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About Cooksley

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  1. Hope you saw some of mine :p. Anyways welcome any questions ask in discord #ihaveaquestion or you can PM me directly as my inbox is always open to the community no matter the question.
  2. I am also amazed with your English. Props to you and welcome hope you enjoy. Any questions feel free to ask in discord in the #ihaveaquestion or you can ask me personally as my inbox is always open to the community no matter the question.
  3. Yes you just thought of the solution so people cant abuse it give yourself a pat on the back. The reset if they get in the car is so they cant abuse it but only if you report it at PD will that allow people not able to abuse it. I mean there is still some ways but why go through all that work lol.
  4. I do think this is possible and should happen for the better of the community. So if there car does get stolen and impounded due to being illegally parked it's up to them to report it so they dont have to pay a fee. But we also got to think about that people also should have the ability to remove their car from the stolen cars list as well.
  5. Would be the best way of doing it instead of it being like a 911 call so it could act like our bolo system so when we pull up to a 10-55 or see something suspicious we can look at stolen vehicles in that tab.
  6. It's sad to see these posts of who is he? Good! It sickens me. I have thought about suicide many times with my time in the LSPD I have lost so much and have gained nothing! You all sicken me with your comments. Mental health is a real thing and it doesnt matter who he was and what he did he was a person, I didnt even know him but you all sicken me and will be purged JUSTICE will be served you sick in considerate fucks. Have some empathy!!! -Travis McGregor
  7. I dont see why it wouldnt be removed as a chopped car is literally being taken apart and stripped usually so yeee. But if it made to be in the MDC they can make a tab of stolen vehicles. And then when you run a plate it can be flagged or not is how I think the best way to go about it is.
  8. +1 this is essential to make sure that correct cars that are stolen get impounded correctly.
  9. Will be moving this to suggestions sub forum.
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