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Charlie Mchoe

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Everything posted by Charlie Mchoe

  1. will trade retro for retro (mine has more miles)
  2. comet is sick man try and catch me in one I will give you 500k if you can
  3. If you have a house in sandy send me a text, 506-1371
  4. North Rockford Dr. 10 - go check it out and let me know, 506-1371
  5. Okay suggest something that cops could lose that would work, share your ideas instead of mocking other people's ideas.
  6. If your offended or you disagree, don't worry it's an opinion, please share your opinion too. One of the reasons criminal roleplay is in it's current state right now is the report system, the types of players you meet will go out of their way to get you reported and eventually banned, this has been the case since the server started and has completely removed any chance of actual gang roleplay due to the mass amounts of reports that come after it, I have experienced this first hand and you can clearly see it if you go onto the reports section of the forums. Reports thrown up to try and discredit a gang or faction with titles of reports including the gangs name as if the whole gang committed a rule break, nothing can be done about this and it's a shame. It's not the server that lacks scripts it's the mentality of the player base which ruins it. This is my opinion based of what I have personally experienced and witnessed over my 3 years of playing criminal roleplay. I could add more to this post but I just can't be bothered. This isn't me saying the server isn't fun because it is, however you will frequently run into these types of players which can slightly ruin you experience every so often.
  7. ey bruh the cops had the 811 out tryna gun me down while I was in my f620.
  8. Huh? have you ever drove one of these things? I beat every car I come up against. Could be a skill issue man.. idk. Comets are worth 10mil+ at the moment due to how insanely good they are and how good they look, sellers decide their own price some may be inflated by a little but most aren't by that much. I wouldn't call this absurd.
  9. No point in selling a car that outclasses almost every car in everyway, 11 is cheap for what it offers in my opinion. No one is capping, your just broke :((
  10. Charlie Mchoe


    Put 290k into the bike want 230k but can work around it. Stock is 190k Send me a text at 5061371
  11. Your not "just saying" though you made a whole community suggestion about it
  12. Sell the bike, accept the losses and move on! I sold mine for 600k!! and bought it at a much higher price. I was mad at the drag nerf but ye it was too op and I think it's clear that you're just salty that you lost money and it has nothing to do with the bikes performance. Get over it man!!
  13. -1 if you need to say something to everyone in your faction you can just make an announcement in the discord asking for recordings to be saved etc. Also having fchat requires your faction to be in f4 menu meaning if you do sell anything on any turf you will take it over. Yes it can be changed but it's not worth the hassle for such a pointless suggestion I agree with Jason's suggestion.
  14. +1 out of all the suggestions made for ecrp I can truly say this is the best one
  15. Life invader is currently unusable in my opinion. until it is fixed or until it can be hosted on better servers the old system should be brought back as it was just 10x better.
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