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Everything posted by Yputi

  1. After almost 2 years, the story has been updated!
  2. Hello! Your application just got accepted. Please report back to us here if this is now solved or if the issue still persists. -Yputi
  3. Happy Birthday! But you forgot to tell us what you got for your birthday
  4. Would actually love to also hear a standard "radio" voice effect when someone speakers over radio. Basically, a less high quality voice transmission. Also helps in separating actual people who speak from radio transmissions.
  5. Mentioned links: Voicemod: https://www.voicemod.net/ Sound files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CySIM4Ar_XRmxeG-ik-l7cY9e1rjXI3h?usp=sharing Notes and answers to questions: Will it be possible to use "Soundpad" instead of Voicemod? Technically, yes. However, Soundpad reads the keybinds in a different way, causing sounds to trigger if you hold a keybind while also pressinng other unrelated keys. Can the volume be adjusted? Yes. Simply click on the sound in the Voicemod Soundboard and you can drag the slider on the right side to adjust the volume. Does ECRP even allow Voicemod? Voicemod provides features for voicechangers and also a soundboard. I do not recommend using any voicechanger while playing on ECRP. It is allowed as long as the voice is still realistic, but it should not be used to gain any sort of advantage. This is the same for the soundboard. Do not use this unrealistically! It is your own responsibility. Would it be possible to create some sort of script that automatically does the start and end radio noise for you? Yes. I've looked into this and it is possible using another AutoHotkey script for example. However, this would add another application/script that you would have to run and I currently do not believe it will be worth the effort (unless people prove me that they would love to see this).
  6. Hello! As some might know, in the DOC cell block there are physical payphones, but they don't actually work. I am thinking that maybe actually have these payphones work, inmates paying with stamps for x amount of phone time. I would personally imagine some sort of system like parking tickets, where you use a command to buy a parking ticket for the price based on the amount of time you want. The inmate then would be able to use some sort of basic UI to put in phone numbers during the time their timer is running. Numbers such as 6666, 911, etc should be excluded form this I believe. After the timer finished, the call ends (if they were in any) and the inmate could then buy more phone time and they would have to call again. Inmates would have to make sure they don't use all their stamps on phone calls, so they would also have to do some yard work eventually. I am hoping to see what others think, mainly players that have a character that has been in DOC a lot.
  7. Hello! Did you try to open the file using AHK? It should look like the picture below: If it does not state that the "Type" is a " AutoHotkey Script", please try to see if the file type is set correctly to .ahk. You can also do this yourself by editing the name. Please let me know if this appears to be the case.
  8. I've experienced the same, but it appears that parking and taking it back out also triggers the same issue. Here I have a clip of where I selected them, had a mechanic install them, me parking + unparking it and going back to the mechanic shop to do /modview again to enable them again: https://streamable.com/i19oor
  9. Hello! This feature is not functional at this moment. You can ignore this. It will not affect you.
  10. Hello! This error has been addressed. Your game should not be affected and this does not require any fix from your (the client) side at this moment.
  11. You can find it on this forum: https://gov.eclipse-rp.net/viewforum.php?f=556
  12. Date and time (provide timezone): 18/8/2021 1:27:06 AM (UTC) Character name: Audrey_Martin Issue/bug you are reporting: Locker name UI closes automatically after around 10 seconds, making it basically impossible for people to fill in longer and harder names before it automatically closes (pasting in the UI isn't allowed either to work around this). Expected behavior: I would expect the UI only to close after pressing ESC instead of automatically closing while still being active in the window. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: use the "Access" option and wait around 10 seconds as seen in this clip: https://streamable.com/xpfb3w Vehicle license plate number*:
  13. This can be closed now due to latest update
  14. Maybe a bit late, but I believe there are some helpful tools for this situation. One I can personally think of is maybe a Speech to Text tool that could assist you in this. I won't be able to tell if this is helpful for you and I honestly have no idea how these tools work or how they can be setup, but maybe worth trying
  15. Hello! Trying joining a different server and then (direct) connect to ECRP using the menu that appears after pressing F1. If your issue still persists, please comment and update your main post to meet the requirements that can be found here: - Yputi
  16. This can be archived now due to most recent update
  17. New feature added and controls changed. See main post for changed controls. New feature preview: https://streamable.com/amyc6o You are able to search for songs on YouTube and directly add them to your file. Download the new Main.ahk file and replace it with your current one if you want to use this updated version.
  18. Yputi


    Glad to hear! Pending archive (@jason)
  19. An additional tip/recommendation for people is to use a service like https://soundiiz.com/ to transfer their Spotify songs to Youtube so they can use those for this tool. This service also allows export to txt files!
  20. Addition: When you do CTRL + X and right click on a person, it also gives the stranger tag instead of the player ID that it used to give.
  21. Version 6 (Yes, I made 5 versions, but the first 4 weren't publicly released) With ECRP's new update, (car)speakers function again. Many players now look up their songs on YouTube, copy the URL and paste them after the /carURL command to play their music. I have made a script that will allow you to make your own "playlist" quite easily and makes you able to search for specific songs in that playlist. Please see video below of how it looks (Old version of script. Video misses features): https://streamable.com/ejjjdo How to use this script? - First you will need to have AutoHotKey (AHK) installed. Just installed, you don't need to use it. Click here for AHK's download page. - Next you need to download the 2 files from here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FEY51-r473U3kchenIOwUjYOG7Sj_xRA?usp=sharing The Google drive folder has 2 files. The script itself (.ahk) and a Music library (.txt). The Music library.txt file is purely a template and it is required to have in the same folder as the script file. It doesn't matter where you put those files in your PC, as long as they are in the same folder. - Run the .AHK file! Do this every time when you want to go use the script. (Or put a hyperlink to the .ahk file in the " %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup " folder if you want to automatically start the script when Windows starts) - You should now see the AutoHotKey Icon in your System Tray. This means the script is ready! Controls: Numpad 1: Open the "add song" menu When you open this menu, anything you type will be searched on YouTube and the first URL that it will find will be used and added to the library. It will ask you what txt file to add it to. Numpad 2: Open the search menu Numpad 3: Play the next song from your library How do I add my own songs to the library? There are 2 ways to add more songs. Using "numpad 1": When you press Numpad 1, anything you type will be searched on YouTube and the first URL that it will find will be used and added to the library. It will ask you what txt file to add it to. Editing the .txt file: To add a new song by editing the file, please make sure there is 1 empty line between already existing songs and there is no empty lines at the bottom of the file. Type in the name you want to give to the song and directly below your name, paste the URL to that song. Make sure to save your changes to the file! Changes can be made while the script is running. No need to restart it. Can I make multiple libraries? Yes! The script will search through all txt files that are placed in the same folder. The name of the txt file does not matter. As long as there is always 1 empty line between your song name and URL as seen in the gif above. How to close the script? The script will always run, even when GTA itself is running or not. Open your System Tray by clicking the icon in the bottom right, right click on the AHK icon and press "Exit". Can I change the controls? Yes. You can edit the .AHK file by right clicking on the file and use any program you like to open/edit it. Then you can scroll all the way to the top and replace "Numpad1", "Numpad2" or "Numpad3" with anything you like. For any special- or combination keys, please head to this page. Is this trusted? If you have concerns, please feel free to DM me on Discord (@Yputi#0001) and ask anything about the script. Help For any help, please feel free to DM me on Discord (@Yputi#0001). Please comment if you find any issues, would like a certain change or anything else. Feel free to tinker with the file yourself and maybe expand it!
  22. You are probably still banned from our Discord: Please make an appeal here: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/3-decision-appeals/
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