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Los Santos Underground

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The day had come. The “backup” transponders had finally arrived at LSC. Baxter eagerly opened up the office door upon arriving to work and saw the package sitting in the pile of mail from the day. He quickly tore it open and emptied out the four transponders he’d ordered, putting two of them in storage upstairs and pocketing the other two. He sat himself down at a computer and began the process of activating them.





Baxter let Matt and Niki know ASAP that the transponders were good to go. They all threw on a change of clothes and grabbed cars they didn’t drive very often, wanting not to be recognized, then took off to Old Bayview. They parked around back outside the fences to conceal the fact that anyone was there, then hopped the fences to sneak inside and approach the gates. Matt and Niki were peeking around the gates to watch for traffic on the road as Baxter opened up the consoles on each gate, snipping out the old transponders and soldering in the new ones.




It was done. The Board of Los Santos Underground had access to the gates of Old Bayview. Matt and Niki hopped back over the fence and split up to watch down the road both ways while Baxter pulled into the shop. He was on edge as he snipped the wires of the CCTV cameras in plain sight of the road. At one point Matt called out a Police cruiser coming down the road while Baxter was perched precariously on a ledge with his car outside. He had no time to hop down and hide before it rolled by! By a stroke of dumb luck however, sitting still and holding his breath up there was enough for the cruiser to keep driving and not stop to investigate. Shortly thereafter, all CCTV cameras were deactivated and Baxter had the hard drive with any previously stored footage in his bag as he departed the shop.





With the gates now controlled by them, and the security of the lot blind to them, the three changed back into their normal clothes, got their favorite cars out, and rolled down to revel in what they hoped would be their final home. They set a few ground rules for folks while at the shop:


  • Phones off while inside the gates

  • Cars are not to be outside the garage without lookouts on the road.

  • NOBODY knows about this except initiated members.


Once the rules were set, the bottles were popped and they finally laid back to relax. They would need the rest before the weekend they were about to have!




((As a final mention, please note that it is still NRP to use the gates here for regular mechanics even though the script will allow you to, the only reason we are using them is because server staff have approved a proposal for alt-RP that we submitted to them. We want to give a MASSIVE thank you to the staff team who reviewed and approved this for us!))

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Ethan grew up in the streets of New York, he was five when his family moved to Brooklyn. Not knowing the language and finding new friends in school was a challenge… but he loved a good challenge. His dad was the right-hand of some mafia boss, or that’s what some people know. He never took interest in that life, even though he did hang out with some dangerous family members. Shortly after his 23rd birthday, things went downhill for him in New York. He messed up, not knowing the audience and the racer he challenged in a one and one.

Moving to Los Santos was a rough start: new job, no money to begin with, no acquaintances. He worked here and there, made some connections, met a few people, and then joined LSC.

Ethan is one of the first few members that joined LSU, as he and his buddy Tommy Lezono were always talking how they wanted to be part of a crew. He was approached by Baxter and was asked to join, and it didn’t take him long to say yes. He was looking for a racing crew for a while since he moved to the city, and took the opportunity.


The first few races were hard, his crewmates weren’t easy on him, his previous experience in races didn’t mean anything. But Ethan never gives up. He is motivated and wants to show them his worth. He looks up to Baxter, Niki, & Matt; they’re very good at what they do, and he’s racing them and challenging them all the time to improve.








His car of choice? The Elegy Retro Custom. This changes from time to time from his Comet to the RH8 to the Sultan, but he will always stay loyal to his Elegy.


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LSU had been consistent with their racing, and although they were still bringing in new members and staying active, a few of the veterans in the group were interested in trying something new. The Board knew it was time to give this suggestion and a new event a try. 


Tommy and Ethan pitched the idea for an Off-road Rally Race: a time trial over three different off-road courses, combined fastest time wins the prize. As he hadn’t done much offroad racing, Matt was hesitant about the idea; however, Niki and Baxter talked him into giving the event a shot and seeing what Tommy and Ethan could cook up.




Tommy, Baxter, and Quincy took the lead in planning the tracks for the event: one at the windmill farm, one around the reservoir, and the third over Cassidy trail by Sandy. The group decided they would provide all the vehicles for the event, and they’d have a co-driver in each vehicle to ensure no one was cheating and time was kept accurately. 


Baxter and Quincy offered to be the co-drivers, Ethan volunteered to be the on-site mechanic along with another LSC employee, and everyone else was in charge of organization and ensuring things were running smoothly with registration, money, and preparing racers. 




A few days before the event, the group was trying to determine what they were going to offer up as the prize, and spoke to a Weazel employee who suggested reaching out to Xoza Shadow to sponsor the event. 


Niki reached out to Xoza to see if he would have interest in sponsoring the event. He seemed intrigued, and they quickly met to discuss logistics and what arrangement would work for those involved. Xoza offered to provide the $100,000 prize for first place, and LSU would advertise that the event was sponsored by Atomic Auto and plug his vehicles. The group saw this as a big win, as this meant all money made off the event was pure profit. Xoza also helped them by making a poster and allowing them to use some of his ads for the event, and helped them reach out to PD and SD to block off roads. 


