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Everything posted by 1Markov

  1. Go Brody Go! New thread looking good
  2. Overall a +1, it is doable I guess. The front windshield could be played differently, per say a car drove by slowly and you might have been able to get a glimpse of the driver and passengers then you could /ldo it. However if the vehicle flew by you at high speeds it's unlikely you could /ldo it. Scriptly I don't think you could tint the front windshield, but IRL there are tints you can apply from the inside as a foil or whatever, which darkens the view from outside. Again those are pretty much illegal mods, but if this could be RP'd at the appropriate mod shop that does illegal car mods as a side hustle then the driver of the vehicle could easily remain unseen in close to all scenarios. Of course, if this cant be done scriptly, it can always be RP'd and the player that gets his vehicle tinted up can snap a SS with /time as proof that they could use as long as the tint is there. This does get a bit confusing after all. Also worth bringing up the fact that if a vehicle passes you really fast it might be a struggle to even spot the ID, which means you would need to review footage etc. which is needed for the /ldo. Even more confusion might occur if players are desynced or placed in a situation of "was I in front of the vehicle and realistically have been able to see the driver or was I looking at the vehicle from the side".
  3. Hey there, My current ECRP Forums name is Joe Markov, is it possible to get it changed by a SA+? If just "1Markov" is free, I would like to have it changed to that. Thanks!
  4. Wow, the place looks amazing. Nice to see
  5. Sick post my man
  6. A cold beer on the beach The day was the 17th of February 2022, a fairly ordinary Thursday for Joe. The week was coming to an end and the long awaited weekend was just around the corner. Diablos had their usual Wednesday ride the day before and Joe was looking forward to the next one in the weekend. To his pleasant surprise though, after he clocked off duty he received a call from the President, Charlie Rellet. He requested Markov's presence for a quick un-planned ride with a bunch of other Members as there was some business to settle. After a long day of chasing criminals and putting them behind bars this was exactly what Joe needed so he didn't think twice and rushed to get his bike and join his brothers at the DMC Clubhouse. Soon all the members were out the front with their bikes ready, waiting to hear todays plan from the President. Charlie didn't reveal much, but he informed us we would be going to run some business errands that required us to show up in style. For that reason the DMC pack rode to parking and took out the heavy artillery, the trustworthy DMC Unit #1 and DMC Unit #2. After a few moments, the two Ballers were loaded with 8 sharp-looking men, cruising down the boulevards of LS looking more than intimidating... The DMC attended a important meeting and the club was excited for what was coming. After business had been dealt with, the boys couldn't call it a day without taking the choppers for a ride. So it was said, so it was done, everyone put their cuts back on and mounted their bikes. Charlie Rellet had even invited some members of the Lost MC to join us on todays ride. Now closing towards the end of the day, a bunch of bikes were riding in a perfect formation towards the sunset. A suggestion had been that we went to a wild beach on the east coast to do what we did best... which was to drink cold beer and listen to good music whilst observing the astonishing view ahead of us and sharing stories with one another. The company of the Lost was appreciated and all the boys had a pleasant time all the way until the sun went down and the cold breezes of wind struck in, everyone knew by then that it was time to hop on the bikes and ride home. Joe Markov DFFD Diablos forever, Forever Diablos
  7. No Diablos MC Ride is the same... Part-2 Joe had now been on alert with his blood pumping and ready for action. Outside were two desperate gangsters who had locked him inside of the store whilst he was distracted by the Clerk and now lock-picking his Gargoyle. Joe didn't think twice and gave the Clerk a quick look, interrogating Ergun with nothing more but his mean looking face behind the mask. That was enough for him to notice that the Salesman didn't have a clue about what was going on and thus he let out a sigh of relief knowing this was not a setup. Markov was in luck that the Boys were still just around the corner and he had soon radioed for help. The Gangster who was at the time lock-picking Joe's Gargoyle was most likely frightened when he saw multiple, red and yellow in color Choppers flying at high speeds towards him. First on scene were the Rellet's, both Charlie and Ace got their .50's out as they caught the man lock-picking Joe's bike off guard and soon got him under public arrest as he tried to make a run-for-it. The burglar was soon on his knees and PD was called... Mikhail was the one to get the doors opened for Joe that were locked in some way and he came out the Store, giving the criminal a little smirk. He didn't peel a word to them, but he tried to remind him with that sign to be careful when trying to pull something off on a DMC member. Luckily that didn't affect the rest off the ride and the brotherhood kept moving like nothing ever happened. The criminal was charged accordingly and the club got some action, without a doubt this will be a story Joe as well as the rest of the clubs will be sharing many times when the Brothers and Sisters are all gathered around the table at the Clubhouse. Even with the rumors slowly spreading that the Gang that was running with the suspect DMC put behind bars will maybe looking to get a revenge on us, Markov was enjoying the ride because he knew his brothers were there for him should anything happen. This is exactly why the Diablos Motorcycle Club comes very close to Joe's heart, having the feeling of a strong and loyal brotherhood is priceless... Joe Markov DFFD Diablos forever, Forever Diablos
  8. No Diablos MC Ride is the same... Part-1 It was another Friday for the DMC and it was time for a meeting at the Clubhouse. Surprisingly Markov had arrived on time and was awaiting the rest of the brothers and sisters to park their bikes. A few jokes later and it was time to get to business and head upstairs to the meeting room. The President of the club was pleased to finally be able to inform his club about upcoming events and announce changes within the pack of DMC after the long winter break the club had. Nevertheless the eager riders were soon on their bikes and ready to head out for the typical routines, getting gas, paying off dues etc. The process was smooth as always as the boys know the drill like the back of their hand... All dues were soon paid off and everyone was mounting their bikes ready to head out when Markov received a blessing from god knows where. He quickly split of from the formation to run an errand behind the LS Bank and buy something from the Store, notifying his brothers that he needs a second. Joe had now parked his bike outside the store and was going inside, starting to chat with the clerk. He had planned on making a purchase on the fly for some gloves as the throttle on his good ol' Gargoyle had been rubbing his fingers in a bad way. Joe Markov was happy to have found some neat leather gloves, but the Clerk was just not able to put a stop on the fine conversation they were having about Tarkan's twenties. Markov has always been known for being polite and respectful and he would never abrupt the Clerk when speaking about something so "sensible" to them. Finally the loyal DMC Member was about to leave the store and return to his brothers who were waiting... As he started to take a step back, he felt in his gut something was not right. It wasn't going to be that easy. TO BE CONTINUED … Joe Markov DFFD Diablos forever, Forever Diablos
  9. The effort put into this should itself speak about the quality of RP we should expect from this faction. Good luck boys and see you IC!
  10. 1Markov


