroner needs a lot of work to be viable, for one. ICly and OOCly the majority of people do not know how to contact a Coroner. And the ones who do know generally don't bother trying to call the Coroner because 99.9% of the time there is not going to be one so it is usually a waste of time to try.

My suggestion around this is one that myself and others think would logically make sense, and it would be to either;

A) Remove the freelance Coroner job as it currently is, and instead move the Coroner functions to the LSEMS faction, and then LSEMS can decide if they want to turn Coroner into a Division within the faction. Simply allow On-duty LSEMS to perform the actions that would previously be performed by Coroners. Giving LSEMS the ability to directly handle dead bodies. It makes sense for LSEMS to have this function as LSEMS likely deal the more dead bodies than any other faction or player in the server.

B) If keeping the freelance job available is a priority. Then instead of replacing it entirely. The Coroner job could remain in place as it is. However in this case I would suggest adding the Coroner functions to LSEMS. Giving On-duty LSEMS the ability to Bag, Store and drop off bodies and again it would be LSEMS's call if they make this into a Division or if it's just something that Medics can do in the event of no Coroners being available, this could even be enforced in a way where LSEMS are only able to handle the body IF there are no Coroners available. Which would still allow Civilians to do the Coroner job if they so wish.


Personally I think option A is the more realistic and appropriate option, I do not think anyone would miss the freelance Coroner job. And also from a RP point of view it seems kind of unusual to trust essentially strangers the delicate and responsible task of handling deceased bodies. RPly it makes more sense to lay that responsibility on the LSEMS members who have been vetted and trained to deal with such things. 

TLDR; Remove Coroner Freelance job and give LSEMS the functions of bagging, storing and dropping off dead bodies instead. 

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55 minutes ago, _Kyu_ said:

So, I appreciate that work has been put in place to attempt to make the Coroner job more viable/activate by adding a job spot in the city. However it is no secret that even with this, the Coroner needs a lot of work to be viable, for one. ICly and OOCly the majority of people do not know how to contact a Coroner. And the ones who do know generally don't bother trying to call the Coroner because 99.9% of the time there is not going to be one so it is usually a waste of time to try.

My suggestion around this is one that myself and others think would logically make sense, and it would be to either;

A) Remove the freelance Coroner job as it currently is, and instead move the Coroner functions to the LSEMS faction, and then LSEMS can decide if they want to turn Coroner into a Division within the faction. Simply allow On-duty LSEMS to perform the actions that would previously be performed by Coroners. Giving LSEMS the ability to directly handle dead bodies. It makes sense for LSEMS to have this function as LSEMS likely deal the more dead bodies than any other faction or player in the server.

B) If keeping the freelance job available is a priority. Then instead of replacing it entirely. The Coroner job could remain in place as it is. However in this case I would suggest adding the Coroner functions to LSEMS. Giving On-duty LSEMS the ability to Bag, Store and drop off bodies and again it would be LSEMS's call if they make this into a Division or if it's just something that Medics can do in the event of no Coroners being available, this could even be enforced in a way where LSEMS are only able to handle the body IF there are no Coroners available. Which would still allow Civilians to do the Coroner job if they so wish.


Personally I think option A is the more realistic and appropriate option, I do not think anyone would miss the freelance Coroner job. And also from a RP point of view it seems kind of unusual to trust essentially strangers the delicate and responsible task of handling deceased bodies. RPly it makes more sense to lay that responsibility on the LSEMS members who have been vetted and trained to deal with such things. 

TLDR; Remove Coroner Freelance job and give LSEMS the functions of bagging, storing and dropping off dead bodies instead. 

I think it would be more viable if they just removed the feature that when you leave the area, it cancels the Coroner call. It's quite rare to see a body in the city, and when you do if you are on a hurry you can't wait 10 minutes for someone to respond to your call, also probably not many are ON Duty either.

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Someone mentioned doing essentially what we do now with the spawned civ vehicles and having random bodies spawn, so the coroners would always have some work to do.
I think adding capabilities to LSEMS is a no brainer but I guess they didn't do that at the time as they didn't want EMS just taking all the work for themselves and EMS is there to help players as a primary role.

Thing is, if you're on coroner duty and not handling a call, there can just be a random amount of time and then you specifically get a call about a spawned body, so it's essentially spawned specifically for you.

Could add a bonus to the amount of stored bodies you have in your vehicle to encourage people to do the job for longer too.

As well as adding them to the phone. Given our murder rate, everyone should have the coroners on speed dial 😄

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7 minutes ago, Bala said:

Someone mentioned doing essentially what we do now with the spawned civ vehicles and having random bodies spawn, so the coroners would always have some work to do.
I think adding capabilities to LSEMS is a no brainer but I guess they didn't do that at the time as they didn't want EMS just taking all the work for themselves and EMS is there to help players as a primary role.

Thing is, if you're on coroner duty and not handling a call, there can just be a random amount of time and then you specifically get a call about a spawned body, so it's essentially spawned specifically for you.

Could add a bonus to the amount of stored bodies you have in your vehicle to encourage people to do the job for longer too.