The day of, the group gathered at the windmill farm, the first leg of the races, and definitely the easiest of the three. The Issi Sports were parked up and ready to be used, and the participants started to roll in. They had seven participants pay the $10,000 to race; each participant would run the track as the lone car with their co-driver in the passenger’s seat. All the participants ran the first leg without issue, their times recorded before moving to the second track at the reservoir. 


The second track was a bit more difficult, with the danger of water disqualification introduced. If any participant drove the car into the water, they’d be disqualified from winning the prize. Only one racer fell victim to the water at the reservoir, and the other six passed the leg and moved to the third location: Cassidy trail.


This would be the most challenging track, as most of the trail was a very thin dirt path with a steep mountain up one side, and an even steeper drop to the river on the other. As if that wasn’t difficult enough, they’d be expected to drive it in stock Warreners (the tried and true Players 1-4). This track claimed two other drivers, and only four finished the third race as final participants. After all the times were collected and combined, the winner emerged as Paulo Witherfork. 





The group announced the winner, thanked everyone for participating, and drove the Warreners back to the city. Niki met Paulo at the bank and paid his prize, then they wrapped up and had a quick meeting with those still around to talk about what happened, what they’d change for next time, and what was next to come.




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Coming off of the big success at their last event, LSU hosted a car meet the next week, in large part organized by Niki. She reached out to Hayley Swan and requested use of the parking lot at the club, then spoke with Blair Allison to procure an Elegy Retro Custom to give away at the meet.

LSU had decided that every car meet they planned would have a theme (their intention being to host one every few months), and the group decided on Wild West for this meet. Niki, Matt, Tommy, Baxter, Quincy, and Ethan all dressed up for the meet and met at the lot, waiting for cars to arrive.




They decided to do a car and costume combo giveaway, then raffle off the car for 5k per ticket. There was a big turnout, and so many came dressed to the theme. The group was extremely excited for the number of people participating in the meet, dressing up and dancing to Baxter’s music. 










The car and costume contest was judged by Tommy and Quincy. They went around to each entry and determined which had the best combo. After some deliberation, they determined that the winner of the contest was Hazel Adams with her cowgirl and truck combo.




The meet was coming to a close, and they had sold over 40 raffle tickets. The final drawing was done and the winner of the Elegy Retro Custom was announced: Tom Solar! After he was given the keys to the vehicle, LSU thanked everyone for coming to the event, and it came to a close. 



















Now to think of next month’s theme…



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Time trials are an important part of progression; not only does it give you bragging rights if you have the fastest time, it also gives you a lot of information to help improve your driving when you are out practising tracks alone. The other side of time trials is for information about prospects and rookies, and gauging whether or not they’re ready to move up the ranks.


Over the course of a few months, the group got together numerous times to test and trial each track; noting their times and joking with each other as to who is the better driver. After looking at some of the times they came up with logical times to set for each track they ran in order to test prospects against.



During the time of the trials, the cars go through some extreme stress given they have to race not one, but two or THREE tracks at once. This puts a lot of wear and tear on the engine components, suspension components and tires. As a team, LSU always check out each others vehicles to make sure they have the best possible run as well as having a safe vehicle to run these high speed trails with.



As the members of Los Santos Underground were running each track it was apparent how much fun they were having testing their skills against the clock. they would decide to make this a fun outing in the future, as it was such a great experience for everyone involved and provided some great opportunities to get some spectacular photos and video of the group.








The blood, sweat, tears and car parts that go into Los Santos Underground are shed by each member to make this group successful and enjoyable for each and every one of its members as well as anyone in the community they happen to have the pleasure of driving with. In the future there may be some interesting “TT” events coming as well.

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    With an extremely heavy heart, an unfortunate time had come for leadership of Los Santos Underground. Matt and Niki took a long reflection over a weekend and decided it was time for a change. They discussed it briefly and then make the final decision to move to China and visit with her family.


    Quincy decided to head back home up North, having some loose ends that needed to be tied. 


    Baxter has Lucy still to think about, but has spoken about possibly heading back to Germany and work closer to Pfister. 



The four of them got together for one last hoorah and to close down the shop. They drove over to their garage, the old Bayview mechanic shop and opened the gate. They pulled in and took one long look at the shop and had a brief discussion while smoking a cigar. 







After driving out from the shop, the crew got together and decided to do something they hadn’t really done together since the group started, get arrested. They got together on the highway and lined up to do the “Trial” required by anyone to become an LSU Leader and hit over 185 on the speed camera, and to see who would be able to get the highest. 


Baxter won, hitting 223 and then they parked their cars and turned themselves in to a very lonely Tom Ardizzio. 


Oh, and of course Matt snuck in some cigars




They all discussed that the plan is to come back one day, just.....when the time is right.

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