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The Goblins

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The Goblins have many contacts and a lot of respect on the streets of Los Santos, they know very well who controls guns, drugs and all kinds of other illegal contraband.
Goblin's high command met and decided to make an import order from one of the biggest gangs in town, the order was easy, several fresh shotguns!
The mission was easy, they knew exactly what they needed to do! They gained that knowledge from the years they passed on Los Zetas! Abilio Fresh knows very well all the spots where the shipments can arrive and passed that knowledge to the Goblin’s high command before the order.

Jackie Sierra is the goblin who controls that import and that was decided for the high command so he needs to plan.



Goblins stored the shipment on their safes and everything will be secure, now they need to meet with the big boys Aztecas to make a deserved payment for the service they offer.


Goblins and Aztecas improve their relationship day after day!

Goblin’s on that way show the Aztecas they are a truth people and the things who move those guys is respect.
“That is just a start”

Edited by Ourballs
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Goblin masks start to get more attention on the streets, day by day they call the attention from other gangs.

Goblins start to have more impact on the criminal life on the streets with guns and drugs business!

The other gangs start to look at goblins with different eyes!

The goblins need a neutral situation to start growing up and that mind set comes from the HC of goblins.

With neutral situation the goblins can farm at the labs without problems and can do their business without problems.

The thing who move goblins is RESPECT

And to get that you need to be loyal, helpful and more…

Neutral situation is just that start and that is the message the goblins pass to other gangs.


Respect to get respect!


Daichead Gadai and Goblins


Mr. Fegan the high command of Daichead Gadai a lot of people don’t know but this man is an old goblin who left the goblin family to create his own family. One of the first gangs with good relations with goblins.


These two gangs are still growing up side by side helping each other in every situation!

Where will stop that relationship?


Edited by Ourballs
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On 7/20/2020 at 9:19 PM, Ourballs said:




The Goblins have many contacts and a lot of respect on the streets of Los Santos, they know very well who controls guns, drugs and all kinds of other illegal contraband.
Goblin's high command met and decided to make an import order from one of the biggest gangs in town, the order was easy, several fresh shotguns!
The mission was easy, they knew exactly what they needed to do! They gained that knowledge from the years they passed on Los Zetas! Abilio Fresh knows very well all the spots where the shipments can arrive and passed that knowledge to the Goblin’s high command before the order.

Jackie Sierra is the goblin who controls that import and that was decided for the high command so he needs to plan.



Goblins stored the shipment on their safes and everything will be secure, now they need to meet with the big boys Aztecas to make a deserved payment for the service they offer.


Goblins and Aztecas improve their relationship day after day!

Goblin’s on that way show the Aztecas they are a truth people and the things who move those guys is respect.
“That is just a start”

New Update!

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Marco Sierra


Arriving at Los Santos

Marco Sierra came from Portugal into Los Santos with his brother Jonh Sierra and his two cousins Abilio Fresh and Ricky Soares to try to make their motorcycle club (Lusitan Riders) with the goal to have their clubhouse to host events and also buy their dealership one day.






Getting started

So far , so good! The new project was going great, and to make it even more exciting some more friends from Portugal were arriving to join.



Making connections

The members for the club were rising and they were getting noticed by everyone in the city. Lusitan Riders started to attend events and started to know people here and there.



During this process of getting to know people, they got the chance to find out more about the criminal life, and it attracted the club interest to go deeper in it. It was a matter of time for the club to get involved with drugs and guns. The original plan wasn’t this kind of life but they started to enjoy it.




Getting involved in this life you will have to get yourself known to the big dogs in the game so you could have a chance to survive. And so they did.. they heard so much about this gang called “Los Zetas” , so they made their way to have a chance to meet with them. They met Jay Gamble, Collie Fegan and Skinny Gambino and started to discuss their intentions in the city. Fair to say that the meeting went well and a good relationship started to grow.




Building good relations sometimes bring rewards and the club had the chance to attend an event hosted by “Los Zetas” at Mirror Park Tavern.




