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About TGBDalton

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  1. There is a side door on the property between the two white gates to be removed that could be the front door. It's unconventional but it would move the radius into the right place. Not sure if it would cut gazebo end of the garden off though.
  2. Issue Being Reported: 1. My build area extends way too far past the front of my house into someone else's property and cuts off a part of my back garden I'd like to use for a flower garden. 2. I have 3 gates that you can't open but can be broken (I'd prefer not to hulk them down each time though) and I'd like them to be removed in favour of some furniture doors that can be locked/unlocked like jail doors. I believe they're separate assets as they are the same and are breakable so hopefully they're removable too. Date and Time of Issue (provide timezone): 01/09/2021 08:18PM BST (British Summer Time) Your characters name: Dalton Vane Other player(s) involved: N/A Evidence and/or notes worth mentioning: Please find below a link to a video I made explaining the issues. Link: No. 3 Cox Way issues - YouTube Many thanks, Dalton
  3. Mahoosive -1 It's not just down to the majority playerbase, it's also down to other factors (hosting costs for example.) Plus, it's a middle ground between both countries and as soon as it moves you'll get the same post but from a European or an Australian. There is no winning here unfortunately and the Owner is European so it'll most-likely stay European.
  4. I'm glad life worked out well after Dalton and Audrey split. I'm sorry it had to go that way it did though.
  5. I've re-worded it to be IC and posted it in the IC section (link is on the post.) Thank you for your input!
  6. I thought it would be more appropriate here considering I've been banned for it and that's an OOC issue. I understand what you're saying though for sure. I can re-word it for the IC section and post it there.
  7. Just quickly, please don't go after Weazel for "Fake news!". 90% of what was posted is TECHNICALLY correct in that they have the right name, amount, my ex rank and where the money came from, just the "left ashamed" bit and forgetting to mention where it actually went is the grey area. They only have 84 characters to work with (unless they're charging themselves, then it's 86) so can't fit all the story in. That's why this discussion is here.
  8. I'd just like to set the record straight about what you may have been hearing as of recently. Firstly, yes. Due to my actions I have been banned but allowed to make an appeal in 3 weeks. Secondly, here's the full story on the $1.5 million. That money was being distributed from the Weazel Treasury was between the faction members ($250k per person) when I left, not all to myself, despite what it make look like is being reported. I have to stress I did not take it all for my self and have volunteered to paid it all back out of my character's personal pocket which shall be going ahead. The staff know this, the Weazel employees know this, unfortunately the way they said it makes it more engaging. Feel free to ask me questions, I have the free time to answer them now. UPDATE: I have reworked this into an IC format and posted it here.
  9. TGBDalton


    It should be 12 days before and after Christmas. Like the rule with Christmas trees.
  10. Speedometer in MPH would be better too
  11. Already putting the footer to use! Keep up the good work!
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