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Downtown Cab Co.

"Bringing you from A to B"



This faction thread is completely Out of character in which no information gathered here can be used In Character as this thread is to give an insight regarding how Downtown Cab Co runs from a Out of Character perspective and allows for members of the faction to express and show off their roleplay. 


Downtown Cab Co was founded in 1922 by two brothers who moved to Los Santos and found no other cab company in town and many frustrated citizens. After moving several times, Downtown Cab Co landed at 0897 Mirror Park Boulevard, in 1962 and has stayed there ever since. Downtown Cab Co has always been at the forefront of private transportation in Los Santos and remains one of the most well-respected businesses in the city. Downtown Cab Co built its reputation on its excellent customer service and commitment towards passenger safety. Downtown Cab Co is proud to have been the recipient of two awards in 1992 and 2017 for Most Diverse Workplace by the Better Business Chamber of Los Santos. Future plans include expanding the vehicle fleet and hosting regular city-wide events for all to enjoy. 


Flashforward to the year 2016, the brothers' great grandchildren sold off the company to the Los Santos Government in which it the company has had multiple different chief executive officers such as Chuck Maggiano, Jason Castillo, Steve OConner, and as of recently there was a newly appointed chief executive officer - Jay Paige who have all added their own personal touch on the company to elevate it to a better standard.


Due to the company being incorporated within the Los Santos Government the budget has sizably increased which has evolved Downtown Cab Co to a new level including refurbished headquarters, new vehicles in the fleet which allows for customers to choose between different categories of vehicles.


Our Fleet


Credits to @A N G E L for designing the graphics.

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Since Downtown Cab Co. is evolving every day, we are constantly scouting for employees that are interested in our line of work. When someone applies to the Downtown Cab Co., they will face a few different stages before being hired.


Application Stage -

* Ensure that you have not been recently charged with a felony or misdemeanour in the last four weeks otherwise it'll end with denial.

* Ensure that you have less than fifteen tickets in the last four weeks, if you have more than 15 speeding tickets in the last four weeks it will end in denial.

* (( Make sure you don't have any punishment greater than a warning in the past four (4) weeks. If you have any greater punishment in your admin logs you will be denied. ))

* Read the *DCC checklist & employee handbook* before applying. You should be familiar with our radio codes and be able to perform the driver checklist during the interview.

* When you finish the application, make a post with the title: [Application] Fname Lname and include a message indicating you have completed the application.


Interview Stage -

* You will be brought into the office for an interview on yourself and be questioned on the Downtown Cab Co handbook.

* After a successful interview you will begin the drivers test which tests your knowledge of the city, and tests your driving skills.

* Lastly after a successful interview and driving test, you will be accepted as a trainee to Downtown Cab Co where you will be onboarded a manager or above.

(( OOC Requirements - ))

* Read the ECRP Server Rules and understand them.

* Make sure that the character you are applying on has a minimum 7000 XP. 
*  Make sure you have distinguished IC and OOC section. 


Downtown Cab Company - Application


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The hierarchy within Downtown Cab Company is a system that refers to the arrangement and organization of each individuals within the company according to power, status, and the function of their job.

Chief Executive Officer

The Chief Executive Officer has big responsibilities. He must watch the whole staff and take care of the economy. The Chief Executive Officer of the company makes all major decisions within the company.

Chief Operating Officer

The Chief Operating Officer has a major responsibility as well. The COO manages staff, purchases new vehicles, and sells the older ones to balance out the economy. If the Chief Executive Officer of the company is out of town, the COO assumes all roles of the CEO.

Chief Financial Officer

The Chief Financial Officer manages the treasury, issues paychecks, and creates financial statements to assure that the company is working within it's budget and has enough cash for assets and growth

Human Resources Director

The Human Resource Director has the responsibility to oversee the activities of lower management ranks to make sure DCC is running smoothly. The Human Resources Director is the direct link between the Chief Officers and the rest of the team. They will help generate new ideas for the future and see that they are implemented by assigning tasks. Additionally, they will help with Recruitment and Training protocols for Managers as well as handle Internal Affairs matters.

Public Relations Director

The Public Relations Director has the responsibility of overseeing the activities of the Public Relations Division. They work with a team of managers to come up with creative and unique ways to drive up business. In addition, they help create and organize both Internal & External events for the company's staff as well as clients.

General Manager



Managers are in charge of ensuring a good working atmosphere and promoting/protecting our company's image. They are responsible for recruiting, screening, interviewing and placing workers. In addition, they are to perform regular public relations duties, including but not limited to advertisement of the company, collaborating with other businesses, as well as forming a good image of the company to outsiders. Managers also coordinate with the General Manager to ensure that there is an enjoyable experience within the company. 

Assistant Manager(s)

Assistant Manager's responsibilities are to provide guidance and instruction to the other Drivers if needed and keep them up to date with the actual news and updates about the company. If there is an issue with any of the Drivers, they report it to a Manager. They work as a Driver carrying the same duties but with higher responsibilities. In addition, they are to perform regular public relations duties, including but not limited to advertisement of the company, collaborating with other businesses, as well as forming a good image of the company to outsiders.