Everyone was enjoying the party but being such a big player in the city attracts the attention of unwanted guests, and the party was soon interrupted …







Everything has an end

Sad times arrived at Lusitan Riders , when some of the core members started to leave because they didn’t like the way how things turned out. This kind of life started to get people killed or into prison/hospital very often. For some was a good ride, for others it was their last. 




New Opportunities

With the club now disbanded, Marco Sierra alongside his brother Jonh Sierra and their two cousins Abilio Fresh and Ricky Soares started looking for something new so they could feel valuable for something again. Their first thought was “Los Zetas”. Such good relations were created with them and they tried their luck to join , but Los Zetas high command didn’t feel they were ready to join them. They kept in touch and maintained a good friendship with them but they wanted to be a part of something and the opportunity arrived with “The Wanted” a group that liked to do car races and it felt similar to what they tried to do with Lusitan Riders. Everyone liked the idea and a meeting was set in place with the leaders of “The Wanted”, so the cousins could try to join.




Everything went well and the cousins made their way inside the organization.

The family was feeling great to be a part of something again and they earned their respect inside “The Wanted”.





Turn of events

Everything was looking promising in “The Wanted” but sometimes in this criminal life, the big players might not always agree with each other… and that’s what happened. A conflict between The Wanted and Los Zetas began and bullets started flying. The cousins never wanted to be a part of it because they had built such a good relationship with Los Zetas which they tried to join since they had disbanded their motorcycle club. But being inside The Wanted already, Jonh Sierra decided to give a little help to Zetas, providing some information, with the hope that in the end, they could join Zetas for good. 

This conflict didn’t last long, Los Zetas was so powerful that they made sure to make The Wanted vanish for good. After the war between this two, the cousins tried their luck again to join Zetas and this time…. 

This time they got the chance to rep blue and to be part of such a powerful organization in Los Santos!




Fly high


Since Marco and his family made their way inside Los Zetas everything started to feel so much better, they felt like they had it all now. They had so much more respect in the streets now. Such respect allowed them to improve their bank account and their connections/knowledge in the criminal life.



Having such popularity now, the family decided that they should have some kind of brand so people would always recognize them.

From this moment “The Goblins” were born under the wings of “Los Zetas” and with the approval of their high command.









Marco spent much time with his family in “Los Zetas” earning the respect of some and making a name for himself, but in life nothing is perfect and there are always rocks in the way. Marco felt something weird during his staying in “Los Zetas”, he kinda never felt the brotherhood he was expecting inside the organization, or maybe he failed to prove himself during that time. Despite his family that was having a blast, Marco decided that he needed to go away for quite some time and he left “Zetas” and went back to his country. 

When Marco decided to come back to Los Santos he didn’t join “Zetas” again, he was just hanging around with his family. During this time a new gang called “West Coast Assassins” was starting to rise, and it caught Marco’s attention. He made some connections there and started to hang around more with them than with his own family. He felt what he didn't felt during his time in “Zetas”... brotherhood! It didn’t took long for Marco to make his way inside this new organization and to start a new chapter for his life on his own.






The downfall



Marco was having a blast inside “West Coast Assassins”, he felt valuable and a core member inside the organization with a lot of respect. During his staying there, he started to do a lot of gun sales, offering good deals for his customers. Little did he know that this kind of business would go wrong eventually. “Los Zetas” that are the main source for gun trafficking found out about this deals that Marco was doing, and they didn’t like it because he was messing with the prices and the market. All of this lead “West Coast Assassins” to pay an enormous tax for Marco’s mistakes and consequently, Marco was kicked out. 





Redeem your sins



Marco brought shame to his family (Goblins) because of his actions and he couldn’t almost look at himself in the mirror. He needed to make up for his mistakes and somehow to make his family to be proud of him again and to regain “Los Zetas” trust also. At that time “Zetas” were having a conflict with an organization by the name of “The Rooks”. Marco came up with this idea of getting inside “The Rooks” has a spy for “Zetas”. He talked about this with his family and they all agreed that if he could pull that off he would regain “Zetas” trust and would make his family proud of him.

And that’s what Marco did. He made his way inside “The Rooks”.



