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Everything posted by GR_Seb

  1. Suggestion Hello my friends from Eclipse Roleplay, today I would like to suggest something that it's going help with our immersion . New Command /sdo. Given that /fdo has a great success, I thought about a way for everyone to easily add immersion in their roleplay using /selfdo. This command should be an alternative of floatingdo but have it attached on your torso. With this, you can display items that don't exist, for example ribbons on uniform, bandages on body. This command will display a text in close range indicating self roleplay. /removesdo to remove them. +1 if you like it!
  2. With all due respect, given that people with a singular felony on their record are banned from applying for even a ridealong with PD/SD, granting them such a powerful role of the dispatcher would be against any In character policy. But yeah, having a dispatcher with a livemap and all that would be great as a concept. Here's the negative tho, Imagine we have a 911 call and we have to rely on someone that is not part of PD/SD to forward the call to PD or SD, inform PD or SD about the callers details and locations, inform them about the situation and dispatch a unit there? You are 5 minutes late already non emergency or not. So that will kill our responce times. In general this suggestion should be for the faction leaders and managment to consider of a new divison that of the dispatcher where a sworn member(s) can take that role.
  3. What I would like is a TACKLE script so we don't taze people all the time, how cool would it be if you could tackle and have a fair roleplay / or fight before you tase thm?
  4. You want an active Pier? Make a part of it a NCZ. Also, put a fish-sell point there BUT it should give you less money than the original one to prevent moneyfarm.
  5. Cheers I added a comment saying that! I appreciate you pointing it out!
  6. How about we begin by removing numbers and freetext. /alias First name Lastname . Instead of /alias i want to kill him or 9280
  7. Drugs only use is to be sold to NPC's, imagine if players were in NEED of drugs, the payout and the roleplay would be amazing!
  8. This was truly great, glad to be part of it, I hope there's more!
  9. Hello, can I have my forum name changed to GR_Seb please? There's no rush, take your time about it!
  10. If somehow weazel could manage that, it would be A M A Z I N G.
  11. GR_Seb


    That's not true. METRO has 150 armor on active deployment. We have specific regulations and we need METRO Command approval to get permission for the 200 armor. Just to clarify, I've only used the 200 armor 4 times since we ever got em. hrxvey
  12. Discussion Hello my friends from Eclipse Roleplay, today I would like to open a new discussion with you. Eclipse Roleplay in 2022 and counting. Having a huge community and a server that is still alive for 5 years is a great achievement. It's true that as gamers we are hardly ever satisfied, we always expect more and deserve more. More updates, more content, more scripts, more balance, more players online. I would like to ask you, what do you love about this server? Most of us are here for 3 years or less. Personally, I am glad that I found the oportunity to develop my character in a server that combines text and voice. I am also glad that some of the toxic users got removed. This server combines a good flow in general although I have never been in the criminal side. For me, the best thing about this server is the community, I managed to find people to spend so many hours with, laugh and joke, express our fustration or share ideas. Also, it provides me with content to share with you on youtube and it's fun. But tell me about you, do you have a roleplay scene that you still remember? Something funny? I am looking forward to see! I will start with the latest one that was a great scale terrorist attack that over 200 people took part!
  13. We pay taxes so the Government can fund the departments for their equipment and salary. It's a JOB. Based on your logic, we will have Money Transporters buying their own money transport car to work, Truckers buying their own Truck and Cargo to work, Road Construction buying their own vehicles to work, Medics buying their own ambulances to work, Coroners buying their own bodybags and Romeos, LSC buying their own towtrucks, Taxi drivers buying their own taxis. It makes no sense. It's a roleplay server, it's not Cops vs Robbers with /me and /do.
  14. Suggestion Hello my friends from Eclipse Roleplay, today I would like to suggest something that it's going help with our immersion . Server-side Sound Mods Firstly i decided not to include any sound mod demonstrations because everyone has a different taste. Having the ability to distinguish different types of weapons being discharged is something realistic, also loud gunfire is realistic too. Gta lacks such elements. In my opinion with a server side quality sound mod, all of us will be able to get more immersed and also give silencers actual reason. Please discuss your opinion in Eclipse adding a server side weapon sound pack. +1 if you like it!
  15. If you want to be realistic, the NPC would hit the alarm the moment you brandish the firearm without aiming. The store owners should pay to upgrade security, even paying for their NPC to own a weapon and shoot back, or even pay 500k for the NPC to lock the thieves inside the store. If such things existed there would be no need for police to spectate cameras. The majority enters the store masked with guns out and walk around deciding who will aim and who will grab cash like the NPC doesn't see you getting ready to rob him. If it was a real cashier he'd lock the store till you remove your masks.
  16. Suggestion Hello my friends from Eclipse Roleplay, today I would like to suggest something that it's going help criminals from the current balance issues. TRIPLE PAYOUT FROM ROBBERIES. Grinding for weeks as a lifetime criminal is a pain in the ass, the loss you have from fines and prison time demotivates people from grinding again to aquire their AK and body armors which can be annoying. What I suggest is a simple tweak. When you rob a store or a bank and there are less than 30 LEOS on duty, you should get the normal payout. When there are over 40, you should get double the amount, when there are over 50, you should get tripple the amount. Yes it's rare to have 50 units on duty but it counts both for PD and SD, at the recent terrorist event, we surpassed the 100 units so it's possible. Also I am not including ATM robbing. +1 if you like it!
  17. Yes please. Also GOV could lease those stores for players to run.
  18. So here's my point of view. You are asking things to get balanced and you suggest that you the driver should be able to shoot from the driver seat. What will change? You complaint about 3 cars chasing you but you suggest a way to ESCALATE this by shooting an officer. What do you expect to happen? Police will adjust in a day and you will have the police cruiser driver ready to shoot back while his passenger is getting your paperwork. And once you shoot first, you will get shot at from the driver too. Yes, shooting as a driver should be a thing when the car is stationary and forcing you on FIRST PERSON. But that's not a way to bring balance. You just make things worse.
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