Senior Driver

The Senior Driver has the same duties as other drivers but as well is responsible for providing driving and chauffeur duties to other Drivers if in need of assistance. They also coordinate other drivers in the movement and use of the Downtown Cab Co. vehicles. Senior Drivers are given access to the Stretch, Dashhound Bus, Super Diamond, Rental Shuttle Bus, and normal Stanier Taxi.


A driver's job is to drive customers around, and answer their calls. Drivers have the responsibility to take care of our customers as well our vehicles. Drivers are given access to the Super Diamond, Rental Shuttle Bus, and normal Stanier Taxi.

Junior Driver

Junior Drivers have gained sufficient experience to begin to prove themselves to the company. They provide and accept basic rides and calls. Junior Drivers are given access to the Rental Shuttle Bus and normal Stanier Taxi.


Trainees will typically perform the basic duties of a normal taxi driver. This is a probationary period in which a trainee must prove themselves to the company. After this period ends, the trainee is subject to an assessment in which if they pass, they will continue onto a Junior Driver. Trainees are given access to the normal Stanier Taxi.


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After the previous CEO resigned from his position the San Andreas Government required someone to run the daily operations of the company, in which Jason Castillo was appointed interim chief executive officer of Downtown Cab Co. due past experience within the company. Castillo began working within the company and getting up to date on the current procedures whilst awaiting the San Andreas Government to appoint a new CEO of the company, whilst waiting for this he began working with the Public Relations team at Downtown Cab Co to organise a sky diving event with the SAAA.

Commander Jackson of the SAAA met the employees at Fort Zancudo hanger one as he took everyone through parachuting, and the safety rules that were required and began pairing everyone up into groups of three and flying towards the Del Perro Beach and gave orders when to jump from the plane.







After taking the adventure of their lives the employees met up on the Del Perro beach and travelled to an island off shore and began to party and send off Jason Castillo with a farewell event that contained water activities and great memories for all who attended.


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DCC has been putting on company wide events for some time now, allowing its employees to come together and have fun at the end of a very long week with the usual stresses of delivering our services. From camping trips to parachute jumps DCC have done it all and with a new PR team in place it was time to try something new. The PR team had noticed that Bayview had been running a tag-a-long program for a while where members of the public could work alongside mechanics for the day and learn the ways of the talented Bayview mechanics.
So coming together, the PR team suggested that maybe they could use this program on a bigger scale and see if Bayview would allow for DCC employees to come to Bayview, train and have a great joint event together. The two companies have had a great relationship for many years now and even though being on the other side of the state to each other that relationship continues to grow.

The PR dept reached out to Bayview owner Tyrone Cox and suggested the idea and how DCC would happily take on Bayview employee’s for the day and give them the opportunity to drive our vehicles and experience the life of a DCC employee in San Andreas.
Tyrone loved the idea but knew the complications involved may take some time to iron out. Jay Spades assured Tyrone that he would have the two sister events run as smoothly as possible and would send him the proposed events documented via email.


There were some expected complications along the way which delayed the events but working together, the two companies finally set a date and time and the countdown was on.



DCC loaded themselves into Dashounds and headed up north to Bayview HQ in Paleto. Excited, nervous and anticipating making new friends they were singing songs and listening to music for the long road trip. Arriving at Bayview they were greeted by Bayview PR and management teams holding new temporary badges which was a warm welcome and eased everybody into a comfortable conversation.
Bayview was extremely professional, courteous and patient with DCC as they taught them the basics of the art in mechanics.
DCC was able to repair and modify vehicles as well as help stranded members of the public via mechanic requests, which went down a treat with DCC employee’s!




Two weeks later, the roles were reversed and Bayview was coming to DCC! After such a great experience at Bayview we wanted the same for our visitors and arranged for them to be able to experience any of our vehicles and placed advertisements with Weazel News.

Most of our visitors went for our Luxury vehicles but one in particular fell in love with our trusty old girl, The Dynasty.

Partnering up with each other, it was a great bonding experience and cemented more relationships between the companies. Bayview was professional, efficient, and more importantly, a complete joy to be around!
Thank you to everyone who came and made the events as great as they were!



Edited by Jayyy
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The Director of Facilities

It was a good looking day in Los Santos. Sun was shining, birds were chirping, and Gordon was existing. Gordon had been going about his business
as usual and had noticed someone he met a while back, Anton Blaster, relaxing at Legion Square with his coworkers. Gordon approached them and
engaged in some casual conversation for a little while. Out of nowhere, a GoPostal van and some guy in an Emperor began ramming their cars into each other.
We told them off and made the Emperor leave, then threatened to report the GoPostal guy to his workplace. He drove his van back to the GoPostal HQ
and called a taxi to come back. None other than Jay Paige had driven him back to Legion Square.