Acting as a spy Marco was always giving all the information he could, sending text messages to his brother Jonh, and then Jonh reported the news to “Zetas” high command. In this conflict “Zetas” were always one step ahead of “The Rooks” and that started to make some suspicious about it. 



Fortunately, no one ever found out and Marco kept his look of a loyal soldier until “The Rooks” end in Los Santos.





The spy games were a success and Marco made his family proud and got back the trust from “Los Zetas”

After all of these incidents along his way, Marco decided that now he would never leave his family again and he started to rep the goblin mask only.




The Goblins

The day started with a call from Marco’s cousin, Abilio Fresh telling him some surprising news.. “Los Zetas” had disbanded.

“The Goblins” weren’t under “Los Zetas” wings anymore and it was time to get everyone together in the family so we could start to make a name for “Goblins” on our own. So Abilio took the lead in the family. 

Soon enough they started to set meetings and also began with the recruitment process to improve the family.








Edited by BILLAIN
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Time is passing and Goblins are still growing every day. Recruiters are doing their job. The family keeps growing and making their goals. “Quality Over Quantity” is our goal.

     The Goblins are making some low crime shit and always with the eyes open. We are friendly guys but don't mess with us, or your side is gone. Every Pre Prospect of the Goblins is taught to keep the good conduct and respect for all the gangs, Expect for the fucking Rooks or what they are, no one knows. The Goblins High Command is making progress and slowly making their steps to put the goblins in the top, We always want good relationships and respect for all, that's one of our internal rules.





The Goblins Members always keep everything updated and we have a lot of internal meetings every week, we like to share what is better to improve and what is wrong and good.

Of Course the High Command have meetings as well, for business, external relations, recruitment progress, Gang Situation Status, Gang Relations and other shit.


If you’re reading this, believe me, we are getting bigger and bigger. Don't expect us to fail, we are making progress that a lot of people weren't ready and able to do. Always Strong, together and with the correct Mindset. Remember the beginning of this letter, Quality Over Quantity. And that will remain until the end.





With the numbers getting higher and the respect growing at the same time, goblins are making their way to success and nobody can deny that. This will continue and the Members of The Goblins are helping and making a good effort to succeed.


I Believe that's all my friends, new faces, new life, new adventure.





Memorial for this boys



Edited by Jonhy Crazy
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Family Getting Promoted


Days are passing, and the goblins members are doing an amazing job showing how goblins work, and demonstrating the respect we have for others. In the past days, a lot of Goblins got promoted to a better rank, and they are getting more respect and starting to be like brothers in the family.  When the recruiters want to promote someone, The Goblins make a promotion ceremony between each other, and the recruiters give a speech to the goblins talking about their outstanding work, and the respect they are getting.




Sometimes we make a few fights between each other, just for fun. That is called Brothers Fight, and sometimes we drink, listen to music, and two brothers fighting drunk as fuck.

Well, I think we need to have fun sometimes, no?

Maybe, someday you can be in this picture, who knows?.



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Goblin masks start to get more attention on the streets, day by day they call the attention from other gangs.

Goblins start to have more impact on the criminal life on the streets with guns and drugs business!

The other gangs start to look at goblins with different eyes!

The goblins need a neutral situation to start growing up and that mind set comes from the HC of goblins.

With neutral situation the goblins can farm at the labs without problems and can do their business without problems.

The thing who move goblins is RESPECT

And to get that you need to be loyal, helpful and more…

Neutral situation is just that start and that is the message the goblins pass to other gangs.




Respect to get respect!


Daichead Gadai and Goblins


Mr. Fegan the high command of Daichead Gadai a lot of people don’t know but this man is an old goblin who left the goblin family to create his own family. One of the first gangs with good relations with goblins.



These two gangs are still growing up side by side helping each other in every situation!

Where will stop that relationship?



