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Everything posted by Suken

  1. Selling luxurious 3G in vespucci canals. with 2g exterior and dock can be built. First row of vespucci canals main road and next to the canal for boat garage. Fully remodeled interior Text : 564-4426 Address: 6 Prosperity st.
  2. Selling a 2G stand alone in chumash beachfront have exterior of 8+ vehicles Remodeled interior and exterior Address: 6 Ineseno road. Text : 564-4426
  3. Selling Maxed Elegy retro custom LP: [ Dady ] --- Maxed Windosr LP: [FLYORDIE] --- Stock BF-400 ---- Send offers to 564-4426
  4. Suken


    +1 man literally said it all in 1 word / +1 of what ranger said also he literally mentioned it all in one reply
  5. Heyy , welcome to ECRP make sure to read the rules: Eclipse-RP - GTA V Roleplaying Server and join the discord : https://discordapp.com/invite/y2gxAjg here is a video that can help out : Feel free to ask question in discord. Have fun !!
  6. Date and time (provide timezone): 30/04/2022 1:30 am UTC +2gmt Character name: Dario_Greenwood Issue/bug you are reporting: Timer on packed money Expected behavior: as per the recent update packed money should last 3 days and it still has a timer of 24h and counting down Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I noticed that on packed money from ATMs / stores / banks the timer for it should be placed as 3day/72h not normal 24h Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  7. Suken


    well, it is something that is around for a while and not all cops do it some let you RP. I encourage you to have instant replay on as at the end it is RP server not just typing some commands and putting people in jail and if you feel any rule was broken or it was NRP/Failrp just report it to make sure to read the rules once more to make it easier
  8. Heyy, welcome to ECRP! (Just want to make sure you know the server runs on RAGE MP, not FiveM so you don't be confused about why you can't find it)
  9. i hope you enjoy it here make sure to read ECRP Rules and most importantly have fun!
  10. +/- 1 neutral for now, can you give more input on how you think it should be done. it depends on how it is going to be done
  11. Suken

    Forum name change

    i don't wish any other name. if suken is taken (hopefully not) would like my name to stay the same
  12. if possible would like my username to be changed to Suken
  13. welcome back and all but just so you know with fun comes a little bit of responsibility as long as you follow the rules of the server you can enjoy and have fun as much as you want at the end well all here for the same reason just to have fun. hope you enjoy the server and the RP
  14. +1 i agree on that with all the new additions to all the legal factions over the course of 18 month on other hand low-to-none to illegal factions. it just feels like legal factions get stuff done faster than illegal ones i believe we really need more time to focus more on illegal factions and give them more attention and take some of that attention given to legal ones as it is really needed. as literally no new change it just daily routine with even prices increases on us x3 on guns with no more ways of gaining money other than the ones we had before the gun price increase. we want to have fun yet it turned out to play to win mentality with even legals not capable of taking an L in which all the stuff they had were given to them. didn't waste a single penny on his loss
  15. is there a way to request a wall placed down i just need a wall placed down to maintain the building and it is out of my range i own the whole building tho it makes sense that i would be able to place that wall down
  16. Date and time (provide timezone): 22/03/2022 Character name: Dario_Greenwood Issue/bug you are reporting: more than 25% of the property exterior building range isn't on my property Expected behavior: the building range or the white bubble to be adjusted so that i be capable of building on my property not on the street and adjustent property Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: will send to handling member for privacy matter. Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  17. +1 would make sense for other factions and to provide more accurate rp and to just eliminate the fact that when you are a Mc club or a business to show badge it makes no sense that they have a "badge"
  18. Great Post, Looking forward to see the Red cars roaming around the streets
  19. +1 it isn't intended to say it made the gameplay for all not good but the majority faced issues with it. This isn't directed with People with good/high end pc who didn't face issues it is directed for the people with fair/medium specs
  20. it isn't about some players or if it is bad or not . it isn't bad to have it looking that good but your pc specs makes it able for you to handle it. but for other players with lower specs and during those current moments the whole world is facing . i don't think many can upgrade their specs or have that already good specs to handle it. i have seen people streams and lot of people talking about their decrease of FPS By 40 or even more
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