Upon Jay's arrival, he saw Gordon alongside his employees and approached them.
"Gordon, my liege, what have I done to deserve your gracious presence at this time?" he asked. Gordon directed his attention to Jay and greeted him.
After the usual shoe kissing and praise from Jay, he brought up the fact that the DCC building was in a state of disrepair after the previous
janitors had been fired from DCC for not fulfilling their duties. Gordon said he'd happily do it for the title of Head Janitor. Jay's jaw dropped.
"Really? THE Gordon Graves, my #1 idol of all time, wants to work alongside me?" Gordon ruffled Jay's hair. "Absolutely, sport!" he said.
Jay squealed in excitement. "I'll give you the title Director of Facilities right away! Let me ask my mom first, though."

Jay called for Lilymay on the radio and asked where the pair could meet her. She had just pulled up to Legion Square, so they began conversing.
Jay presented the idea to Lilymay with excitement - nearly begging - and asked, "Pretty please with a cherry on top?"
Lilymay thought over it for a moment and began to speak, "If he can fulfill his duties, we can absolutely give him a trial run."
Jay was in complete disbelief. He finally gets to work with his role model once again. He jumped and yelled for joy. He kept holding his fist up
while trying to jump, possibly trying to emulate the end of Disney TV movies where they freeze in the air while celebrating?

Jay hurriedly ushered Gordon into his taxi. "I'm so sorry this isn't a luxury limousine, you know I only want the best for you," Jay said.
"It's okay, Jay. You couldn't have anticipated this, you don't need to treat me like a god." Jay hyperventilated at the thought of treating Gordon
anything less than that of a god. Nonetheless, they carried on. Jay drove Gordon to a janitor supply store to pick up a good cleaning jumpsuit.
He begged to pay for it, but Gordon wouldn't let him. Gordon was fully suited up and they headed to the DCC HQ.

When they arrived, Jay began giving Gordon a brief tour of the remodeled facility. Gordon hadn't properly toured around DCC since before
the remodel, so this was definitely needed. Jay showed him around everywhere then led him to the desk at the front, stating that this was Gordon's office.
Gordon was happy. He thanked Jay for his generosity. They headed to the HR desk and Jay began drafting up Gordon his DCC identification.
He handed Gordon his ID and began to speak, "I'm so sorry it's not gold plated with platinum highlights like I want to give you... it's too expensive for the company."
Gordon chuckled, "It's okay, Jay. I don't need anything like that." Gordon held up his ID.
This wasn't what they had agreed upon, but it'll do. Jay makes mistakes sometimes, he's only subhuman, after all.

Jay leaned in for a hug to bid Gordon farewell, but Gordon held him back and shook his hand instead. "Thanks for everything, Jay."
Jay squealed like a schoolgirl and skipped away. "I'm never washing this hand!" Jay exclaimed in the distance.
Gordon got to work straight away. He started on one of the toilets as it hadn't been functional since the building was first remodeled.
Legend has it that it was broken after the old CEO, Jason Castillo, used it a single time.
Gordon worked on it for a little while and got it working like a dream in no time.


Once that was done, he headed outside and took a look at the building. It wasn't in the greatest shape, but it's by no means an impossible job.
He took a walk around trying to decide where to start and eventually settled on the plants. Clearly no groundskeepers had so much as
heard of this building for a long time. Every plant was infested with weeds. Gordon began de-weeding the planters by hand and followed it
up by spreading some weed preventer throughout them.


This place is gonna be gorgeous.

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Farewell, and A New Beginning

With the sad departure of the CEO Jay Paige, DCC was in a state that it has seen and bounced back from before. Lack of motivation, people feeling down and they could not see where the company was heading. Before leaving Jay Paige knew he had to bring back Lilymay Bryd into the company after recent events which saw her leave the company and take on a new career at Weazel news, but Lily was over the moon to come back to the company she loved. After Mr Paige had left she was appointed interim CEO by Commissioner Langley which saw her keep the ship steady whilst the government looked for a new captain.

After an intense interview process the commissioners see that Lily had to remain CEO and take this ship to new waters it had never sailed before. The announcement was made public and the congratulations came pouring in from people all over San Andreas.


Lilymay officially appointed CEO of DCC after over a year of hard work, helping to lead the company on all areas of business called for a party. The public relations team set themselves a task of inviting all of Lily's friends and people from all over the state in various positions within companies. From CEO’s, Chiefs and Wardens everyone was invited to attend a party where they can dance, sing and get drunk with their friends!





New direction

Lilymay has set sail for a new direction and we are looking forward to our new destination!

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Faggio Kart

Being a taxi driver can be a tiring, repetitive task at times. To combat this and give our drivers a sense of appreciation and achievement, we host internal events within the Downtown Cab Co. 

With the recent changes to the company, morale was up - old faces begun to return to the company and it was slowly, but surely, becoming the DCC that a lot of employees fell for, the sense of comradery and family. 

It was finally time for the first event since the appointment of the new CEO. And employees began gathering in the car park, excited, and ready to blow off some steam. A company Dashound was pulled out of the garage, and one by one, we hopped on board, and headed to out destination.


Turning up, the team was greeted by some lovely pink Faggio's. Hastily, we jumped on board, were briefed on what we were doing, and sent to the start line!


The team had reached the start line, some were nervous, some were overconfident, but everyone was ready, and excited. The countdown started, and we were off! Well, after the choke of second gear on a Faggio, we were off!

