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Ed Johnston

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Everything posted by Ed Johnston

  1. No, we have been granted permission to use Teamspeak so we can monitor/use two radio frequencies at once in a very limited amount of situations where we do not wish to clutter our main radio, so we we use it.
  2. So as I understand you where in LSEMS and PD for a while so I'm quite confused as to why you don't understand the importance of PD using TeamSpeak, although you didn't last long in the latter faction so you get the benefit of the doubt. TAC channels where granted to LEO factions to act as an extension of our in game radio system to be used in limited situations to avoid cluttering our main in game frequency, and for all intents and purposes is identical to the in game radio system. This was done because the current in game radio system does not allow someone to tune to more than one frequency at a time, which realistically Police Departments would have the ability to do so either with a second mobile radio unit in their patrol vehicle or by using their hand-held, while it is very likely most criminals would not have this option of having multiple radios given the price and licensing, but for the sake of Eclipse I get it. I'm totally for improving the radio script allowing anyone to tune to multiple frequencies at once. Additionally, there are strict limitations to the situations we may use TAC and for how long and members are required to talk in game and in TeamSpeak to prevent metagaming. As you pointed out government factions have several restricted frequencies that they could use in place of TeamSpeak, however this idea has been tried and did not work for several reasons, the main one being you're unable to monitor more than one frequency leading to confusion. Secondly I do not appreciate the accusatory tone of this post implying that if someone in a government faction was metagaming in TeamSpeak, no one else would care or that metagaming in the TeamSpeak is somehow common place. Several members of the government factions are staff members, and even those who aren't are against metagaming and it is enforced from a faction and server staff stand point. As Jason has pointed out, there is nothing preventing you from sitting in a Discord call with friends while playing as long as you are not metagaming. As for your point of being profiled for using Discord (lmao), if players were using TeamSpeak in a similar manner in footage for a report they would be met with the same line of questioning.
  3. Huge minus one from me. If I want to log off in the PD Locker Room every time I should be allowed to. If I want to go to my 4G and log out, I should be able to. Totally removes player choice.
  4. This, so much. You'd have Law Enforcement in first and clear it for secondary explosive devices or other threats before sending in FD to extinguish it. The higher priority is responder safety, not putting out the fire.
  5. From an outside perspective this is a totally valid viewpoint, and you are totally correct there are different proceedures in all areas. As for fire scene, I've quite literally had officers kick down doors and run in to make a save before we've even made entry or pulling hose along side me. Also every fire scene is also a crime scene, officers and detectives as well as fire investigators are there to determine the origin of the fire. And for an explosion you'd easily have multiple agancies both local and federal on scene in a matter of hours investigating.
  6. In my 5 years of working as a Firefighter EMT, 3 of which have been full time, not once have I been to a call were there was not an officer already on scene or arrived shortly after we arrived, from building fires to an ambulance runs.
  7. +1. As someone who deals with this irl, the last thing I want is to log onto eclipse and deal with it here.
  8. This was a bhg withRageMP and has since been fixed in the latest patch.
  9. As an EMT/Firefighter, the call taker at the dispatch center often has an open line with the caller and will try to keep the caller on the line until a responder has arrived and call them back until that point. Dispatch will give us updated information as it comes from the caller while we are still enroute. While the system of the call automatically getting closed every time a patient moves away from the location every time isn't the most realistic thing, its better than the alternative of the call staying open all the time every time (imo) and I think it acts as a good replacement for having actual call takers and a human dispatch. Most dispatch/911 call centers use some form of Enhanced911, which allows tracking the caller's location and phone number regardless if the caller provides it. Unless you had some sort of VPN or burner phone, this would be unrealistic of a large city such as LA, which Los Santos is based off of. Honestly I think the fix for this problem is to get an update from dispatch saying Caller No Longer on Scene, but the call remains open. The reason PD calls don't close when the caller dies/moves away is to allow PD to still RP and try to investigate.
  10. @WobblierDog15
  11. Another potential solution to this is for them to implement a hazmat suit in /pw like they recently did for /mw.
  12. I just made a video of it in preparation to make a bug report not having seen yours.
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