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Everything posted by Azphelle

  1. Shit like that should be left to admin. Although, role-playing being dead could be interesting. Getting to rp a scenario of performing an autopsy with the "dead" person using /do etc. Also would add more depth to investigations and such. But then we're left with, if the person is just RPing being dead....how do they RP their body being taken away as they cant just cancel the animation and run out of central MD.
  2. These are super amazing to read!
  3. I understand what RWT is, but I am using it in the context of the server rules. They class RWT as the trading of in-game items without IC reason or going through the proper protocol.
  4. Abuse was probably a strong word. However all characters appear on the Panel with their stats , cars, etc but also the admin log for each character. If someone deletes a character because they messed up too many times, would the log be deleted too? If they're a somewhat established character that decides they RP'd wrong and wants to start again, would they bother going through the trouble of getting permission to transfer assets or would they be tempted to RWT it to their alt or new character? There's just a lot of factors to consider. However I still stand by either letting New Players yeet their mistake character or having a character removal subforum.
  5. +1 Or at least make it so the ability to delete a character lasts until the New Player status ends. I know it's more work for the admin but perhaps having an extra subforum for character removal. There you could request character deletion with why and the Admin could approve or deny it to stop the feature being abused.
  6. By the book, by the law. You want NPC's with no personality. You want to see change in PD to suit you. Most of what you have already stated is in the end, complaining about PD not doing their job the way you want them to. Then throwing the word corruption around as a blanket statement. How officers RP is up to them, whether it is good or bad. They are not just there as mild thorn in the side to criminals shenanigans. They owe criminals, gangs and their affiliates nothing. Both sides have seen corruption and it has made for some extremely interesting RP. ICly PD are sick of the same old shit, OOCly a lot are sick of it too regarding gang stuff. They get reported if they do their job, they get reported for corruption if they don't. Holding PD at a higher standard of RP when most criminals can't tell the difference between IC and OOC, is wrong. PD are not meant to be the leading faction for ECRP, they should be held at the same level as everyone else. Which means WE want more RP and better quality from gangs and crims instead of the boring same old of getting shot at because someone radios in their gang with their hands up and 2 officers get gunned down by 5 people with heavies. "PD OP PLIS NERF" Let's talk about heavy weapons import then shall we?
  7. My digs were only towards the countless masses of people I see on the forums and have dealt with ICly. The rants about the time they get, the no RP, the corruption. I did a traffic stop as I caught someone going 120, have them the appropriate ticket and have CORRUPTION shouted at me both ICly and in /b. Another time, mostly when asking an individual or two to remove their masks at a CRIME SCENE or another traffic stop, they pause RP to yell at me in /b about how corrupt PD is because we target masked individuals even if they're "doing nothing". Throwing around the word 'corruption' is getting incredibly overused and is becoming commonplace in arrests when people get pissed. They don't like that they have to legally remove their mask and identify themselves, CORRUPTION! They get charged for exactly what they did wrong, CORRUPTION! They get pulled over because their car was identified from a BOLO, CORRUPTION AND METAGAMING! Police have to tread on thin ice when dealing with anybody now. Why isn't there enough RP during arrests, traffic stops etc? Because they turn into /b debates about different penal codes and how cops are corrupt and constantly profiling and picking on 'innocent' civilians. PD WANT to RP these scenarios but with 9 times out of 10 the person being detained has already radioed in their mates to come and kill us, with hands up I may add,they just want to get out of there. So yeah, my response can be seen as quite childish but once you understand what PD have to deal with every day, maybe you'd understand why!
  8. To be honest, the amount of complaining about PD is just coming from criminals that are mad they got caught. They want better RP but will not think twice about a few DM, VDM and NONRP punishments for the sake of their own 'RP'. "Police aren't doing the jobs the way I want them to" is also what I'm hearing. PD are not here as NPC game mechanics, they're people who want to RP and develop their own characters. If they are confronted with a troublesome suspect, they may add extra charges that they weren't going to give. Not made up charges, but ones they were going to let slide but then you piss them off and they add it due to that! Gangs get to do whatever they want and PD end up getting judged because they're in a position of power. If you feel they have too much power, then you need to maybe think about real life scenarios and understand how much power REAL police have. Then maybe you'd realise PD aren't actually all that bad. Someone got 8 hours for murdering officers plus other charges. What's wrong with that? You MURDERED police officers! Face the consequences. People complaining they want realism only when it suits them. If anything, PD on this server need MORE power. Gangs rule literal streets, most laws are broken tenfold over the course of a day etc. If this was IRL there'd be martial law set in place and every officer would be carrying a heavy. But noooo "PD are big meanies because they interrupt and ruin my fun crime time by punishing me waaaah".
  9. I like that. The NCZ only being applicable during 8am - 11pm(or 10pm, I forgot!). The server and the players need an incentive to move on and find RP elsewhere. There's enough people on the server for RP to be found!
  10. This right here. Then when police try to as you say, it ends up in OOC insults and unnecessary anger towards officers. An NCZ isn't a 'pause' button for all roleplayers, it's considered an area where there are cameras to prevent crime from happening. Realistically, it's not going to prevent all crime all of the time, which is why police presence in a 'camera zone' is important, the same as having security guards. Standing outside the bank, causing mayhem, jumping on cars, putting down speakers (how are they plugged in? Do they run on batteries?) and using it as an excuse to hang out because 'it's safe' just doesn't make good roleplay. The law is still the law and when I have people down-rating my roleplay and being offensive in /b just because they got caught and don't like the law, it makes me wonder if zones like the Bank are just a breeding ground for bad habits.
  11. I base it off what the person is wearing. If they're wearing a shirt that's tucked in and try to tell me the gun is hidden in their waistband, I'm not buying it. Only the other day we encountered someone with a longer coat with the gun poking through the coat texture. We rp'd that we saw an unusual bulge and he /b responded that it's hidden and has proof. Realistically, noticing a slight bulge in the back of someone's coat would not immediately make me think GUN so the noticing was just a /me. Plus the person in question was only being questioned about outstanding speeding tickets and assuming their criminal status would be profiling. All in all, cops don't metagame the guns. You want a hidden weapon then get a heavy pistol with less punch, or face the consequences of having a harder hitter that you can't as easily hide. You can't have your cake and eat it.
  12. Realistically, people walking around with masks and unlicensed firearms outside a bank would be EXTREMELY suspicious. Because so many people do it, it's considered normal and are shocked when asked to identify by police. NCZ areas should not be seen as safe havens exempt from law enforcement, which I feel many people see it as. "Why are you bothering me? I'm not doing anything!"....you're wearing a mask outside of a Bank, identify yourself so we can confirm there is nothing suspicious going on. If people want better role play, they need to start bettering their own and the bank being a meeting point is just not a good place for it.
  13. Hello, my name is Eva. I feel like I should be sitting in front of a therapist as I write this; ironic considering I am a qualified Psychiatrist, well was. Last year, my husband Seth died from suicide. You can imagine the turmoil of being someone who spends their life helping others only to be blissfully unaware of her own husbands mental state. He left no letter, he always smiled. My faith in my work has dwindled and after a while of consideration I left everything behind in England and travelled to somewhere I can start again, where no one knows me. So here I am! My first few days have consisted of losing my luggage, losing my shoes (twice), being introduced to mining, narrowly missing being shot at and having a car to sleep in. Perhaps there are people in this city that need my help, but is that for their benefit...or my own?
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