The team 'shot' around the track, only sometimes crashing and stalling. And with one injury, the races were a success!


After letting off steam, the group gathered around their beaten up, steaming at the engine Faggio's.

The PR team blew it out of the water with this one!




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DCC x LSC Rally Event Preparations


At the end of April LSC’s Hayden Snow came up with the idea for a type of treasure hunt rally with several checkpoints. The original idea had the participating teams complete challenges and riddles to reveal the location of the next checkpoint. Excited about the idea, Hayden elaborated further on it while she was hanging out with Conrad McMount and Jay Jacobson.
DCC and LSC had a rocky contract negotiation after having no contract in place for about half a year, so both felt that it was important to try to work on that relationship between the companies. As Conrad’s in charge of the events as LSC’s Head of Events and Jay on DCC’s side as Public Relations Director, the idea quickly came forth to turn this into a joint event between the two companies. By having each team consist of 1 employee of each company, they created ample opportunity for new friendships to be made during the event.

A couple days later Hayden had a rough idea of the checkpoint locations and the route of the event, so the three of them decided to go on a scouting trip, together with DCC’s PR team member and manager of the month Tom Solar.
Initially the idea was to have 7 different checkpoints where a variety of tasks would have to be completed. Throughout the scouting trip, the team managed to work out some details and got a clear picture of what the event would eventually look like.

Next step: figuring out which tasks the teams are doing at the several checkpoints. Together as well as separately, both DCC’s and LSC’s people further brainstormed about these tasks. 

On DCC’s side the PR team talked through the entire event and came up with ideas which questions to ask as well as new checkpoint tasks. During this meeting Lilymay Bryd (CEO) and Jay Spades (COO) interrupted the PR team meeting briefly to inform and congratulate Jay with her new promotion from Public Relations Manager to Public Relations Director, which meant she would become part of the High Command team of DCC.


Checkpoint 1 - The Quarry
Car Pushing Challenge

Tom’s idea for the challenge was to push a car from one point to the next. Setting up the challenge therefore required a long and relatively straight stretch of road on which the participants would have to push two cars, one DCC and one LSC vehicle in both directions.


Two reference points had to be set and marked to determine the zone in which the vehicles would need to be pushed from start to finish and back. The Davis Quartz Quarry had the perfect spot to do this at, as Hayden and Jay suggested. 



Checkpoint 2 - The Lighthouse
Jetski Loop Challenge

It was initially planned to have the participants loop around the lighthouse one by one, however, Conrad and Jay decided to change the challenge by extending the loop around the islands behind the lighthouse, and to have both team members loop around at the same time, but in opposite directions, ideally crossing each other at the furthest point.
The time was recorded from the moment they both left from the starting point, until both team members were off the jetski’s, standing on the docks with both legs.

Initial Loop
Final Loop

As Jay and Conrad were awaiting the delivery of the rental jetski’s to test out the track, they decided to enjoy the solitude and sound of the waves gently washing up against the rocks.


Checkpoint 3 - Mount Chiliad

Coming up with the riddle proved to be a rather difficult task, as it took 4 individuals about 30 minutes of brainstorming to come up with appropriate hints during the joint meeting. They wanted the clues to be very specific, without revealing too much about the answer. As Conrad walked around the meeting room, himself, Ophelia Panes, Jay and Bailey Snow came up with separate sentences, which were then forged together by Jay into one riddle.


To make the rally a bit more exciting, it was decided that this checkpoint would be right on top of Mount Chiliad near the viewpoint.



Checkpoint 4 - Stab City Triangle
Nesting Dolls

The Nesting Dolls challenge prep was a rather lengthy one, as quite a lot of bags had to be gathered and stacked into each other, with either a written note or a radio in the final bag. After two trips to the store, as Conrad not so surprisingly forgot to buy enough bags the first time, Jay and Conrad started stacking the bags into each other. Both Conrad and Jay had to restart preparing the notes, radio’s and bags for the event as they lost count too many times due to several distractions. As they decided to have 2 sets of 2 bags it became quite the struggle. When they were finally done stuffing their bags after quite some time they were completely chilled out and zen.




Checkpoint 5 - Vespucci Beach Guardtower
Trivia Time

At the joint meeting it was decided to present the contestants with 2 DCC and 2 LSC themed questions. The questions would have to be specific enough so that they could only be answered by either the DCC or the LSC employee but common enough to be easily known by the employees. 



On DCC’s side Jay took a cab out together with PR team member and manager Ophelia and DCC Manager Jay Denton to get the answer to one of the DCC questions. They made sure to get the correct answer by going back and forth twice. 


While dropping Hayden off in between, Jay’s steering wheel suddenly decided to have a life of its own which caused them to have a slight crash in the Vinewood hills. Or perhaps she was just too distracted in general. Maybe both!



Afterparty - La Spada Nightclub

Setup of the afterparty was relatively straight forward. Jay organised a DJ to play music at the party and both herself and Conrad shoved a ton of liquor in the refrigerators. Music and Liquor are the basic ingredients for a good party. All that was missing was the people.




