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Everything posted by GodDammitKopi

  1. PENDING RESPONSE ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― After reviewing this report and the evidence attached to it, we have decided that this report cannot be concluded at this time. We would like to receive a response from the following player(s) to explain their side of the story: Sebastian_Knight (66) - Could you please provide your POV and your side of the situation? Could you also explain why it seems you rammed the Elegy Retro Custom? Elise_Cavallera (150) - Could you please provide your POV and your side of the situation? Could you also explain why you tased Johnathan_Wellers? If the requested player(s) do not respond within 24 hours, this report will be concluded based on the evidence that has already been provided, to the best of our ability. Regards, Support Staff Management
  2. This will be your last warning to stop making new ban appeals and wait for your current one to be concluded. I also advise you to answer the question I left you on your current appeal.
  3. Deleting characters is not something we offer. You’ll have to live with your mistake.
  4. Awesome, good luck with your appeal.
  5. You don't tag anyone you make an appeal like I said.
  6. As I said make an appeal that's the only way.
  7. The only way to get unbanned is make an appeal.
  8. What flooding you absolute buffoon. There has been no flooding you are talking crazy.
  9. You just refuel like a normal car.
  10. More trash!!!! @RocketInAPocket massive +1
  11. GodDammitKopi


    Can I drive your super?
  12. Support Staff Team Update. Hector2Fingers has reinstated to the Support Staff team as Support JWIT1 has reinstated to the Support Staff team as Support
  13. +1 some people have like 15 vehicles and it makes it so we have to upload several screenshots. We don't ever take vehicles into consideration for factions so it's redundant to list them.
  14. +1 adding some actual script debuffs from being tased multiple times would be great. Also would add more drug usage which is great.
  15. Going to have to give this a -1. MD's calls dropped a significant amount when more trunks were added to vehicles as more people self-transported. Adding this will cut even more MD calls and give the faction even less to do.
  16. All players are welcome to appeal the punishments they receive.
  17. Good to know this will be coming out of your next paycheck!
  18. I would love to be able to carry an actual ALS bag massive +1
  19. What if we had the option for both? Like a way to toggle it between 12 hours and 24 hours then everyone is happy.
  20. Some of you have never been in the back of a cop car irl and it shows you ain’t bustin out
  21. I fail to see any reason you would need ooc consent for this type of rp. Perhaps you could expand on your reasoning That being said massive -1
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