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John Nut

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Everything posted by John Nut

  1. Iv almost smashed my keyboard 5 times because of this. Really annoying, for some reason it really tingles the demon out of me.
  2. +1 I will never pay 20k for a house to only risk loosing that contract, my 8k drill, 3k gloves, impound fee for my vehicle and such. The risk is way to much for the reward. Same with banks, risk 10k fines, 1-2 hours if not more in jail adding more fines, impound fees to hopefully make 35k or slightly above. Once again The risk is way to much for the reward. Same with chopping. The risk is way to much for the reward. This basically means we "kinda" make the same money we did back in the day when all we needed was sit still and hope the owner or gangs didnt come during ur 5 minute countdown at the chop dealer. But now risking all your tools, time and etc. if the new labs was like Garbage, Island, LSD and such. It would be more "acceptable". but when we are having 2 coke tables 2-3 crack tables and 1 LSD table in most labs (not exatcly but im not far off) It basically trippled/doubled the cook time than what it was which removes the whole point of lowering the cook times on the public tables and etc. People also call cops alot in labs which makes them shut down. i dont know if LEO@s have forgotten to ignore crims snitching on crims or if its legals randomly finding these new WAY to public labs such as Scrapyard and a few others! Also the long wait for the rotation to start, making most of the weeks have 1-2 shitty active labs or such.
  3. I have a decade + experience in all kinds of RP games where iv had LEO´s pay for equipment and where we dont such as ECRP does it. The problem between LEO and Crim is something that has been there regardless of the situation. I have both a crim and LEO character. If im out on my crim I will do my best not to loose as it will hurt my stash, bank account, suspended license and etc (90% of the time) But when I play on my LEO I can finally relax, have some fun and create some fun for the players I interact with and not "play to win" (we all have a bad day sometimes and just dont want to loose regardless). Now this is different with every person. Some play LEO full time and they have a completely different mindset/playstyle and I can fully understand that they "play to win" such as we crim´s might, As its their only charactr, and loosing 10 out of 10 situations gets really annoying/booring at times. There is only small things we can change, but in the truth is that is has very little with the "server" side but everything to do with the players, Now I personally believe having LEO not pay for things is the best way, as it allows many of us to just fully relax and have a good time, but also allow those with the "play to win" mentality to shine and go full rambo when they perhaps shouldnt. I as a main crim get very annoyed at LEO sometimes, but thats just how it is. I experience it on my LEO aswell being frustrated at crims for surtain stuff. Long story short, I dont believe the crim vs LEO will ever go away, I dissagree with having LEO pay as it will make them play more to win as they dont want to loose assets. +1 to what Bala said.
  4. The Painkiller dont heal more than maybe 30HP or so, I was barely hit by a bike and it took me to 2HP. There is something very wrong with the Health system right now.
  5. Date and time (provide timezone): 03/01/2024 Character name: John Reggal Issue/bug you are reporting: For the past 3 days me and my gang has been 1-2 tapped in fights with pistol 50.s and other weapons. Expected behavior: Not to die from 1-2 bullets Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: When being shot we have noticed that 2 bullets kill us instantly / much fewer bullets than normal. I have gathered some footage throughout the past couple of days where me and my gang have been dealing with this issue. We made sure to double check our panel to make sure we have been 100% in health and etc. Going to the hospital paying 3k for the heal and also using painkillers in other times to test this out. This bug has mostly happened in vehicles, but also while on foot. Here is a few clips of the damage we have received. This is the only clip I have where 2 bullets kill, confirmed with /mywounds. In this clip you can clearly see that something is wrong, also kinda looks like the police is using hacks, but we all know thats very unlikely -> https://streamable.com/sd0fox ( Confirmed with /mywounds ) 2 GSW In this clip you can see me getting hit with 5 9mm bullets from a distance doing insane damage, the 5th bullet somehow takes almost half the HP and injures ->https://streamable.com/7ll455 In this clip you can see only a few bullets once again do insane damage killing someone way to quick for what that gun is suppoused to do and has ever done in recent times, I showed this to a few people to get some opinions on the damage, and most people agreed something was wierd -> https://streamable.com/x23w13 Here is also a screenshot of another gang member of GST being killed with 2 bullets, he only took screenshot of the /mywounds for some reason, so you cant see him injured but he took this picture while injured in my kamacho during one of our fights. Thank you for looking into this and I hope you have a wonderful day!