As well as adding them to the phone. Given our murder rate, everyone should have the coroners on speed dial 😄

Add it so dead bodies spawn at some of the incident sites. A lot of these have very rough accidents like train wrecks and car crashes, would only make sense that there would be casualties. 

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35 minutes ago, Icarus said:

Add it so dead bodies spawn at some of the incident sites. A lot of these have very rough accidents like train wrecks and car crashes, would only make sense that there would be casualties. 

Honestly you could fix that by just killing some of the workers, if they don't end up killing each other

Edited by Phantas
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Agreed with all the suggestions above. 

1) Give coroners an app on the phone, so people know it exists, just like DCC for example.

2) Give LSEMS the capability to do the coroners job ONLY when no coroners are on duty. This would work similar to the current /stabalize command for LEOs. When no MD are on shift, LEOs are allowed to use the /stabalize command with the script. Just do the same for coroner commands in the script after the system has checked to see if any coroners are on duty.

3) Spawn random bodies for coroners to pickup, preferably at the incident job sites so it makes more sense!

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12 hours ago, Icarus said:

Add it so dead bodies spawn at some of the incident sites. A lot of these have very rough accidents like train wrecks and car crashes, would only make sense that there would be casualties. 

I mean again, a good shout and you get people overlapping in jobs.

You could probably apply that to the mining and lumber jobs too tbh. Poor Dovah doesn't look where he's whackin and a log falls on his head, happens to me all the time in Valheim.

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Could it be possible to use what we do with SD/PD and MD and the /stabilize command? If no coroners are clocked on, LSEMs would be able to delete the body, and if a coroner is online, they simply have to make the call?

Much like when no MD are on duty, SD/PD can /stabilize whereas if they are on duty the command doesn't work.

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+1 on this idea.

My MD character has some downtime during some hours, this can definitely allow room for those type of coroner calls. However most EMT's do not have the ability to store a body in an ambulance truck, it isn't scriptly possible. This can be a suggestion to change that as well and allow bodies to be stored in ambulances. If this were to get implemented without the ambulance truck change then only Supervisors in MD and above would only be able to take the bodies from the scene since the scout ambulance can hold bodies.

I HIGHLY recommend adding the storebody feature to the ambulance trucks.

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47 minutes ago, CIassify said:

+1 on this idea.

My MD character has some downtime during some hours, this can definitely allow room for those type of coroner calls. However most EMT's do not have the ability to store a body in an ambulance truck, it isn't scriptly possible. This can be a suggestion to change that as well and allow bodies to be stored in ambulances. If this were to get implemented without the ambulance truck change then only Supervisors in MD and above would only be able to take the bodies from the scene since the scout ambulance can hold bodies.

I HIGHLY recommend adding the storebody feature to the ambulance trucks.

+1 as well.

Also, there wouldn't be a need to add a /storebody feature, only a /storebodybag and allow LSEMS and perhaps even LEOs to use the body bags since they exist an set a limit on how many they can carry in vehicles. Also, to prevent LSEMS and LEOs from taking bodies before attempting to contact coroners, take out the 500$ pay for them, only giving the ability to dispose the bodies since it's a bit of a big deal, we always have to stack bodies in piles and ask admins to delete them or taking them one by one to the hospital and just dumping them on the ground..

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2 hours ago, CIassify said:

+1 on this idea.

My MD character has some downtime during some hours, this can definitely allow room for those type of coroner calls. However most EMT's do not have the ability to store a body in an ambulance truck, it isn't scriptly possible. This can be a suggestion to change that as well and allow bodies to be stored in ambulances. If this were to get implemented without the ambulance truck change then only Supervisors in MD and above would only be able to take the bodies from the scene since the scout ambulance can hold bodies.

I HIGHLY recommend adding the storebody feature to the ambulance trucks.

I'll touch onto this as I also have an MD character. We cannot put bodies into our ambulances as he stated, and 90% of the time, when we encounter a dead body, we usually just RP putting it into a bodybag and open a report to see if the body can be deleted by a moderator. If we cannot get a moderator to delete the body for us, it usually just ends up with us tossing the body into a decently sized bush and leaving it to despawn.


I am all for changing the ambulances to be able to store bodies as it would give us more RP incentive to get rid of a body instead of just tossing it into a hidden place for it to despawn.

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I think we can circumvent the whole "nobody knows how to get a coroner -> coroner doesn't get work" thing if we paid people for finding bodies and then advertised that. Have it be a small amount to avoid abuse (like $50) but it incentivizes the behavior. ICly this obviously makes sense and oocly it makes people want to report them.

I'm thinking addiitonally it can publically credit people so that if you've just shot someone you may want to think twice about reporting a body and profiting off of a drive-by. 

With that in mind, you could make generated bodies "reported anonymously". 

Oh, and additionally I think it'd be useful to have coroners travel to lesser-used roads like say North point at Paleto, the dock where Devin Weston was pushed into an early grave, the humane labs parking lot, Davis quarry, etc. to generate traffic to those areas. This also makes sense because if you're going to dump a body, you're obviously going to do it in secluded places. 

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