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Posts posted by HobGoblin

  1. If we didn't have to type the roleplay each time then I have no issue with timers but currently we have to type out a /me then /pw. Typing this out already adds time to the /pw. There could be a auto /ame or something like "/ame unracks the shotgun from the cruiser" "/ame unracks the SMG from the cruiser" and same for when we put it back "/ame racks the shotgun from the cruiser" "/ame racks the SMG from the cruiser".

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  2. 7 hours ago, CallumMontie said:


    I entirely disagree with a "baiting" rule. Instead the "Cop Baiting" aspect should be removed. Enforcing that baiting/provoking a reaction is an IC issue with solely an IC consequence. 

    I don't think we need literally any further restricting rules, or petty reasons to report over.

    I 100% agree with this. If you do an action IC like driving past a Police Car to get a pursuit, you get IC consequences. There could be IC reason for this to distract the police for example while a bigger crime is being committed somewhere else. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Dara orkonson said:

    So now you’re saying gangs shouldn’t do it? Alright sweet noted. I’ll wait for the alarm in the bank to go off and get called to the scene and do it then. 


    My point is you shouldn’t be checking those timers at all. You should ONLY be in those banks for the reasons I provided earlier. They seem completely fair to me. If you can’t understand that, that’s on you. 

    I don’t think anyone should be checking the timers. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Dara orkonson said:

    PD is one to talk about script abuse haha, you're insane if you don't think they camp the banks it's funny you've even mentioned it but sure whatever floats your boat. I'm sure MANY gang members can also hear to this.

    Also it was clearly an exaggeration, you've also completely disregarded my first point in my last reply..

    In my opinion, PD should stay out of banks completely until they got a call about something suspicious or the alarm has been triggered. Otherwise I can only assume you're in there checking the timer on the door. Which has happened dozens of times

    I have never seen anyone from PD “check the timer on the door”. Every time we find out about a bank robbery is because the alarm has gone off. Unless you have a video of this I find it very hard to believe. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Dara orkonson said:


    Also if cops still have the ability to check bank timers, they should be removed. You could sit in a bush for an hour waiting for a bank to be ready and you'll magically see cops run in and out and come back Just in time for the bank robbery! Who would've thought?

    If your saying you sit in a bush waiting for the bank to be able to be robbed this sounds like script abuse. I can assure you we don’t magically know when they can be robbed. Also PD don’t camp the bank when they can be robbed. 

  6. Just now, Dara orkonson said:

    I don't understand the whole "You guys aren't smart enough to rob a bank blah blah blah" I mean PD was literally across from the bank armed with helicopters and snipers on the roof waiting for us to go out. Like it was said, there's ONE exit. You're either getting slammed by a police car on foot or 1 shot sniped from across the city haha, I don't know what more you expect from any gangs in the city, there's nothing more we can do, and trust me we've tried everything in the book. You act like we have some sick artificial intelligence in place to outsmart the PD or something. We, on both sides know how impossible these bank heists are, and there's been a decline in them from all gangs for a reason. It's not that it's boring, it's simply a waste of time getting MOWED down the second you leave the bank.

    You have to remember PD has protocols, which basically stops us from even taking the first shot in most situations. If you want to be robbing a bank then exit pointing a shotgun at multiple Officers then what do you expect. 

  7. @Itzsonzy  We both know PD does offer good RP. Countless times we do RP with criminals were we are putting a lot into the RP to get “/do s” every time or getting them going into /b complaining about charges.  Don’t get me wrong this is only a small amount of crims but I know most of PD offer good RP. Maybe a small amount don’t give the best RP which I agree with but to say it’s PD in general is going to far. 

  8. 1 minute ago, mikebumbum said:

    i am a criminal .... im not supposed to have good interactions with PD i expect good RP though which is never given to any crim from any PD

    You say PD never gives you good RP. I can tell you know that PD does give good RP to crims. This also works both ways. 

  9. 1 minute ago, mikebumbum said:

    you literally never had a real crim character clearly why do cops feel the need to come to these posts and shit on them its just so cops stay OP and keep winning every scenario like if you havent actually played a real crim you dont get it

    I know that he has a Crim character that was in a Official gang. I have also tried to catch his crim character and each time he successfully evaded. You just have to play smart. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, crazd said:

    I still don't see how him being a member of our gang means you can just shoot him, when he was un-armed with his arms raised? 

    I don’t remember point by point what happened. Both parties PD and Crim started to shoot each other when the gang was exiting the bank. You sent him out first as a shield as you thought we wouldn’t shoot as you was all behind him. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, mikebumbum said:

    i cant see how you even can say you have experience on both sides as your crim alt was literally in misfits and that was it you probably never got to even fully experience crim for this to be a real conversation you need to have 2 well known chars one on PD and one Crim at least a main crim as our RP is literally ruined by PD every day because they literally only want to win

    I never stated I had a lot of experience as a crim. Also @mikebumbum to address the part “for this to be a real conversation you need to have 2 well known chars one on PD and one Crim” I wasn’t aware you had a PD alt?  Also about the part where you say PD already want to win. You have got this wrong. PD always want to arrest people as this is our job. Just like crims want to commit crimes and get away with them. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, FrankieP said:

    It was a bottom ranking Dojin-Kai member, not a "well known gang member" like ghost or Mike. Chat shit. Either way, he was unarmed, your aim should always be to subdue perps with a minimal amount of casualties.

    Maybe he was low ranking but more than half of the Officer (PD and SD) knew white he was and that he was part of the gang. You all started to push out the bank aiming your guns but sending the hostage first. Using a gang member either way as a hostage was a decisions you all made and as it wasn’t the smartest decision the outcome was shit. 

  13. @mikebumbum   I saw that you said that PD shot down your hostage. I was on scene one time where you had a “hostage” and I can confirm that “hostage” was shot down. You may ask why. The reason was that it was your gang member. If you actually have a hostage we obviously won’t shoot them but using a well know gang member as your hostage won’t get you far.  If you was smarter in the robbery it would have had a different outcome.  Also at most bank robberies with your gang PD has been shot at as soon as they arrive at the bank. This causes a shootout all the time. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Copperhorse said:

    -1 since there's no other way to check if you're wanted.

    Realistically you would get a letter in the mail and telling yourself to turn yourself in with a list of charges. Right now there's no other way besides to do /payfine.

    Implement another way to tell when charges have been added (besides having to talk to a police officer) and I'm fine with it being removed, but as for now -1.

    Realistically you would go to court then get sentenced.

    Changing what the command shows will stop Criminals metagaming their charges. 

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