  6. Looking for someone who can build a music studio inside our property! Please reach out - 2319607
  7. When they first changed interior cooking I was very against it, but with almost a year or so with public labs being the thing. Yes it has forced more people to fight and gangs that are stronger are simply stronger and thats the policitcs. (This also made gangs be a little bit more careful with who they start beef with) At this point interior cooking should be disabled completely, its so dogshit no one should do it, and it takes way too long for any real profit. The new rotating labs are fun, the only thing I think is a little shit is that most of the new labs have 2 coke tables and oposite. or going from 6 coke tables to 3. which basically doubles the time for a cook + +. Alot of the labs is also very wierdly placed. Scrapyard - People can drive on the main road and look right in and see if anyone is cooking of if there is tables there in general (yes its abusing third person view, but thats how it is and people will use it to their advantage) Redwood tracks lab is just a bad placed and furnitured lab placed right next to a farm in the middle of the open almost same with old grandma house lab (There is a huge huge house with interior right next to it , why not just place it inside, the house isnt used for anything else. Most of them feel copy pasted with 50% or more less tables than the original labs, and that is what personally is throwing me off this new drug lab rotation update together as most of them doubling the time to cook. Other than that, I think the DEVS are starting to move into the right direction.
  8. Looks good! Looking forward to see what you guys bring to the table!
  9. I have noticed an increase in store robberies in the past few weeks. The reason for this idea was because store robberies was non existant for a few months and when people attempted it cops started camping every store ingame after 1-2 stores being robbed. which make no tactics or anything work like mentioned above. Recent week or two iv noticed cops not caring too much about a store alarm which is good for the crims. ( By responding slow, not making it a main priority and camping stores like before) The reason for the originale post was to boost the store robberies again and make them usable again with the little profit you make. Iv also noticed a few crews rolling around robbing stores with shotguns, and I dont think blasting cops with multiple heavies is good RP = Risk vs Reward. As of now the past few few weeks it seems to have worked because of SD and PD being lazy with the stores, but until they start camping it like they did before then Store robberies is little reward, specially when you are rolling with 3-4+ people. bringing heavies makes it Risk vs Reward in my opinion and does not promote good RP as it usually ends up being a shootout the moment cops respond anyways. So I would rather have fewer alarms or a script way of disabling the alarm just like the CCTV. There are many ways to make store robberies into good RP and a good thing to use on the server, but we all know how slow development is here so the only option we have is to hope admins agree with something and perhaps are able to push the devs to do it quick enough. and or hire someone to help dev -Solo store robberies for profit to solo's -Store robberies for groups like now with more profits -Safes in the back of the store working just like the house robberies, just a little quicker than the house robberies are. -Scriptly way to disable alarm like CCTV Just adding this would make store robberies ten times more fun and profitable. Specially for those who bring heavies into stores risking 25-30+k for maybe 7k each after a few stores.
  10. John Nut


    delete this post
  11. A suggestion might be to ad solo robbing stores. then for bigger groups they can also go for a safe in the back, perhaps almost like the safes that are in house robberies. This would make it possible for solos where they get decent amount of cash. Then for bigger groups they have a safe with money or whatever. making it more worth bigger groups
  12. Buying 10F max price 1,4
  13. There is a monkey on 2 550 000 on HE right now. If you truly love the Reggals. I need it to be a 2 350 000. Dream it to believe it! Lets meet in the half of the scam price and call it a deal.
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