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Phil McGee

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Everything posted by Phil McGee

  1. Do many people actually record and edit their videos, I saw one by the weazel news guy which had good production values. Not sure who it was though .
  2. The RP alone of having a court is interesting in itself, having 2 lawyers argue for and against etc in front of a judge (Admin) and at least that would drive some level of RP with relation to the jailtime. It would also eat up some of your jailtime so your not just afk. On a side note why is that German server so popular? I would have thought an English speaking server would be far more popular, what do they have? Ive never played in there personally myself.
  3. I definitely feel for sure that cops can jail you for little or nothing with no recourse or proof. If you feel you were hard done by all they say is post to Internal Affairs when you are free. Well we see how that worked out, nobody left to arrest. I think a sitting Judge who decides on jail time over x amount would be a better balance.
  4. Id prefer to keep the topic constructive. Its not about any 1 person but things that will increase the population on the server which leads to better RP. I've also never had an infraction for cop baiting.
  5. I would agree that 4 hours is excessive especially seeing as you cant even RP a jail break or do anything else in there. Regardless of the AFK script.
  6. Im wondering why is the server so empty all the time, especially recently? When you see a German only speaking server constantly full yet Eclipse only has max around 30 people in it recently. Have people just migrated away from the server and can anything be done to fill it up?
  7. Also the sound distortion that comes when talking through a megaphone is a nice immersion thing. Would probably overlap with the PD using it in their cars also rather than having to type it out.
  8. Being able to use a handheld megaphone that you can actually hear your voice through not just text.
  9. Not sure if cop cars got a major upgrade as I don't remember them clocking 220 so easily when I borrowed them in the past. Ive noticed they seem to desync and warp in a lot more than any other vehicles especially when they have been driving at speed on the highway.
  10. Self defense weapons which are non lethal, ie pepper spray, tear gas, tasers either ranged or not. Also tracking devices you can place on other people's cars or vehicles. Possibly only gives you a rough triangulation estimate instead of the exact position so you need to actually look for it.
  11. Is it just me or is the server very unstable, I log in and my keys dont work for turning on cars and chat etc? I then get disconnected and the server does not show in the server listings. Is it just a case of the server keeps going down?
  12. Its only since this update though. Ill read up on it.
  13. Im having serious frame rate drops going from 100+ down to 25
  14. + 1 , Its wasn't a perfect UI and I know you can bind weapons to keys but really that only useful for cops.
  15. It was my money I just didnt want to to fill out the forms.....And i literally just wanted a banana the robbery wasnt me.
  16. I also noticed after I plugged in my mic I had to do the alt tab to move, as without it I was not stuck when the game launched and could move around no problem.
  17. Not sure if its a bug or what, but when I was playing without a mic plugged into the mic jack I got practically no crashes but my voip was getting to the point where I couldn't hear anyone after 5 to 10 minutes max. I plugged a mic in and my voip is working again but its back to the same old memory leak crashes.
  18. Phil McGee

    "Coma" system

    Probably need an orderly to RP bathing the coma patients also............
  19. Bayview is a already a non RP cluster fuck so it doesn't need pumps in the mix, and it should not have the only medic online stationed there to treat his mates. If on duty you should be in the hospital where most new players would think to look for medical attention.
  20. I know for a fact people have gotten jailed and refuse to come back and play. Nobody is going to waste 10 hours doing nothing when they could be playing something else.
  21. The jail times are insane, 10 hours just on some cops whim, people are going to flood out of the server if they are stuck for that long. The server is pretty much empty as is this will just lead to mass exodus and leave the same old non RPing crowd sitting on garbage bins in bayview dancing. Really if you are going to auto fine and have jail times that long you need to have legal aid of some sort or a court in place with an actual sitting judge so people can actually plead their cases.
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