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Idea for new government faction

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I was wandering around the LS Bank and thought to myself, “man wouldn’t it be great to run the bank and have a system more towards irl banking?” That is why I am proposing this idea. The idea of having bank tellers, security guards, members who run the money from the vault to the tellers, and having loans given at the bank could make the server more enjoyable of a RP. Imagine this towards real life, would you go to a bank to get a loan, or a man or woman in an office? I would choose the bank. It would give a more interesting experience in the bank, with real human interaction, and more choices on what you want to do with your salary and account. We could have different things such as only taking a specific amount out of a salary instead of collecting it all. We could withdrawal some of the money in cash, or have it deposited in our bank accounts. It would give a chsnce for more careers to be added within the city. I would personally be estatic to run this business. I have plenty of ideas to make the business as enjoyable to role play as it can be. I would love feedback on the idea. The idea of running a faction has been large on my dream in Eclispe, as I would love to improve the experience for all members of the community. The general idea of the bank would improve life in the server tremendously. As states prior it would bring more jobs into the economy, and allow for more widespread interaction between the community as I have stated. I feel like this would be  great experience to improve my skills in the world of business, both in game and in real life. It would benifit not only me, but also many members of the community who would enjoy the chance to build some knowledge of the banking system. Thank you for taking your time to read my suggestion/request, and I would be estatic for a reply to my great idea. Thank you in advance for a reply if I do receive a reply. 

Below is the business plan I prepared to give developers something to go on


The business plan has some of my larger ideas for the business mapped out. I really would love to run this business, as I have spent hours into developing the idea and planning it out. 


Edited by It’sDoom
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HarmonLord, one of my plans was to have people from most times zones in the company to keep the odds higher for salary collection and get rid of the bank hours. and either way the paleto bank would be the same if  no one was in town or on duty. I also put (optional) by the guards mainly for the fact it’s not a huge biggy if there is any, and if there is, they’d be making sure the surrounding of the bank and employee lots are in check 

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While the idea of a player ran bank  and the starting document listing some procedures and structure is good, there are still big issues I see that should be addressed in the concept.

1. For the tellers to be able to help customers, they would have to see everyone's licenses as stated in the document, but they also would have to be able to examine their bank account. This means tellers would know how much money anyone they dealt actually had which could get into some privacy issues. How is a customer's privacy protected and how are privacy breaches handled?

2. How would the tellers actually interact with the accounts of their customers? An entire system would need to be established in which the tellers have some sort of access to accounts but also be designed to avoid potential abuse like withdrawing extra money or something. It could be similar to the mechoffer system, like /withdrawoffer id# 50,000 but the atms already kind of do that so they would have to be reworked to only dispense certain limited amounts to make the tellers actually essential. 

3. What is the backup system if no bank employees are available? Does the current system stay in place but is disabled if at least 1 employee is on duty? 

4. The bank sees dozens of people going in for their salary every hour it's open currently. If all those people are lined up to access their account with an actual person, the bank employees would probably get overwhelmed easily during prime times. On top of that, players will likely get disgruntled if they have to sit through long lines just to access salary money, especially if their playtime is limited. What kind of proceedures or backups could be put in place to avoid waiting extended periods vs the immediate system already available?

5. How does the bank actually make money for its treasury to pay workers their salaries? This is important as the business has to have a balanced way of gaining money to justify salaries. The incentive of the 5% of the tax paid by the customer going to the treasury would be a start but with the increased taxes, it could get out of hand quickly.

6. What would be the banks hours of operation? 

7. What risks do the bank employees actually have if it's a NCZ? Every other job on the server has risks to it, removing the NCZ makes it have risks but without ample protection, it would be robbed constantly. Finding a balance of risk vs reward is crucial here.

8. If the bank does become an official faction, shouldn't the money transportation job be included into it? It would add another role that would help bank employees leave the premise of the bank and add risks.

That's all I got at the moment but hopefully it helps create further brainstorming to create the entire concept design of the potential faction and make it more optimal for implementation.

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Wifye, as I previously stated that there is a bank of paleto to counteract when the bank does not have employees on duty and I have plans to keep people on duty. the system I had in mind would be more as a bank account where it is an individual tab, which states their salary, funds, etc. privacy isn’t too much of an issue. the ones who prefer it quiet again could choose paleto or could ask to be whispered it as there is a whisper option. money transport can be included but that wouldn’t be under my control. If it does become a part of the job, it could be the lowest rank in the company on a structure it is on already but with a small salary. The tax money isn’t being used in game so part of it could go into the bank. the operation hours would be regular hours as it is in game already. Many risks are included even as a NCZ. stolen cars in the employees lot, and there could be crime there but the vault itself can’t be robbed, nor the cash there. If you were to go to a bank in real life to collect a salary in a big city, you wouldn’t expect a half second wait when in reality it’s more like minutes to an hour. pretty much it would result in just lines, people waiting etc as it would bring s more realistic factor. And to the players who have limited time, they could ask to cut in front of someone, or come when it isn’t busy. the atm system could be changed where you only can take a maximum of about 10 grand out. Which would be more realistic than 50+. I appreciate your feedback, and took some of these ideas into count. Thank you.

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I don't think there's enough RP involved to justify this being a government faction, if even a faction at all. I would rather see the current player-owned banks modified to support a range of these features.

I don't think that any business or faction however should be involved with salary money, as that's a core script of the server and should never rely on any player to work.

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On 10/11/2018 at 7:14 PM, Magnolia said:

I don't think there's enough RP involved to justify this being a government faction, if even a faction at all. I would rather see the current player-owned banks modified to support a range of these features.

I don't think that any business or faction however should be involved with salary money, as that's a core script of the server and should never rely on any player to work.

As @Magnolia said, what rp will you do when you want to take your salary?

"Hey can i please take my salary?"

- "of course, here it is"

This does sound like a good idea, however the flaws in it are so big it will probably not work. Having a new gov faction will take some time to adapt to, and why would I drive up to paleto if I want to take my salary out? Lest say I want to play poker but no one from the bank faction is online am I supposed to drive up to Paleto Bank in order to get my salary and only return back to see most people left the table?

If u want to make a Bank Of Los Santos faction what sense would it make to have a Paleto Bay Bank that would be empty and remain as it is now?

Other than that what other rp can u do in the bank? Even IRL most transactions are made on ATMs with only the larger transactions requiring actual bank workers. And what will players do if they work there? Do u want to create a completely new economy systems adding funds and different bank accounts? And if so, what will they do?

There is really nothing that can be done here in my opinion. What will you do except of putting/taking money from the ATM and taking your salary?


- Hamin

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