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FRP and Police

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Alright so i've read a few of these examples people have come out with and discussions on the force continuum. I'd like to use the Philadelphia PD use of force to explain some of the policy and how the procedure works and also, what effect the limitations of the game have on things.


Starting at the bottom with No Force. Essentially if the suspect is complying, is not displaying signs of aggression and are following orders, PD are supposed to do nothing more than issue verbal commands and be there. This can be stuff like asking people to take of their masks or to move their vehicles at the pier.

Moderate to Limited Force. This is if the suspect is resisting/non-complaint. In this case, cops would use physical restraint or perhaps pepper spray if the suspect is resisting / non-complaint. In the Actualbears posted, they were non-complaint so they would be physically restrained or sprayed with pepper spray if they did that IRL.

The issue with this is that there is no pepper-spray in GTA V and roleplaying physical restraint is quite difficult and it's going to take time to get the person down, keep them restrained, cuff them and then get them to do what you want.

So, essentially, Limited Force becomes Less Lethal Force. This permits the use of a baton or a taser. With the baton, sync is currently an issue but with the taser, it's a little more accurate.

Then deadly force is pretty obvious.

I don't want to discuss IC specifics, but essentially it breaks down to verbal > taser > firearm and it is dependent on what you do. If you have no weapon and don't resist, you're not getting tased. If you resist but don't aim a firearm, you will get tased. If you aim a firearm, you are getting lit up.

Like it says on the chart, use the option that represents the minimal amount of force necessary. 

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