Finishing Touches

A couple days before the event, Jay worked on a sheet for the entire event with a scorecard, explanations about the checkpoints for the helpers and the answers and scoring sheet for all the checkpoints. She found out that a couple things still needed to be handled.

On the day the event would take place, Jay and Conrad did a final testrun with everything in place, timing each drive between the checkpoints to get an idea of how long the entire event would take, and how much time should be between each team taking off from the starting point.


It was also at that point that they realised the map that was supposed to be drawn up had not been drawn up yet. As they didn’t want anything left to chance, Conrad sat at his computer and drew up a map with all the checkpoints, as it would be essential to the teams’ ability to find the checkpoints and complete the rally.


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Travis Hawk My DCC Journey



I remember my first day at the Downtown cab company like it was yesterday. I turned up in my shirt, pants and tie with sweaty palms. It's fair to say I was a little nervous about my interview, after all this was DCC, one of the major success stories in los santos. I’d only worked at Burgershot previously.
I was greeted at the door by a gentleman called Tom who was to conduct my interview. My interview started with a few stuttering answers to Tom's questions but I got through it and so it was time for my practical test driving a cab for the first time. I held my nerve and passed the test with Tom offering me a position in DCC. What a day! That first day feels a million miles away now but I still get that same great feeling driving round the city in the famous Yellow and Blue cab. 



Fast forward four weeks, I have been promoted twice. That's the great thing about working for DCC, if you are willing to put in the time and effort they will do the same for you; helping you grow and achieve your goals.  I have driven to places I had never seen before! One job could take you to the Truckers Depot, you open your window and smell the oil or truck fumes, the next one take you to a vineyard out in the country with nothing but fresh air and beautiful surroundings. That's what motivates me everyday, it’s seeing all these places and meeting all these different people.



Before I started working at DCC I didn’t know anybody, now if I go to grab a bite to eat or out to a club someone always comes up to me and says ‘hey Travis how's things’ etc. It could be someone I have picked up for the first time, one of our many regulars or even colleagues who I have gotten to know through many of our DCC events.
I have been driving dune buggies and off roading already since starting . I was excited about being a part of the Downtown Cab Company but the reality is it's much more than a company, it's a family and I'm honored to say I'm part of that.


The big question is, what will the next four weeks bring? I have no idea and that's the exciting thing about this journey. All I know is I'm buckled up, meter is on and I'm ready to enjoy the ride. 




Screenshot (151).png

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A New Path

I’ve always enjoyed my time within the Downtown Cab Company. The work is very easy, the co-workers are easy to get along with, and overall it’s a great environment. However, it wasn’t until I started working at Los Santos Customs that I realized that I have a real passion for vehicles and working on them. So naturally when I found out that DCC was opening up its own mechanic division I immediately jumped at the chance to be a part of it, seeing it as a new path within the company than the standard jump to management after a lengthy time within the company. Knowing that I was going to need to receive one promotion before I would be eligible for the position I got to work, I began putting in quite a bit of hours. Just before the application process closed for the position I was able to get my promotion within the company. I quickly put in my application in hopes of receiving the position. Shortly after pressing submit, I saw that they were no longer accepting applications, I just made it. I pulled out my taxi and began working, knowing that they were reviewing the applications. I didn’t hear anything. Assuming that I wasn’t going to be accepted into the mechanic division I decided to go back to work at LSC. While handling a matter at LSC I received a phone call from Dalton Vane, asking me to come up to the Big Office. Upon arriving I saw Tom Solar, Derrick Ringer, and of course Dalton Vane waiting at the door for me. I had a good feeling. We went into the office and sat down, and that's when Tom, and Dalton broke the news that we were both accepted into the Mechanics Division of DCC. What a relief. Feeling accomplished I began to read the handbook provided, and make sure I knew everything I needed to know. It was going to be awesome to do something that I very much loved doing while working for DCC, and very refreshing to be able to go down a different path that had never been done before within the company.




Edited by Rocky Bologna
I spelled name wrong
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Toms Treasure Hunt

It’s well known that the DCC provides great care for their employees, one of the awesome things they provide is weekly events. Command has assembled a great PR-team that, among other things, continues to provide original and safe events for their drivers to get to know one another. The team works together harmoniously and one or two members are responsible for an event each week. This week it was Tom’s turn, he went right at work, he knew exactly what type of event he would arrange.


See Tom has a printing business and he was waiting for a long time to put his skills to good use at the DCC, he had it all figured out. “A treasure hunt!” is what it would be and “I will sponsor it!” is what he said, he asked the rest of the team for their approval and so it was. The plan was to spread 30 notes around the voodoo place peninsula and have the DCC look for them, upon retrieving them a cash prize would be granted, one note would be worth $1000 and others would be worth $5000.


Tom had plenty of notes laying around his business, all with pictures on them but the $5000 ones needed to be special. He asked Lilymay Bryd for advice and they decided to set up a green screen and take pictures from cabs with drivers as models. This was a great activity and they all had fun laughing at how good they looked in front of a camera. Tom photo-shopped the pictures and printed them out.


