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Travis Hawk

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Everything posted by Travis Hawk

  1. +1 we might see a drop in criminal activity in this city if we really give people a 2nd chance and a new start. we seem to make it so difficult for them to get a fresh start and so easy for them to return to there life of crime
  2. I have used this business several times and every time the work is amazing and quick too. I don't know what I would do without them. 10/10
  3. Travis Hawk My DCC Journey I remember my first day at the Downtown cab company like it was yesterday. I turned up in my shirt, pants and tie with sweaty palms. It's fair to say I was a little nervous about my interview, after all this was DCC, one of the major success stories in los santos. I’d only worked at Burgershot previously. I was greeted at the door by a gentleman called Tom who was to conduct my interview. My interview started with a few stuttering answers to Tom's questions but I got through it and so it was time for my practical test driving a cab for the first time. I held my nerve and passed the test with Tom offering me a position in DCC. What a day! That first day feels a million miles away now but I still get that same great feeling driving round the city in the famous Yellow and Blue cab. Fast forward four weeks, I have been promoted twice. That's the great thing about working for DCC, if you are willing to put in the time and effort they will do the same for you; helping you grow and achieve your goals. I have driven to places I had never seen before! One job could take you to the Truckers Depot, you open your window and smell the oil or truck fumes, the next one take you to a vineyard out in the country with nothing but fresh air and beautiful surroundings. That's what motivates me everyday, it’s seeing all these places and meeting all these different people. Before I started working at DCC I didn’t know anybody, now if I go to grab a bite to eat or out to a club someone always comes up to me and says ‘hey Travis how's things’ etc. It could be someone I have picked up for the first time, one of our many regulars or even colleagues who I have gotten to know through many of our DCC events. I have been driving dune buggies and off roading already since starting . I was excited about being a part of the Downtown Cab Company but the reality is it's much more than a company, it's a family and I'm honored to say I'm part of that. The big question is, what will the next four weeks bring? I have no idea and that's the exciting thing about this journey. All I know is I'm buckled up, meter is on and I'm ready to enjoy the ride.
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