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Everything posted by KonaKealoha

  1. Bumping this on up here because I'm not done with my desire to increase item slots, as figured out in the thread it seems like the best option to reduce the concern of lag becoming an issue is to make it a credit store add on. or vip perk.
  2. There's cooler things they can do in the credit shop... I REALLY want them to make a credit add-on where you can get more exterior item slots.
  3. I don't know if this has been suggested in the past but what might be interesting to see is them remove those weird mods from regular mechanic shops and have a "secret body shop" somewhere that you have to find where they offer a range of "illegal" mods. Like bulletproofing a civilian car and hooking your car up with Nitrous Oxide that will give you a speed boost. Maybe other options that aren't coming to my mind right now.
  4. This is the time y'all have been waiting for! Glad we now have airplanes in game. Best of luck with the business.
  5. I definitely agree with this. There's IC things you can do to compete and before anything gets scripted, an individual should be willing to put in the work it takes and use all resources at their current disposal to prove that there's a valuable service you're providing. You want to compete with Weazel? Build a website, write articles, get attention to it, and then you can start charging people for things like nice looking housing ads or classifieds or something... There's defintiely a lot of opportunities, and yes it all requires a lot of hard work, but if you really want to start a competing business you should be willing to put in the work. And in the future once you prove that there's a need for your services then you can come to the admins and demonstrate what can be done to improve things with scripts.
  6. KonaKealoha

    Elysian Mob

    Awesome first post! I love to see so much thought put into it. Love the appeal to keeping on civilians good side, irl gangs love/protect their community whether they are or aren't part of the gang, so great to see that included. Can't wait to see more.
  7. +1 definitely nowhere near a priority, but I'd sure love to see LifeInvader be updated to be a LOT quicker. It's borderline unusable now and I know that they are working on fixing that issue. LifeInvader, if reworked, could definitely get a message/group chat feature if possible.
  8. (( Please Delete - Event Over ))
  9. Going to admit that I don't understand a lick of what you just said, but I'm just going to go ahead and say "Darn, sucks that it wouldn't work because it looks great" and leave it at that.
  10. +1 What else is there to say that hasn't already been said... We definitely need a lot more variety as far as cuisine goes. So many different restaurants that could use their own type of food, makes no sense for a chinese restaurant to serve burgers and sammies, etc...
  11. Agreed, there's definitely enough opportunities and resources out there to start your own business ICly. I think citizens that want to start competing businesses against factions need to first show the initiate and prove that the server can support it, and THEN work on getting it scripted "I started this company, I get x amount of business, i've proven there's a need can you script in an app blah blah blah"
  12. Let me make it very clear that I know quite literally nothing about how these mods work and what is compatible with FiveM vs Rage but I love this one that completes the construction of the eye-sore scrapped skyscraper. I just want to throw it out there and see what the likelihood would be that there's a future in which the Mile High Club would be finished. This mod that finishes the building would offer a lot in terms of roleplay, new apartments restaurants that like the new mall could be rented out to players, restaurants, clothing stores, etc. It would offer SO much more to roleplay with rather than a desolate construction site. https://forum.cfx.re/t/map-rags-riches-v1-4-5-beta-light-featuring-the-mile-high-club/4778991 Again, take this with a very small grain of salt as I do not know if it would even be possible for our server, but noodle it around and give it a like if you think it would provide better RP and a much better skyline.
  13. While I totally agree there needs to be more people out there tackling their dream jobs and starting their own competing companies, I believe that the individual needs to be the one to initiate it. If you have a cool idea like a new magazine or newspaper, start one, prove that you can provide quality and use the resources available right now like LifeInvader to create some hype. THEN if it's popular present the option to devs as to how to bring it to the next level. Start an uber company, get it licensed, buy a stretch or something, and make do... Then once it's popular present your idea to devs about finding a way to make it a faction and scripted. Basically, I agree with you but i think the effort on the individual needs to be made before the effort of the devs.
  14. -1 Having a big fence dividing the cities would be real dystopian'ish and change the roleplay. If I were you I'd rework your idea using Cayo Perico, and suggest them bringing businesses, properties, and an economy there. Now with flights there's multiple ways to get to Cayo, makes it ripe for the pickin'
  15. Dare I say that 10-20 additional slots is a perk worth paying for in the credit store to make it a perm benefit like increasing the number of cars or houses you can have...
  16. Didn't think about it from that perspective so I can understand the hesitation... I guess just give me increased slots then, feels like a fair compromise. LOL
  17. Just thought of an argument in favor of this... People that own two houses or apartments directly next to each other are getting the short end of the stick, big time as that means that they can only have 30 slots even though they have 2 properties since any overlap building area does not know to increase the outdoor slots... Don't want this thread to die without the powers that be giving it a fair thought.
  18. Thanks! Sorry I didn't know this was already a thing, my bad. Feel free to archive post.
  19. Oooh does it? Well ef me, sorry. I should probably do more digging around before I post then. My bad.
  20. I don't want to penalize people who can't log on for a week or two or, heck, even a month at at time, but something needs to be done to start the process of freeing up businesses from players are have gone inactive. Many people throughout various posts have all expressed the same frustration in regards to places like gas stations being abandoned by the owners, Currently there are 5 gas stations that are completely out of fuel and have been for quite some time. I don't know if this is a suggestion people would like but maybe there needs to be some agency that oversees these kinds of businesses to make sure they are maintaining at least some level of activity. Maybe after X amount of time you impose a fine, after X number of fines the business then is considered abandoned and is returned to the city to be auctioned off. Again this conversation isn't to punish people who have something going on that prevents them from logging in, but it at least will cut down on the players who have completely lost interest in the server and for the most part abandoned their businesses. I know that it's no cheap thing to buy one of these scripted businesses but perhaps they shouldn't have been able to have been bought outright to begin with, maybe something similar to how the mall is operating where everything is on a lease, that at least will weed out the inactive folks. Thoughts?
  21. +1 Really the ideal situation would be for any registered business to be given the ability to create some type of faction page... This will give business owners not only their own bank account, but also have a way of hiring employees, paying employees from the account directly and tracking payroll. I don't know how feasible it is to create a system similar to the F4 currently, of course tweaks would need to be made like no government funding goes into those accounts.
  22. KonaKealoha

    Off Market

    Ad Rescinded
  23. It's not out yet but it seems like something that'd be real fun to keep an eye on (Sometime between now and early 2023 it should be released for online servers... But check it out, seems like it could be real interesting. https://rockstarintel.com/las-vegas-comes-to-gta-v-with-this-map-extension-mod
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