The day finally came  and Tom was stressing out, per usual on event day. “Will people show up?” “Are they gonna have fun?” “Did I forget anything?“, he doesn't show it though, everything was set. Tom went ahead to the event location with his notes in a briefcase to distribute them. “I have one hour, plenty time” He thought, he was sprinting around the area trying to get everything done in time and on the last note, he fell off a staircase and injured his leg. Luckily MD was there to save him and they raced him to the hospital right on time for the event!


They took the bus to the event together and after a short explanation the eager contestants were let loose. They raced around the peninsula finding notes after the first couple of minutes, it took them some time to find them all though. After 30 minutes of looking Tom showed them the treasure map and thus the last notes were found. Happy contestants received their prizes and in total Tom gave away $50.000, everyone seemed to have had a good time.

Happy times, happy faces, that's what it's all about.

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Rocky Rapids

Planning events is never easy. Ophelia Panes was no stranger to the tasks involved with hosting public relations events for the Downtown Cab Company. Joining the PR team when she was still an assistant manager, she undoubtedly flourished into a great leader among both the management and public relations teams. One day, during a management meeting, Lilymay Bryd and Jay Spades offered her the promotion to assistant public relations director to help Jay Jacobson in her daily tasks in running the public relations division. This was a welcomed promotion, and she accepted without a moment of hesitation. 


Jacobson had decided to go on a much-needed vacation, which left Ophelia in charge of the PR team and the PR events for the weekend. Her first task was to organize a Jetski event for the DCC employees. Ophelia began by contacting the jetski company, confirming a reservation for the jetskis and lifejackets for everyone who signed up for the event. While the price wasn’t pretty, she made sure the company she was requesting them from was rated well on LifeInvader as she cared for the safety of her fellow employees.


Her next job was to figure out the course. Jay J had mentioned a course that was previously used about a year back, but Ophelia was unfamiliar with the course. This is where Tom Solar and Lilymay Bryd came in handy. As both were longtime employees of DCC, they both knew the course. Tom and Lilymay offered to show Ophelia the course a few days before the event. All three of them clocked off DCC duty and went down to the canals to retrieve Tom’s boat from his house. 


Tom brought the two to the beginning of the course, a sandbank underneath Zancudo Bridge and explained the course briefly before all three set out on a practice run of the course in the boat. Lilymay and Tom hesitated slightly, worried that the boat may get stuck in the tight streams of the Zancudo River, but Ophelia shrugged it off with a laugh, reminding them that it was important for her to know for the sake of the event.


The further upstream the trio went, the more shallow the water and stronger the rapids became. Tom’s driving skills were great, and he navigated the waves easily, but one exceptionally large rapid mixed with a pesky rock led to the dingy being sent off course and directly onto the rocks beside the rapids. Luckily, none of them were hurt, but a beached boat was an even bigger problem on their hands. Lilymay was quick to pull out her phone and call for a mechanic. Unsure if one would come to save them, the trio crossed their fingers and prayed. 


Their prayers were finally answered when a mechanic from LSC arrived to assist them. Stuck trying to maneuver the tight and rocky terrain next to the rapids, the LSC mechanic worried if he would be able to move the boat back into the water. It took a few times, but he was finally successful, and the boat had been tipped back over before being sent into the water. Tom, Lilymay and Ophelia continued the track before returning to the city.



Ophelia was extremely excited leading up to the event. She had barely slept the night before, rushing to ensure everything was ready for her fellow employees. She recounted the list of things she needed ready endlessly in an attempt for her not to forget anything.

“Jetski location… camera… sunscreen… security deposit..”

This constant reminder caused Ophelia to lose track of time slightly, and she rushed to DCC to prepare for the event. All participants were brought beneath Zancudo bridge, where the jetski company left the vehicles, and Ophelia explained the rules over the radio. She counted down and before she could finish the number one, she was met with a mountain of water splashed into her face from the jetskis racing off. Shaking off slightly, Ophelia trailed after them laughing along.


A few more laps had happened after the first until it was decided that the last lap would be a race. The jetskis swiftly fought for first place when they left the start line, often running into each other slightly through the narrow streams of lago Zancudo. The race had been tight through the entire course but had resulted in Conrad Mcmount being the winner of the race when he narrowly pulled ahead of the competition. Despite being presented with a prize, Conrad turned it down, allowing those in second and third to take his prize instead.

Deciding to wrap up the event, those from DCC had decided to have a bit more fun on the jetskis before heading back to HQ. Ophelia went home feeling extremely proud of herself for hosting such a fun event that seemed well received and looked toward her next projects. Smiling, she returned to work the moment she got back at DCC and began preparing the events for the following week.



Edited by birbiez
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Downtown Cab Co is going GREEN!


One of Lily's dreams is a self-sufficient  Downtown Cab Co, since the day she received the Chief Executive Officer badge from Commissioner Lewis Langley. 


For a while she thought about the best options. After researching, Lily decided the first step would be solar panels on the roof of Downtown Cab Co.  

She contacted a company called Solar Panel Inc and asked for their expertise. 

The company advised Lily to get 9 solar panels to provide enough power for the big / small office and charge the electric Iwagens. 


