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Posts posted by HobGoblin

  1. Date and time (provide timezone): 23/03/2020 23:40

    Character name: Samuel Martin

    Issue/bug you are reporting: SWAT helmet for the males doesn't show after someone does /phat or /aduty while on SWAT duty.

    Expected behavior:  Even thought someone does /phat or /aduty the helmet should still stay.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: After a server restart the helmet is back. 

    Join PD as a male and be in the SWAT group

    Type /swat then /phat once in the uniform

    From then on until another restart the helmet will not come back.


    Vehicle license plate number*: N/A

  2. On 1/25/2020 at 12:35 AM, Magz said:

    -1 reason it takes the guns and destroyes them is so PD can't pocket them for themselves. There is no reason why them getting destroyed on taking them off someone is a problem. Would only be a problem if the officer would be trying to keep them to try feed a crim character or somthing. 

    We don't pocket the guns. When we take the guns they are put into evidence. If the gun just vanishes then how are we supposed to check the serial number or check or attachments?



    +1 for the commands giving the officer the stuff. Stops OOC uncuffs and saves a lot of time. Iv had situations where it doubled the arrest due to the person not dropping the weapons after a OOC uncuff.

  3. 13 hours ago, Ediktas said:

    Selling maxed Novak

    Price: 450k at HE or 430k at Bank

    Contact me #5334171

    Would you trade for a maxed seven-70 and cash?

  4. On 2/4/2020 at 5:25 PM, Jasmine said:

    2) Stop being complete jerks to civilians.

    - I get you are RPing, but why does it seem the majority of cops all RP being rude cops? Not all cops act this way to civilians.
    - It is frustrating being a civilian, and calling PD, to then be threatened to be arrested because you are upset about being robbed.
    - Attempt to collect evidence, or try to get the stolen property back. (or at least pretend to!) IRL, if I make a report of being robbed or carjacked, their is zero chance the officer is gonna just say "yo you got evidence? no? then I'm out aint shit I can do." PD should be just as eager (at least RPly) to catch these guys as the civilian. At least get a description, take a report, and call it in. Who knows? you might even catch them. 
    - Again, there are some really cool, amazing PD RPrs out there, but I think a bit of culture change could go a long way in making all of them amazing.

    Most cops aren’t rude to civilians. So I’m not sure where this has come from.  Also no cop threatens to arrest you because you have been robbed. If you ring the police and are wanted them you have to expect to be arrested. We don’t just go to 911 calls and threaten to arrest them.  Also most cops do get a description of the person who robbed you and will make other officers aware and to be looking for them. But people think just because they can identify someone we can add charges for robbery ect. When we can’t we need some sort of proof or something to link them items belonging to you. (I’m a cop on one of my characters and I feel like you have had one bad experience)


    also about chasing cars, is it realistic to have that many super cars in the city? And is it realistic for them to be going 200+ in a built up area?

  5. 1 hour ago, Meowksius said:

    Last time I was stopped randomly, complied, they pull guns get of the bike, you have charges. Interaction before that was with mask and I got away

    I don’t know. I wasn’t  there but I know people don’t charge on ID’s. 

  6. 28 minutes ago, Meowksius said:

    Its hard to make a report then you evade cops with mask on, and someone still places charges on your id, most police officers dont do this anymore, but there are still some who do, and you get chased by cops again after 1h for nothing, ends up being the charges put on while chasing you

    If you get a charge when you have a mask on it could be other reasons how they knew. Ask the officer how they know it was you. They will explain the reasoning.

  7. As a law enforcement my self I can assure you we don’t. We actually use there clothes ect. We get a good description of them and use that. If you think someone is using the ID then you should make a report. 

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