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Raise Weapon's License Price

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Tons of new players are coming into the server and automatically get instant access to guns with the abilities to rob players and only that. To add, many rob players in an Non-RP manner.
I think a way to combat that is to raise the price on the weapons license from 10K to 50K.

This will discourage new players to just come in game to buy a gun and rob people and will also reduce the amount of guns circulating.
This also can provide more role-play tactics to criminals with licenses which they can buy the guns legally at a price and resell to those without a license for whatever price they desire.

All in all, adding more diversity to the whole server's RP experience.

Edited by YandarZone
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I would also like to see the suspension of the weapons permit last longer for misuse of the legal weapons they buy. Forcing people to play it smarter when using their weapons illegaly through not wanting to lose the permit they paid so much for.

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-1 u just suggesting another unbalance thing for server.. For 50k I can buy decent car and u think someone will like to lose everytime 50k- decent car/or 2aks? Nah. This idea cant be realized and will be not probably. They can make practical exam to make it harder .

Edited by Coolguy1337
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19 minutes ago, Coolguy1337 said:

-1 u just suggesting another unbalance thing for server.. For 50k I can buy decent car and u think someone will like to lose everytime 50k- decent car/or 2aks? Nah. This idea cant be realized and will be not probably. They can make practical exam to make it harder .

I am not quite sure if you understand the concept of this suggestion.

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5 hours ago, Coolguy1337 said:

-1 u just suggesting another unbalance thing for server.. For 50k I can buy decent car and u think someone will like to lose everytime 50k- decent car/or 2aks? Nah. This idea cant be realized and will be not probably. They can make practical exam to make it harder .

Do you even realize what you've just written? Lol.
You don't lose your license... Ever. Are you new?

Edited by YandarZone
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6 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

It's a roleplay server, if he's new it's reasonable to assume that law enforcement could revoke it if you commit certain crimes.

As it should be. That'll make people with licenses that cost 50k to think twice before committing a crime that can take it away.
And I honestly wouldn't have made such a remark if he wasn't trying to be a smart ass. Assumptions don't work when you have legitimate suggestions that CAN improve the server's dynamics for roleplay.

Edited by YandarZone
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Hello and thank you for the suggestion.

At this time we are not interested in this suggestion, as there is now multiple requirements to get a firearms permit, therefore this topic is now locked and archived.

Thank you and have a good day

Kind Regards

Senior Moderator

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