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Posts posted by HobGoblin

  1. On 1/27/2020 at 5:04 AM, iAmCrim said:

    Nice 2g 3rd Floor Apartment with roof access

    3 car garage built on bottom floor

    Looking for 550k or best offer send offers to 2259815


    Is the parking space you built okay with the other people living in that building?

  2. 15 minutes ago, MrUntouchable215 said:

    The thing is, the people you speak of aren't exactly a 'gang' as people call it. They're 'Jack boys' and they will always exist. When I was still a baby in town, before Zetas even existed, I was out doing petty shit like robbing pauls farm and such and yet, when you join one of these gangs like WCA, Aztecas, Rooks, Zetas and triads, that mindset changes and you're no longer able to do such things. These guys you speak of aren't part of any organization or gang, they're simply snatchers. Next time you see one, just yell "Swiper no swiping!" and that should do the trick.

    Iv seen the Official gangs do what Iv said above. Especially at the butchers. 

  3. On 1/25/2020 at 7:48 PM, MrUntouchable215 said:

    I think another issue and likely the main one is the attitude of the players when it comes down to it. This PD vs Crim mindset separates us and genuinely kills RP. We're on opposite sides and are ultimately enemies, but that mentality should not carry over oocly, rather we should try to be objective and non bias on what we think should happen. I have a question that I would like people to genuinely answer, there's no right or wrong answer, just state what you think you know.

    PD/SD has:
    Insurgents and other armored vehicles.
    High speed units
    A GPS that shows every car around them, almost nullifying call outs to some extents.
    Encrypted radiofreqs
    Cruisers that go 230+
    Carbines and almost every other gun criminals have other than Ak-47s and special imports. Sniper rifles, etc
    Breach capabilties
    Phone tracking
    5% chance to intercept official gangs weapon import locations
    NCZ headquarters
    Body Armor
    Get paid while doing all of this

    Criminals have:
    Store robberies
    Weapon imports for official gangs, shared between every other official gang
    Warehouse and interiors
    Fast cars
    60 player capped faction, but unlimited if you aren't official (Which makes up for the cap in general if every gang suddenly decided to alliance themselves)
    No treasury funding, other than IC actions that pay us, disallowing us from paying our members.
    - We have to pay for all of our assets we use on a daily basis

    If I missed something on both the criminal/PD end, I'd appreciate it if someone could help me fill in the blanks. None of this is a bad thing keep in mind, I'm listing this as to say "Let's start here" It makes sense that PD has the features they have. Now that it's out the way, let's stop comparing each other. We get it, PD is stronger, but how can we balance things a bit to benefit both sides equally? Your RP is our RP and vice versa, keep that in mind.

    You mentioned the PD vs Crim mindset. I agree with you but other people do try to Roleplay a normal citizen but they’ll go mining or hunting only to get robbed by some criminal who’s waiting at the foundry or butchers.  This makes it hard for anyone to be a normal working person as some gang will always be there waiting to rob you or house raid you. 

  4. People should always RP the stuff. As myself in PD I know it’s expected to Rp taking the stuff.  If you see someone run to a car and get a vest with no Rp then report them.  Same goes for taking out weapons. We have to Rp taking them out the gun rack. If we removed the /pw from the car we would not be able to “place the gun Into a gun rack”. We have to use /Pw then remove the weapon and use it again to get it back.  I see a few officers Rp taking more from the armory and placing them into the trunk. After each gun fights most officers do go back to mission row.   

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  5. On 1/22/2020 at 1:02 PM, Swattpup1989 said:

    Cascade Nightclub is hiring once again. We are reworking the clubs feel and look. If interested please feel free to contact me via email here OR shoot me a text @ 3003630.

    Positions currently needing to be filled -

    If applying for security, you must have a CLEAN criminal record (besides for traffic issues) and a VALID firearm permit.

    This club is a drug free and weapon free zone with the exception of security having firearms.

    Me and a few mates all work and PD/MD and all have kamatchos.  Would be happy to help with security. All depends on the time you need us.  Messaged me to meet up and have a talk. #2576989.

  6. I think legal factions should be able to get legal attachments for there weapons. For example a flashlight for their guns. Realistically flash lights ect would be able to buy for the public. And extended mags ect for SWAT and SED. A flashlight on guns could be purchased from the normal weapons shop. Or could also be limited to legal factions. 

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