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Everything posted by Brixton

  1. Hello there and welcome to Eclipse Roleplay! 1.) The questions given are based off of our server rules. The following links will give you all the information you need to successfully pass the quiz. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pc9H1sLAuEsA7Q98RDjB6OTWbMRdk-Ql/view <--- SERVER RULES https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/51-faq-server-guides/ < -- ROLEPLAY GUIDES 2.) The more information the better, detail your character and BIO as much as you can to your liking! 3.) You dont have to use a voice changer unless you want to or want your character to sound different from who you really are! Welcome to Eclipse buddy and good luck with your quiz!
  2. Hey man, I am really sorry for the experience you had tonight. What you witnessed was only a small part of a major situation that started at the bank, took off to City Hall, went to PD, and then ended at Bolingbroke. Generally it was a 2 and a half hour long situation. I can not talk you in to staying here but truly this an amazing server and not always is it as chaotic as the ROLEPLAY situation we had to day, that of which was a protest turned RIOT. I only ask that you create server suggestions of any ideas you may have of how we could possibly improve in any areas what so ever. Administration as well as developers are very open to suggestions and are also very open minded. It would be great to have you stay here with us! Clearly you are new and clearly you want what is best for the server, and we would love to keep you here, but you just need to be patient, explore the server, make friends, and see what the server is all about. @FatherOsborn
  3. Hello! Thanks for your suggestion! I dont see this being added and it would be extremely unfair for players if they cannot deposit all their money. If a player dies and is not revived, they loose all their pocket money and any items they have. It would suck to die and loose money you worked hard to earn. -1
  4. Brixton

    Voice in menus

    I think this is an issue on RAGEMP's side but not certain, its worth looking into. +1
  5. Brixton

    Dark web

    Hello, with scripting and discussion among developers, this could be a descent addition to the server. With the lawyers comment, the recently formed GOVERNMENT faction will eventually cover things like this, if your interested in roleplay like that you can head over to https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/index.php - read the requirements and apply for a position!
  6. Hello, and thank you for your suggestion! Adding more houses is a clear issue and im sure its being worked out! Obviously players need to have a home right!? I will go ahead and +1 this anyway as its something we all want (but we know its being worked on) In the meantime, feel free to do the following in order to look into buying a house. - Contact Weazel in game to create an advertisement looking for a house. - Ask around Los Santos. - Visit the IC section on the forums Real Estate section.
  7. I very well understood your concept and honestly feel this would not be a bad idea, with slightly more scripting this could be made possible. Thank you so much for your suggestion. +1
  8. The LSPD is an advanced faction. Players can easily be legal citizens and have plenty to do while also having fun. It is very easy to gain XP fast and join something such as DOC/LSC or even Bayview to earn money aside of real jobs that require a lower level of XP, after that they will surely have required XP to join a faction such as EMS or LSPD that requires a higher XP level.
  9. * The Police Department is actively recruiting, if people do not apply it's their own fault, not the departments. * LSEMS is under new leadership, give it time to create a new system and get its recruitment stable again, also is waiting for applications, if people don't apply, medical calls will just keep taking longer. * I do not agree with an XP requirement for people to be a criminal. People need to make money and being a criminal is a good way of doing that aside of jobs. Creating a criminal XP requirement would prevent new players from having things to do aside of script jobs. * There is no need for a new LEO faction right now, LSPD itself is trying to recruit, With PD itself being understaffed, there is no way a new LEO faction would currently work right now. Were not going to lower the XP requirement either to get into a Government faction, regardless of the influx of players. Im sure in the future a new LEO faction would be possible, but its just not going to happen right now. * PD and EMS do make advertisements about jobs, it is just UNRP and not realistic for a Government Agency to spam advertisements about jobs. Obviously all players start somewhere but the hole point of the quiz is to help us know if a player is ready and experienced enough to start here. We very much welcome new players but only if they know the basics to role playing. @FatherOsborn
  10. Hey there, sorry to hear about this issue. Understandable given the number of people here on Eclipse, the account name may already be taken that your trying to select. I would suggest creating a new account to avoid any other issues. Good luck!
  11. Hello! I am sorry your having this issue! When you first join the server it will do that and an option would obviously be re logging. If the issue if fixed, a dialog will come up asking you to login or register. If your new click the register option and take the quiz! Wait 2-4 days for an email saying if you passed or failed. Good luck!
  12. Hello there! The current wait time for applications are still around 2-4 days due to the influx of almost 3,000 pending applications. Please be patient and let me just tell you, it is very much worth the wait!
  13. Hello! I also remember having this issue when I went through the quiz, I know how misconducting it can feel! I also remember getting to the end just to be told my answers were not submitted. The only option to this would be to take your time and ensure the answer you wish to click on his highlighted. Once you realize its highlighted, click that response ONE and move on. I hope this helps!
  14. Brixton


    Hey there! I understand your desire to play, I was there once! We can only ask that you be patient as there are almost 3,000 pending applications to get into the server.
  15. I deleted my entire comment because Osborn said all their was to say. Im really sorry you feel the way you do. If you want more clarification you can PM me on Discord!
  16. No? Taxis need to follow the speed limit?!? Why would you need to go faster and put the lives of your clients in danger? Sorry but no regardless.
  17. I made it into the video! Hah, alright man, be safe and hurry back! Video was amazingly put together and got me in my feels
  18. General Updates throughout the page.
  19. +1 YES! 50 percent of our work is out of cruiser or away from headquarters.
  20. Im sure theres gay people that RP straight or vice versa. Some people might even create a gay character or a "experiment" phase if there.was a club like this, It would be RP thats for sure, and I wouldnt mind breaking up a gay bar fight. I mean, gays love cops in uniform! Therefore we wouldnt have to worry about suspects running away @FatherOsborn haha
  21. Nobody is leaving because of a Pay System, I would like to know where you got the 100 players left from? The playerbase is the same it was if not slightly better than 3 months ago. Everyone needs to relax. Its actually better off this way.
  22. Highly supported. It would be nice to actually write up a paper ticket and hand to people or place on their car when doing citations, even if their not around.
  23. I worked at the club you owned across from Unity Station before I became a big shot in the SFPD. Welcome!
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