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LSEMS needs better activity and more members

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As I'm sure many of you have noticed, it's very difficult to get an ambulance nowadays when you get injured. In fact it is rare for an ambulance to turn up. Quite often there are time where there are no LSEMS on whatsoever and cops are left to fill in by taking people to hospital.

When I checked the member count last night there was only 29 people in the EMS.

I've been told that LSEMS struggles because the roleplay you get as a medic is boring, thankless and sometimes repetitive and therefore people don't want to apply.

In any case, the current situation simply is NOT good enough. I'm not entirely sure what the exact cause or causes are for the lack of members or activity, but it MUST change.

If it's an issue getting people into the faction why not:

  • Simplify the recruitment process making it easier for people to join?
  • Give well respected roleplayers an invitation without application & first rank on an alt character which could be roleplayed as a "Qualified lateral transfer from another medical department".
  • Live recruitment - Skip the forum application and regularly host recruitment drives in game

Yes these ideas may INITIALLY sacrifice some quality in the members  but people can always be trained. Also I'd rather have a slightly lesser quality of medic than no medic at all.

If there is a player retention issue in the faction how about:

  • Giving faction members greater choice of vehicles without having to be in x/y/z division or x/y/z rank - Allow everyone in the faction to use the helicopter, granger, firetruck etc and let them pick the vehicle they wish to use based on the type of roleplay they seek thus making the faction more enjoyable.
  • More money
  • Hire more people so medics aren't over worked and by themselves

Development ideas:

  • Make the plastic surgery something that has to be done by the LSEMS faction in the same way that cars have to be modified by mechanics.
  • Fire - We have fire trucks, lets have fire! House fires, car fires, we need fires for firefighters!
  • Road crash rescue - If there is at least 2 medics online, make it so that if you get into a high speed crash there is a chance you become "trapped" in the vehicle and that a firefighter would need to extricate you from the vehicle using the jaws of life (hydraulic spreaders / cutters). The fire truck would need to be next to the firefighter to use the jaws of life.

Getting back on topic - The server can't function with 250+ players online and no medics. WE NEED MORE MEDICS FAST. It's not good enough, and the first direction I look toward is the leadership of the LSEMS not fulfilling their obligation to get and retain enough faction members.


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Mate LSEMS recruitment is closed they ain’t even hiring the LSEMS absolutely fell apart when Maverick left it just collapsed.

Today I did 11 calls + Jason did what like 3 or 4 so like 14 calls ish until ambulance actually responded 

Edited by JackD248
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5 hours ago, JackD248 said:

Mate LSEMS recruitment is closed they ain’t even hiring the LSEMS absolutely fell apart when Maverick left it just collapsed.

Today I did 11 calls + Jason did what like 3 or 4 so like 14 calls ish until ambulance actually responded 

I didn't even realize - Well thats ALOT worse than I thought. Seriously the management of this server need to get on top of that ASAP

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Okey I am a medic/firefighter myself. The problem is the players.

Problem one: the amount of spam calls. If ons guy gets injured. 10 people start to call 911. Meaning 10 calls come into our system. Witch is already 10 times driving time that is added plus other ambulances responded to the same call. 1 call is enough people

Second: alot of people dont RP that there life means something and get hurt way to much.

Third: the amount of people who dont know how to RP or Respond to late to RP. This takes up alot of time.

Fourth: We got a radio directly to PD. If PD calls us. Its priority above other calls. Second in rank is oldest calls. (Again read above and add this and see how much time it costs)

5th: alot off people call for NON Emergency situations. 911 is for emergecy situations only.

6th. To little call details. Put efford in your 911 call. Dont just put. "Help. Injured" we need details to see if its priority!

7th: your burning out medics with repeat injuries (same with failRP or not knowing how /do works). 80% of our calls are broken legs. I asked a few people why. Cause: "its fastest" so we extand our roleplay so its longer.

8th: Please for the love of odin. Learn to value your characters life. Try to not get injured.

9th: please do not drive like a maniac. You just kill people with VDM. Just cause you wanted faster money. Its the problem for most injuries. People even get run over on our intake lane at MD! (NCZ)

10th STOP parking in our EMERGECY lane. We cant take people in if you park there. Dont think only about youself. 

11th: STOP saying you dont wanna go to MD and resisting roleplay cause you dont wanna go all the way back to MD. Again this adds time.


All the medics want is fun Roleplay. 90% of the server only wants to get revived and move on. So far cause of the problems above. Alot of our experienced medics have burned out and stopped going on duty. Or just stop playing. Please show the medics some respect. I personaly play 100% on my medic and cant even enjoy my crime alt cause of this. 


Like we said all medics want roleplay. We dont care about the money. So should you! 


Kind regards.



Edited by MusketDeezNuts
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On 8/14/2018 at 11:58 PM, JackD248 said:

Mate LSEMS recruitment is closed they ain’t even hiring the LSEMS absolutely fell apart when Maverick left it just collapsed.

Today I did 11 calls + Jason did what like 3 or 4 so like 14 calls ish until ambulance actually responded 

Also the applications are closed dou to the limited amount of trainers and we got ALOT of Trainees to train. They will open up once these trainees have passed

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