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  In the past few days, The Goblins changed their colors to brown due to some problem that Albani is causing in the city, with the council and other people. This change is temporary, and the real symbol of a goblin is the mask. It was a quick change to solve a minor problem in this city. Right now the goblins have other things to think and improve.fPvILaIeWtip9t-0Xh22REI7YmSWxT_pYuGBvCz2AEFFXt9wM8oC-UusNXi2LQUmgx5f84mZiiDe7bghKIfSnxowW-0mHecoL5M1cGyY0nY8kfXplzSuG02X0p4KLhv50quqlgOZ

We are keeping our respect and good relation with other gangs and we are continuing to make progress. Goblins High Command is thinking about improving our business model and how our family is going to make more money. Gun Trafficking, Drugs, Laundry Money are the three big things that we are improving and making business with.8ZqLIVZHvc7wSEooQJYv0pHpZXvXFZRn2x13t8mxtQDQJuMxk5lSQNQkVy_UJVVvJi2wnFzEzLLHTD-SO6W-4iGKb-ZaaiI5S0qj7YhAVQ6qDIUUmU4y4lwiBFGftvkml7aSA7Xb

The Goblins business model will have a lot of opportunities for new members. We want to have a stable economy in the family to support in the future most of the costs, and help the members to achieve more success in the city and more power.QqhstLjDU3LKOBnAUMlLZ_JbggE0E78VoI0tOnQgyHyiaY0jDsvUA0dQePHgY4mmvF7Yy_Rh5AsG4xKhnlQ438OYzVSfNwprrCQD4-4yjY3RdEfI6Ia8wmW6LFGtvYINv29-1-a6tfzrY57PEfrTBEtvOujgLL4y57FJ7fOkNLx_CHfz6IOdKpqpcoA9VGKpZhOP9gXWwNMnRvkEG7PWEAfNEgLAoOsqvK3wM35I_VK97Lgbz_y3YazlevC176ayHYiXnme7tVZVwW3DIMfncSCiJq7wuVc96BBUnWrypKAUxzs-vCiqpm1w2f5TkL4bPler_MB0RWBIadD1XPmFPScitGRsJb-4QzG2hlrAlbY9hGfQpnA7yHBEaM_iYe-Uz7vTuMf4ZR-Lu8jkcOYOFpQr

With that being said, the goblins continue to make history in the city and looking to make big things in the future. Of course, we have some things to solve, to discuss, to change, but that is what makes us stronger.

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The History of Life of Jonhy ”Crazy Goblin” Crazy




Jonhy Crazy is a Colombian boy with 25 years old, he was born in Bagotá and he always loved to help his family. After some years, jonhy traveled to Los Santos, city of San Andreas, and started to learn about Medicine. He entered the LSEMS and worked there for a few months, making good money to help his family in Colombia. Jonhy made his family proud of him, he helped a lot of civilians and made new friends in the city.




It was a good start to Mr.Crazy, but he wanted more and more, he was tired of Medic life, and he was interested in the prisoner's life and how they are treated, being close to the prisoners and the city criminals, started to interest in Crazy’s Mind. Jonhy Resigned from LSEMS and applied for DOC. He met a lot of new faces, from legal and criminal life. Jonhy saw how the law works in this city, and he knows that is strong and powerful.





The time passed and after many years, Jonhy Crazy resigned from the DOC, and while unemployed he found a group of Portuguese people in the Zeta Store, named The Goblins. After some years, The Goblins started to be a family to him, and when he looked to himself, He was in the criminal life, Already in the criminal system. Crazy joined the goblins, and started to join the organized crimes and helping goblins and zetas.









Years passed and some members of Goblins left the city, others got in Prison. They worked in the shadow for too long, and finally, The Goblins got together again. New Faces, New Life, More Powerful than ever. The Goblins are leaving the Sewers and recruitment loyal and trusted members to be part of a respectful family, that respects to be respected. The Goblins are a family of Veteran People in the city and Jonhy is part of the High Command.

Jonhy Crazy is dealing with Weapon Shipment and Drug trafficking.

The Goblins have a lot of plans for the future, but they want to wait until the right time.





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That is not a normal night like others, but the question is why that night is so special?
On that Night the goblins coming out of the sewers and start to terrify and rob several stores in Los Santos!
They wait for a full moon night where their heads shine more and get inside the stores rob the cash and everything value there!
They wait for the cops to be busy and when that happens they attack the stores with everything!


Storeman Report:


A ticket was left behind in every store they attack.


