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Everything posted by OBESE

  1. Agreed! There is really no good reason to have the start of a robbery to be written in /me when the rest of the action, when you grab specific amount of cash in /ame.
  2. I think so too, because we don't see that much kill on sight, but we do see a lot of rob on sight. Such rule is necessary to act as some sort of invisible police when the real police is not around. The problem in a lot of roleplayers minds is that they play through plain factor of what I see is what is there, not through imagination of what there should be if this would be reality. Like when robberies happen, no one cares about the CCTV and small stuff like that. There is so much to roleplay to consider that is it very sad to see this plain thinking.
  3. Im a new player to this server, been playing for last 4 days and I WANT to have a good role-play although sometimes I might be overwhelmed with the personalities and the skills of more experienced players, but I dont mind that, that is my learning curve. What I do find an issue is the none-sense from other players, even those that are with a lot of xp on the board, which means they have spent a lot of time on the server and should know what they do. On the very first day the most common thing I heard, while doing farmers job, was that farmers do get robbed very often. And that raises questions in me. First of all, what kind of a gangster or any sort of criminal would chose a farmer to be his target? Second of all, if you compare your roleplay to real life situation, then what do you expect to steal from a farmer on a field? Sandwich? Coffee jug? Hoe? The same goes to robberies at the pier of those that fish. Like really? You gonna point a gun and steal some fish? It all goes down to meta-gaming as the fact that these people know that farmers might have some valuables like weapons and stuff on them is purely OOC based. Then again, even if it would not be OOC based, just some sense or common knowledge, then how about Fear RP? Shouldn't you be scared, knowing that the farmers have guns, they could open fire at you? For a new player who is doing stuff there and here it is really frustrating to live in a paranoia that some wannabe gang-banger might come around and take all you have on you. Like no fear from the facts that place like pier by idea is really crowded place (talking about irl), robberies at places where a lot of cameras might be located, not getting scared when someone approaches a store while you robbing it or stuff like that. I don't know what could be a good option, but it definitely has to change. Quality over quantity should be the way of thinking, because that is the only way you can make sure that there is good roleplay. Like adding no "rob on sight" rule, same as there is "kill on sight" rule without any good reason, would serve well and change this for better.
  4. OBESE


  5. OBESE


  6. OBESE


  7. OBESE


    There is no specific date or time or even a year when this group was originally created or when they met. The cores figures of the Cassidy’s have been long-time friends from the childhood and each of them met at different times therefore no date can be set as the groups birthday. All of the core members came from the same areas, like Sandy Shore, Grapeseed and all of them used to hang out around Cassidy Creek for which reason when people spoke about them they called them – Cassidy Boys. The first illegal activities started when four boys, four friends out of boredom decided to entertain themselves by doing some small crimes like shoplifting, vandalism, car hijacking etc. Years passed and they grew up and the crimes started to become bit more greedy and serious. It was not anymore crimes for fun, they became crimes for profit. If while they were teenagers they stole pack of beers or bottle of schnapps to get drunk around fire camp or hijacking cars to go for a joy-rides and leaving some graffiti’s then with time that became boring as well and the need and wishes started to raise, making them turn to armed robberies to gain cash and hijacking expensive cars to sell them at the chop-shops. With the criminal activities the thirst for the power grew as well and more people got involved to cover more ground. Not being boys anymore but still having their reputation for their local crimes they, from Cassidy Boys, due to the area they were hanging out as kids, now went by just Cassidy’s. Cassidy's have grown from small crew of 5-6 people to full number of 10 members. Crew has joined up with VICE LORDS and at the moment are acting as part of them, learning things, making friends between VICE LORDS and allied groups like LOS ZETAS, IRISH MOB and others. Some of the Cassidy's have already proven themselves to be valuable members and earned respect and promotions inside VICE LORDS. Due to the working relationship Cassidy's now posses protection of being part of VICE LORDS and access to more resources than before. The wealth of members is slowly but steadily growing. At this point the group does not have no structure/hierarchy in place as everyone are close friends known for many years. With the time as the organisation will grow a hierarchy will be implemented that will follow specific guidelines to protect the core members and still be able to recruit new ones. The decision is made in group meeting where everyone gathers together and speaks out on the plan or the issue. This way of decision making will stay even later on and will be looked at as organisations board. Recruit new members Increase financial situation Fully move into Los Santos Plan and execute more organised crimes/missions Expand till 10 members Purchase several objects and safe-houses Gain respect from other organisations and gangs Become one of the leading organisations in Los Santos Gain reputation as the most organised organisation Earn a seat at the Los Santos criminal authority table Don’t talk about groups business outside the group! We are not a gang, so when asked which gang you’re from the answer is – none! We do not act alone, if you do, it has nothing to do with the group! You are allowed to live a normal life and have a normal job! We protect each other no matter what! We value friendship and family, so once you’re a Cassidy, you’re always a Cassidy! The recruitment is open but in order to become a Cassidy you have to know someone from inside or in some way make us to show interest in you. No specific recruitment process is used and the recruiting process is done only via IC methods. Making sure no evidence is left for the cops. Even best of us get caught. Two of the Cassidy's serving their time. Next chapter in our lives - getting into drugs. On a lookout while others pick up that weed!
  8. In the Osvald's farm (near Paleto Bay) the field that is being used for plowing has 5 rows while only 3 are available for use. Sure the last row is quite small, but the 4th row still could be used. Your idea also works as Grapeseed is a farmers area and has many fields to offer.
  9. OBESE

    First person

    I personally I am against it, because I just simple do not like the feeling of it. It's my preference and have no strong reasoning as in pros and cons.
  10. That is a very false information. Been on the server for only two days and I have met plenty of farmers and also been in situation where a person cannot join farming because all 3 lanes are taken, when there still could be added 2 more as the field allows it. Im talking mainly about Osvalds fields as that is where I do my farming.
  11. Hi there! With the growing interest in agriculture and amount of farmers wanting to take upon land at one of the farms and grow some wheat, due to the fact that economy is well in this area, there is a need of more fields to be available. The current amount is not quite enough as not even a handful of people can be part of this awesome farmer community at the same time. I hope you will take this into consideration because there are plenty of fields to turn into wheat-fields, just need the governments approval to expand. Kind Regards, Farmer, Teo Zucker
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