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About Caderman200

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  1. Character or Account name(s): Characters: Ramon_Cortez, Damien_Sanchez Account Name: Caderman200 Admin who issued the decision: GodDammitKopi Date of decision: 10/MAR/2024 Date of appeal: 16/APR/2024 Decision received: Perm-Banned Reason given for decision: Not Able to RP | Refusing to return after combat logging plus OOC toxicity Your explanation of what happened: I was playing and I was enjoying hitting up ATM's and then a cop turned the corner as I just started hitting one waiting for me [entrapping me] so I decided to leave the game. After that GodDammitKopi [the admin that banned me] was asking me to get back on the server which I told him that I had to leave for supper. Then he got more angry so I just said no to coming and thats the reason I got banned. Why should your appeal be accepted?: Because everyone deserves a second chance. I learned from my mistakes and I promise this wont happen again. How does combat logging ruin roleplay experience for people: It gets rid of the realism that is the key part to a good roleplay experience, if someone leaves during a roleplay it leaves the roleplay in a dry and boring state. Why was it unacceptable to message GodDammitKopi on discord and eclipse forums: Because messaging admins after appealing is not what you are supposed to do. You are supposed to wait for your appeal to either be accepted or denied and then either make a new one or go on with your day. Why should I take you seriously?: I've waited a month long, if you don't know I was playing this server like 6 hours a day everyday so leaving for a month straight was weird for me. I've realised I shouldnt of made things more difficult then they are supposed to be and i've taken this month to calm down and try and get a second chance.
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