Before Lily could order the solar panels she wrote an email to the commissioners to ask for approval. 

The hours passed by and all she could do was wait for the final answer. She checked her email almost hourly. 

Lily opened her email once again… And there it was an email from the commissioners! 


Lily took a deep breath and opened up the email.. While she was reading the email a bright smile turned up on her face. The solar panels were approved! 


As soon as she could, she typed an email to Solar Panel Inc and ordered 9 solar panels.


In the upcoming days Lily told many employees about the exciting news! Downtown Cab Co is going green


Few days later…

A big truck turned up at Downtown Cab Co with 6 huge solar panels.

The first day the company installed the first 6 panels on the highest roof. 

The second day the big battery was installed alongside 3 solar panels on the lower roof. In the office they installed the server where Command can see how much power the solar panels generate a day and if the battery is fully charged. 

Lily followed everything closely. 


One of Lily's dreams came true! The first government company going green!

dcc going green.png

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A Surprise Delivery


It all started when DCC's Lilymay Bryd and LSC's Conrad McMount received an unexpected e-mail from a mysterious Santiago Davis from Flight and Freight, Inc to schedule a cargo transport delivery.

A bit confused after reading the e-mail, Lilymay asked her command team to sit down together to go over this e-mail. Lilymay tried her best to read out the e-mail to the command team. After having a good laugh about the randomness of it all, the team agreed to let Santiago Davis know that Tuesday at 18.15 would be perfect to come pick up the surprise delivery. What Lilymay did not realise is that Santiago would only come once, which led to a follow up e-mail from Santiago.


The following day it was time to pick up the surprise delivery in the evening! So AndreasJay JLilymay, Tom and Stebbi hopped in a Dashound together and drove to Sandy Airfield. Shortly after, LSC arrived with their flatbeds as well as DCC's Kim who might've been slightly late. After hanging around for a little bit, LSC's Conrad received a phone call from Santiago Davis who asked for permission to land. 


Santiago asked Conrad whether he had permission to land. Even though Conrad was a little bit confused about being asked for permission, he gave the okay to land and shortly after the plane touched down at Sandy Airfield.


Everyone ran up to the plane after it safely landed to greet Santiago. Santiago was not the only one coming out of the plane, as he brought his co-pilot Tina along. After saying hello, Santiago was expecting to receive a gift. Apparently Governor Lewis Langley made that promise! Sadly the Governor did not forward this message, so that left everyone scrambling to look through their pockets for gifts. Santiago refused to unload the cargo out of the airplane without receiving his promised gift!


But Santiago only had one gift in mind. A football shirt! Oh and since you did not have that with you, also an American hat! And some stuff for Tina as well! And it has to be pink! 

Andreas quickly called William Taylor and asked for a favour to go buy the stuff for Santiago. Conrad and Riley quickly went to go buy the pink stuff for Tina. In the meantime the others tried to keep Santiago and Tina entertained. Asking about favourite hobbies (apparently Tina has a rock collection!) and what they like about America. Somehow the chat shifted to music and Santiago and Tina asked to sing a song for them. Lilymay quickly started to sing 'the wheels on the bus go round and round', but Jay J suggested that the guests should pick a song. After a little bit of deliberation, they chose Tina's favourite English song WAP by Cardi B. Jay J quickly grabbed her phone to look up the lyrics and attempted to 'sing' the song to keep the both of them distracted while waiting for the gifts. (Sound is thankfully not available!)


During the 'singing', William showed up with the gifts and Conrad and Riley were quick coming back with the gifts for Tina. After handing them over, Santiago and Tina got changed into their beautiful new outfits.

Santiago was happy and was ready to unload the cargo together with Tina. After waiting for a little bit and a lot of squinting trying to find out what is being unloaded, the team was allowed to approach the back of the airplane to find out what this surprise delivery was.


The surprise delivery turned out to be new cars! The Governor arranged for the delivery of two new type of vehicles for DCC. The old timers Eudora and the Broadway. A nice and pretty looking addition to DCC's fleet.


The new cars quickly got driven to the side to make room for Santiago and Tina, who sadly had to fly off again to their next destination in their new American outfits. After waving them goodbye, the team hopped into the new cars and drove them back to DCC.

Downtown Cab Co Delivery

Lilymay suggested to Jay J to try out these new vehicles as soon as possible, so they agreed to do a 'Back in Time' day for the following day at DCC. Which is today! Woo!


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Onlyvans Day


Jay Jacobson's love for the Moonbeam started fairly early on in her DCC career back around the summer of 2021. Shortly after the old shuttle got decommissioned and replaced by the Moonbeam, Jay started driving it and quickly never wanted to drive anything else while on duty. The looks of the vehicle, the (slight) drifting in corners and the trunk to save a life if needed provided fun and practicality while on duty, which she liked. Even off duty Jay drives around in her personal DCC coloured Moonbeam Custom at times, received as a gift by Andreas Oconner.


The trusty Moonbeam's in DCC's fleet has seen plenty of sunsets and thunderstorms, but also plenty of tree's, rocks and cliffs while Jay was on the road. Some Moonbeam's possibly did not survive over the years because of all kind of causes, but definitely not Jay's driving (*cough*).



