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Everything posted by st3fan333

  1. @Kai But for the sake of a ((New player)), let's say that they get 10 free tickets and only on the 11th ticket they get fined. This would mean that the pop up still shows up but when these players got to the LSPD and pay for the ticket, it's paid off by the tax payer.
  2. How can someone not realise that $2000 has just been fined from them! The pop up is clear to see.
  3. -1 The criminals know what they are doing. They're choosing to speed through NCZ's. If you can't pay your tickets I reckon these things should happen to you; 1. You get are sent to prison. 2. Whilst in prison the tickets are covered by the cash in your bank account and any money that you have with yourself. If tickets are covered skip to step 4, once you server your sentence. 3. Assets such as houses, cars and guns are repossessed to cover the fines. 4. Release from prison. If tickets are covered skip to step 6. 5. Reduce the government wages to NIL for the perpetrator, until the tickets are covered. 6. Drop all charges associated with the speeding tickets. Stefan Gurrent
  4. I think you're totally wrong there. Having your application reviewed isn't being entitled to anything... It's just the way of getting into the server. Waiting a whole week is frustrating and with the short attention span of people nowadays many people could be put off joining the server. That said people who forget about the server in a week aren't the player base I want in the server. However, waiting a week to be approved or denied just shows that admins and mods are indeed struggling to keep on top of the application. Maybe I've misread you, but you do seem unwelcoming and that is not what the server needs. So be respectful. Stefan Gurrent
  5. There’s too many rich citizens who will make it difficult for us poor to get any house or flat!
  6. Totally agree. Jensen, you don’t know this server. You don’t understand it. I believe you have no right to your opinion on this.
  7. Hahahahaha it’s says what Fear RP is with additional scenarios!!!
  8. Haha I apologise I didn’t even see that.
  9. +1 Did any of the prison recommendations get implemented? If so lock me up right now!!
  10. Hello, Fear RP is part of the requirements and rules that you have to obide by on the server. However I feel like people don’t take death as seriously as they should. If someone has nothing in their inventory they won’t be as scared to die, as someone who has a stacked inventory; both cases should be as scared of dying as the other. To strengthen the fear of death on the server, there should be a death cooldown. This should be in the form of a black screen with a countdown. Cooldowns could be about 5-15 minutes and could increase based on the number of deaths you’ve had in 1 IRL week. Hence 1 death is 5 minutes, 2 could be like 10 etc... Overall, I think this would make people respect Fear RP much more and they wouldn’t make stupid decisions which would clearly get them killed or put them in a very dangerous situation. Stefan Gurrent
  11. Do you play on another RP server now?
  12. 0. -1 Non-IRL. I reckon a LIVE GPS DEVICE would be much better. You could give the gps details to the police for them to try and find the vehicle, and criminals could be able to remove the device. 1. BIG +1 2. Also +1 3. +1 (recent protests were poorly dealt with by the police, as police used force on a peaceful protest) - maybe riot shields could be used instead. 4. +1 5. Already been mentioned in previous server suggestion post. +1 nonetheless. 6. +1 Overall, good ideas. Some have been repeated but I hope this thread get’s a lot of replies, because your ideas about the visual side of the game are outstanding!
  13. Clearly you are not suitable for this server and I would gladly see you banned The test is intuitive. It’s easy. I passed first time... without any prior knowledge or experience. We don’t want people like this here. Thanks, Stefan Gurrent
  14. Having a gun puts you in more danger because it’s an $8k item that can be stolen from you and it also means that some people panic, get their pistol out and get killed.
  15. -1 This does create a problem for new players and makes it more difficult to grind. +1 It would make the base jobs feel more worthwhile and would introduce new players into a bit of RP. Overall +1
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