    Cruise 80 do be on top Thanks to everybody that showed up and shared the fun RP Experience
  11. @Osvaldon I assume people that play with higher ping have a higher chance of getting the gate to bug since they get some latency so they would maybe just see the taxi driving out while the gate is closed and this would result in it bugging. This may sound a bit wierd i know but its the best way of putting it i guess. Tho this bug is pretty random sometimes happens other not, tho when it happens it really hits you. Maybe this report has been up for longer then it should and maybe im wasting your time, so maybe you could close it. The thing is that i just feel its an unnecessary sum to pay since its a bug, only issue is i can not fully prove it thats again nearly impossible...
  12. @Osvaldon I was expecting this question, but at that time we didnt have many taxi drivers on duty so i would say it's very unlikely that someone left the gate open since we are always very strict on that and people close the gate. In the given situation it is not possible to get any other form of evidence unless you stay at DCC and watch the whole time, sadly our cameras are only RPly there but we can not actualy use them like the ones in the stores for example. If we could then it would be seen even on a video. Thanks for the understanding.
  13. 1Markov


    Love that edit, cop at the end got my heart going ngl
  14. Just want to say your cars look really clean and that the post is just on point, keep it up guys!
  15. Date and time (provide timezone): 12/08/2021 after 5PM UTC Character name: Joe Markov Issue/bug you are reporting: I had my Novak parked at the DCC management parking with the gate closed when leaving. When i come back it is simply not there and it was in Mors, meaning it had been picklocked and chopped. I didnt get no alarm notification or anything so i could not make my way to DCC and hopefully get any footage, but i have a screenshot proving my Novak was there and the gate was closed tight. So i just come back to DCC and the Novak is not there, I pop a /vehiclestats and i see its in Mors... Obviously been chopped and driven out from the closed gate (abusing a in game bug to drive the car out like if the gate was open, though it is closed). I right away did a /report 3 but that day there was no admins arround. Expected behavior: I expect people to not take advantage of a unreal bug and make profit off that bug IC. Since when i came the gate was closed for me and no one else opened it, so how come they have driven out the Novak? Its not like the gate was scriptly open when i came there. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: link to the screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/9pbwc38 In there you can see a picture with a time stamp (/time) and my Novak parked in the management parking with a closed gate. Vehicle license plate number*: Lampadati Novak. License plate: LAVA
  16. Huge +1, theese are some changes that need to be made. It will make the DCC more convenient for its Employees. DCC is a faction the city needs just as much or even more than other factions, so why not make their job a bit easier with theese changes?
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