As Public Relations Director of DCC, Jay knew that she wanted to do something with her favorite vehicle to promote it within DCC as well as make a fun day of it. DCC was already running weekly special day's with specific vehicles for quite some time now. Sadly the Moonbeam was out of commission for a long while due to 'mechanical issues'. But once the issue was fixed, the preparations began! With days like Old Timer Day, Stretch Day and Dynasty Day in the rotation it would be an easy choice to just call this day Moonbeam Day. However, what's the fun in that? Jay and Kim decided to call it Onlyvans Day (get it?) and Kim Taek created an awesome poster that can be used internally on the DCC Digital Message Board. An awesome Weazel add also got created to promote Onlyvans Day.


Poster made by the amazing Kim Taek

DCC CEO Lilymay Bryd needed a little convincing, especially because of the hot poster, but soon everything was set up and ready to go! And so the first edition of Onlyvans Day took place on the 13th of June. It just so happened to be a bit of a rainy and stormy day, so those Moonbeam's definitely got a little wet and dirty.


Stay tuned for the second edition of Onlyvans Day somewhere next month..


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Los Santos Pride Parade & Music Festival


On the 30th of June it was the day to celebrate the freedom of love in Los Santos. As DCC we believe it is very important that you can be who you want to be and love whomever you want to love. So when DOC's Warden Kourtney Lafleur reached out to ask whether DCC wanted to partake in the Los Santos Pride Parade and Music Festival, it was a no brainer and the event got announced on DCC's Digital Message Board to invite all employees to join.

At 18.45 the group met up at DCC to take out a Stanier Taxi's to get them painted in the colours of the rainbow by our lovely pocket mechanic Timmaayy. We made sure to snap a group photo before heading up to Sandy Airfield in our own mini parade.


After a short wait, all the vehicles that were going to join the Los Santos Pride Parade arrived at Sandy Airfield and quite quickly everyone lined up. With the cruise set on 80, the parade slowly but surely made their way up to Paleto, all the way around to Route 68 and back to Sandy Airfield. After parking the taxi's back up, it was time to party and have a couple drinks at the Los Santos Pride Music Festival that followed the parade at Sandy Airfield. It was great seeing so many people and organisations join in, so thank you everyone for showing up and thank you DOC for the invite.




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Greener DCC

Kim was in the middle of a quick snack break before his shift when Lily, bursting with excitement, rushed into the room and began excitedly shaking Kim, informing him about a special delivery scheduled for later in the day. Kim's anticipation made him forget about his sandwich, which was now laying on the floor after being shaken by Lily.

Later in the day, the DCC command team prepared themselves to head to the delivery location and take possession of the new vehicles. Chuck kindly provided them with transportation to the airport hangar 1.

Upon their arrival, they were cordially greeted by Jason Castillo, standing before a pristine fleet of newly imported Raiden's that were ready to become part of the DCC family. The Raiden, meticulously designed as an electric vehicle, featured a robust structural foundation and a battery pack located on the floor, ensuring both passenger safety and a low rollover risk. These attributes naturally rendered them a valuable addition to the Green DCC fleet.

After a brief introduction to the command team and a rundown of the vehicle's specifications, Jason and Lily formalized the deal with the signing of the contract.

Afterward, they took the new vehicles on their maiden voyage, driving them to the DCC garage. Along the way, the distinctive Raiden's caught admiring glances from curious onlookers.

Inspired by the interest, Lily decided to designate the next day as "Raiden Day" to celebrate these new additions. This event would provide all DCC drivers with an opportunity to experience the vehicles firsthand and share them with the community.


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Submarine Tour

At DCC we have been running weekly internal events for a couple years now. DCC's Command team currently takes turns organising and running an event. This time it was Lilymay Bryd's turn and she decided wanting to do a submarine tour in the Paleto Bay area. Lily made a poster and made a post on DCC's Digital Message Board.


Last Sunday the employee's that wanted to come along for this experience hopped into a Dashound and got transported to the little rickety pier in Paleto Bay. Arriving at the destination, the group got welcomed by Bob Dennis from Charter-a-Sub where Lily rented the submarines for the event.



Photo made by Donte Monroe

Before taking photo together, the group received a briefing about what to do or not to do while driving the submarines. The plan was to go explore the deep waters Paleto Bay, so it would not be without any danger. Even though they are submarines, these types of submarines can only go so low so it's important to keep the alert in mind! The group split themselves up into 5 submarines and off they went to explore.



The group came across beautiful coral as well as all kinds of sea creatures, like a dolphin, a killer whale and even a hammerhead shark! Lily knew that there was a UFO beached under water and after looking around for it for a little bit, the group found the UFO and carefully observed it from a distance.

Thankfully the group listened to the instructions quite well as every single submarine came back. One submarine did somehow turn itself off, according to the driver, but thankfully this was able to be solved quick as the submarine drifted back to the surface by itself. When it was time to surface, the group went back ashore and made their way back to the DCC HQ after another exciting and successful event.






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