The night ends with a bag full of money ready to be laundry!
Jonhy Crazy with their knowledge and Contacts start a plan for laundry that dirty money!

He texts the man who does that type of work and he answer how the system works.
Goblins just need to bring the money to the special location and the man changes the dirty money to normal money without any tax and without the law knows, that is the most important no?

Money clean time to meet!
Everyone receives their cut, who works deserves receive!


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Irish Night



“The Goblin” and “Daichead Gadai” have good relationships and Mr. “Collie Fegan” invited all “Goblins” for a big open of their “Steamboat beers”, a pub located in the vespucci area.

When “Goblins” receive the invite everyone prepares their best suit for that party. They wanna appear with the best suit’s like a gentlemans.



They need that type of parties for the family to keep together and stronger.
“Goblins” roll together to that party and everyone gets in to enjoy the party, the life can't always be crime, shoots, drugs and traffic weapons. 

*Cough cough*
Well.. Drugs.. Party without drugs is not a party..

The night starts well for some goblins, just for some..



Mr. “Collie Fegan” shows the goblins at their table, the thing they can't miss at that table is alcohol!
Irish Whiskey is the favorite drink for that night, every time one bottle ends another one arrives!


The problem comes after when some goblins take the jacket some drugs.. (Heroin, Crack, Cocaine and some others)
Well we don't need to say how that night ended!



Most importantly, everyone enjoys the party and has fun!
Praise for more moments like that is our last words.

(next time without drugs)


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The History of Life of "Nikolai Manusharov"


Nikolai Manusharov is a Russian man with 27 years old, he was born in Новосибирск where he was a well-known arm and drug dealer.
One night when KGB members raided his house he was forced to flee the country, although he loved his country, he could not stay and end up in prison.

When he came to America in the city of Los Santos he had to start from the beginning without anything and without anyone's help.
In the beginning, it was very difficult and he was forced to do the hardest jobs for little money but after a while, he slowly but surely started building his dreams.






After a while, he started dealing drugs and weapons again.
In that business, he managed to meet some very good friends who later became family.






Nikolai meets Mr. Johny who told him about a group of people called Goblins. Johnny offered Nikolai to join the group and so it was.
After several meetings and actions, Nikolai became a Mini Goblin. 






Nikolai is a man who is always there for his family and friends, ready to help at any time and in the most difficult situations!






Edited by Nikolai Manusharov
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Alistair Cain






The Beginning


To understand Alistair Cain, you have to start from the very beginning. Alistair was born in southern Kentucky, to lower middle class parents. With a family history of mental illness, he was damned from the get-go. However, this was not the case for most of his life. You see, it seemed that he had skipped the family curse through all of his childhood.


In Kentucky, Alistair made a number of childhood friends, lasting through high school. While all decent people, they all seemed to do the same exact thing upon reaching adulthood: Work a 9-5 job, drink on the weekends, and then do it all over again. Alistair followed suit, landing a job at a decent-paying call center.


During this time, he quickly became disillusioned with the prospect of the same vicious cycle. While he had money in the bank and new friends, he felt unfulfilled. There was something missing. This thing was ‘respect,’ though he had not identified that yet.


After months and months of this same song and dance, Alistair needed a complete change. He packed up on short notice, bringing very little money, and grabbed a plane to Los Santos in search of.… something.


Welcome to the City


Upon arriving in the city, Alistair set his sights on the only thing he knew: hard work. He met some people from the downtown cab company, and was soon hired. During this time, Alistair worked his way into a few promotions, was making good money, and had made a large amount of friends.


Around this time, something peculiar was happening in Alistair’s mind. While everything was great on the outside, something was off on the inside. He would hear people speaking to him, turn to look, and alas, no one would be there. Ultimately, he would chalk this up to fatigue from long hours at the cab company and move on.


The Breakdown


As months went by, Alistair was learning something… disappointing to say the least: He had moved thousands of miles for a new start, only to find he was in the exact same spot, if not a worse one.


The people around him could care less. They were not truly his friends. Furthermore, no matter how hard Alistair worked, there was no recognition, day in and out. He was a puppet. There was no respect.


There’s that word again.

