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Putting an end to TURF issues.

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Let me preface this with the presented issue before I tackle potential solutions:

There's currently a flaw in the turf system which is being exploited by various factions, leading to frustrated players and slowly encouraging decline in players reoccurring visits to the city with a lack of variety. I've discussed with a support member the RULES for taking turf.

His exact explanation was as follows:

You are not allowed to take turf without a valid roleplay reason.  (This is fine, NOT the issue.)

A valid roleplay reason HAS to be the following: (This is where the problem lies)

The moderator/support guy essentially said; The gang owning the turf must have caused multiple issues with you and your faction, for example; they must have prices you find too competitive and need to fight over, alternatively they must do things to piss you off within the city, robberies etc.

There's multiple issues with this. Currently what is happening is people are sat on turf being very passive and just collecting income, not providing other groups reason to even attempt to take turf. This defeats the point of turf even existing. If nobody can take turf without acts of aggression from the turf owners, then nobody can take turf as people remain neutral to everyone.

In addition to this, the system of when turf is assessed for inactivity is flawed. People currently abuse the system by regularly logging on for 5 minutes to refresh member activity in inactive groups. The other issue is forum staff + close staff to the owners having turf and being able to justify keeping their turf through any means due to comfortable relationships with people who have the power to change these rules, to elaborate, if you they have an issue with someone taking their turf, naturally, there's going to be subconscious favoritism over returning the turf to their good ol' buddy. I'm not against staff owning turf but it feels like the system is geared against the regular players who would just like to establish themselves within the city.






I have multiple ideas for how this can be resolved and i'm happy to elaborate on the pros and cons of all.


Idea 1: Rotating turf basis

This isn't rotating the turf between all gangs, this is a system whereby turf is free-for-all for 1 week, then locked for 3 weeks with specific factions, allowing people to process shipments and have enough time with turf. It's quite chaotic but allows intelligent roleplay of turf-sniping and tactical deployment over turf location, this also eliminates idle income generators for people who just play on ALTs until they need a transfer.


Idea 2: Relax current turf rules.

Allow people to take turf with a VALID RP reason, but not the reason that has to be instigated by the turf owners. Allow people to muscle into other turf with RP evidence of show of strength from new factions, for example, you turn up with 30 guys on a regular basis to someone elses turf, I thinkyou have justification to take that turf if no resistance is shown. It's ludicrous to suggest that turf can't be taken because you didnt interact with the faction if the faction is NEVER in the city or playing on an alt all the time.


Idea 3: Add additional turf.

There has been an influx in the city of new players and no growth in turf areas to compensate, meaning multiple large gangs are fighting over small areas of turf, want access to gun shipments but are bottlenecked by people who are 'camping' turfs in a neutral stance. Adding additional turf would provide a new area for people to struggle over, perhaps in the north away from the city or alternatively in other areas of the city to build up a more turf-oriented citybase.






To Summarize


Gangs and criminals currently have rough revenue streams within the city to form an income. They perform legal jobs like regular citizens which is fine, but detracts from the reason to bother with a criminal lifestyle, this needs more support and more attention to provide justification for people to bother being criminals. More active or interesting turf systems will provide criminal gangs better reasons to be in a gang. It NEEDS to be more profitable but with the RISK of being in a gang - Otherwise you mind aswell truck around all day. High Risk, high reward.


If you feel you have any additional comments for this turf system, please feel free to post them. I'm happy to hear all views on this but I do honestly believe the current turf system is flawed and in need of attention.


Thanks for your time.



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+1 I disagree fully with the rule that states an opposing turf owner must create some kind of beef with you inorder for you and your gang to take over said turf...Like this man said when if you roll into someones turf with a truck load of people loaded and on standby siting on a turf for a certain amount of time before being contested or not being contested at all is more than enough reason to take over a turf...Also it seems like the server is agasint one gangs supremacy of ruling it all, if something like that happens then that just ties into world events and is still valid...Even if everyone deems one gang controlling it all unfair or Non-RP, which is invalid because its still a world which we play in that has events unfolding and if one gang is strong enough to do so without contestion then soo be it....Its called world events in my opinion...

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You cant just come to a city and expect to take a turf in a matter of week's.. Afraid it doesn't work like that. 

If every gang had turf, then how would the gangs/crims earn cash from selling product/weaponry if everyone had  the import ability.. It's a touchy subject, one that'll be dealt with presumably on the release of the new criminal faction system. 

However, more turfs would be great.. +1


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14 minutes ago, SteScotland said:

You cant just come to a city and expect to take a turf in a matter of week's.. Afraid it doesn't work like that. 

If every gang had turf, then how would the gangs/crims earn cash from selling product/weaponry if everyone had  the import ability.. It's a touchy subject, one that'll be dealt with presumably on the release of the new criminal faction system. 

However, more turfs would be great.. +1


Whilst I agree with you, there has to be repercussions for holding turf as a 'farm' for income as well as abusing the turf inactivity system.

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