Meanwhile, Alistair’s mental state had continued deteriorating. It seemed to be the worst when he was being challenged. The voices would tell him to do unspeakable things to people he thought he knew and cared for. He would brush these off.


One night, after a particularly bad night at work due to… unruly conversations with management, Alistair was happy to drive around the city in his exemplar, pick up his salary, and maybe go do some fishing. He had stopped and gotten his salary, when he bumped into a man, an honest mistake.


“Watch where you’re going, fuckface.”


“What?” Alistair replied.


“Do some shit like that again and I’ll put a bullet in your head.” said the man.


The voices told Alistair what to do. This time, he listened.


Alistair tailed the man, without his knowing. When the man stopped in a secluded area, Alistair put on a mask and pulled up beside him.


“Hey, buddy, wanna buy a gun?” he asked.


10 minutes later, Alistair had the man in a field near Paleto, on his knees with a .50 in his face.


“Apologize. Fucking beg.” said Alistair.


He was letting the voices do all of the work.


“Fuck you, pussy. You won’t shoot me.” said the man.


Alistair, at this point, realized he never really wanted an apology. He needed to kill this man.


And so he did. He shot him. Once he was dead, he kept shooting. He emptied the .50 into the man’s body. He then proceeded to call the police and tell them where to find the body.


This was when Alistair realized. He needed respect to be fulfilled, and he wasn’t going to get it working a job and fishing.


Rock Bottom


Alistair would immediately go back to working, albeit it would not last long. At this time, he had begun doing some illegal things on the side for extra money: robbing and chopping cars. This would come to light after a botched robbery on an undercover police officer, and Alistair would be fired.

At this point, he had hit rock bottom. His mental state had deteriorated completely. He had no job, friends, and very little money. He spent his days harassing DCC employees in his unruly state. He robbed several, and shot one. He even went into the main office and attempted to rob the head of HR, although this was botched and he did a long prison sentence.


A new, very old friend








One fateful night, Alistair was out looking for cars to chop, when he spotted a very old man attempting to flag him down. The man needed a ride to the DMV badly. Alistair agreed, although he had not decided yet whether he would be robbing this man. He needed money, after all.


To Alistair’s surprise, that thought had quickly faded after talking to the old man. He learned that his name was Bo Vespucci, who was 86 years old and would remind you of this about every 10 minutes or so. They had come to the city for similar reasons.


This would be the beginning of the first prosperous friendship Alistair would have in the city. They spent a large amount of time robbing and chopping cars. Although this would have them in prison often, things were picking up financially. Although they were still missing one thing: respect.


Eventually, a conversation began between Alistair and Bo, regarding the fact that other criminals and gangs in the city still viewed them as targets or competitors. They came to a conclusion: They needed to join an organization. They agreed that they would not do this hastily, but find one that aligned with their values.


They met with most of the gangs in the city. While they all seemed to be doing well, they reminded Alistair of the companies he had worked for: everyone was a cog in a giant wheel. Because of this, they chose to continue waiting rather than join a gang where they did not feel that they fit in.


Another very important day, Alistair and Bo had had a great day chopping cars, and were about ready to wrap it up for the day. While chopping, a brown Kamacho pulled in behind them, and another vehicle behind it. Soon, they were looking at about 8 men, in brown clothes and goblin masks.


Alistair had heard of these men through the grapevine. He had not interacted with them up to this point, however. They were very elusive and hard to track down, hence why Alistair and Bo and not met with them yet.


They spoke to a recruiter and got his phone number there at the chop shop, and set a meeting for later the next day.


The Resurrection









Alistair and Bo would meet with a recruiter the next day at the parking garage, and follow him back to the Goblins’ HQ. They would learn that the man’s name was Jonhy Crazy, a high ranking member of the Goblins. He told them about what the gang was about, and one word kept presenting itself: respect. This was the gang. Alistair and Bo immediately agreed and became pre-prospects.


The next weeks were a blur. From shootouts, robberies, and cooking, Alistair made a point to be at every gang event when in the city. He wanted nothing more than to prove himself, and did receive good feedback from the gang’s high command during this time. Most of all, he made friends, family even. Those around him became his brothers, and he felt that he was accepted.



Present and Future


Alistair worked hard, and continues to work hard, risking it all for the gang at every opportunity he gets. He has worked his way from pre-prospect to Soldier Goblin, and has been made a recruiter within the gang. This, to him, is his greatest accomplishment. He takes pride in knowing he has a hand in growing this family, as that is exactly what it is. He looks forward to the future, hoping for further rank-ups and more chances to help the gang excel, becoming a force to be reckoned with within the city. Most importantly, he feels respected, from both those who rank below him, and those who outrank him.


And the voices… they’re there, but even they seem to be showing some respect. Nonetheless, he listens to them when he chooses.






Edited by SteakHappy
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The Infamous Bo “Old Man” Vespucci


At the age of 86 he is truly a hard man to understand. Sometimes he acts 16 and then other times he acts 86. But all in all, we know one thing. He is one really,  gangster old man.


(( The Man, The Mystery! ))



Growing up in Chicago, Illinois’ projects. The Old Man has never known anything but crime his whole entire life. From stealing cars, to robbing people on the side of the road, even beat a murder case. He has always gotten money some way, somehow. At least enough to survive. He had to take care of his family at all costs. Life went well for The Old Man, you will never hear him complain. He would say, “It was normal where he's from.” Getting older, and losing most family members to old age or sickness, he decided to leave Chicago. Nothing there for Old Man Bo anymore.


(( Arriving to Los Santos Fishing ))



After The Old Man just pointed to a place on the map so he would have a place to move to and start a new life and build a new future.The Old man found Los Santos. Where he would meet good and bad people along his ride. Once he arrived at Los Santos, He immediately started doing stuff he had to do to make it from day to day since he came with little to no money. 


(( Making Money Playing Poker ))



That’s when The Old Man met a person who would become very special in his life pretty quick. But he would never know it by just looking at him. The man taught Bo about a lot of stuff in the city. Where he could take stolen vehicles. Who he could talk to about getting stolen guns. Where to rob people and where not to rob people. He told The Old Man about all the gangs in town. Enough about them to where it interested him. Bo decided he wanted to join a gang and that’s what he set out to do. But who? How would he pick? He had to learn these things! And quick!


(( Stolen Submarine ))



Well, by this time, Bo had made a friend. And the friend was a weird guy, but a friend indeed. The Old Man stuck to this guy like glue begging on a daily basis to help him join a gang. Even pushed for him to do it too. Finally, after the man agreed they set out around the town, stealing, robbing, and fighting on the way, just to complete their ultimate goal. JOINING A GANG. FINDING A FAMILY. GAINING RESPECT!

                                                                                                (( Cooking Drugs ))



Months later, after almost giving up. Bo and his friend (The guy from before) would be chopping a stolen car they had picked up at a part of town by the prison. The place was some sort of scrapyard. A not so friendly place to hang out. But some guys pulled up in a truck. Some oddly looking guys. They called themselves “The Goblins”


(( About to Clap ))








After seeing these guys. Bo had to go talk to them. Bo ran up, asked if they were a gang. Immediately asked if he could join. Then, from this point. Bo’s exciting story would begin. The Old Man and his friend, They became pre-prospects. Now they had to prove themselves. Bo thought this would be easy. He would be respectful, honest, and continue his criminal life as he was. Just with some new friends along for the ride.

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Before The Goblins


Joaguin Nava is a pure-blood Mexican born in 1994, in a city of Culiacan. Since his dad was a sicario for a cartel, from a young age he was surrounded by violence, drugs, and cartel activity. Being sick of the constant danger, as soon as he turned 18, he decided to move away and try to get to USA. At the age of 25, he succeeded in his dream and made it to Los Santos.




As he was new in the city, his first jobs involved driving money truck and postal truck. Those jobs didn’t give him money enough, but gave him some experience of the city, to land a job at the DCC.




As months go by, working as a cab driver is something best that happened to him. His colleagues became a family to him, they became something so important to him that he thought he would never let it to, until... It was a rainy day, Joaguin was driving his wife and daughter to the pier, when all of a sudden, a big semi-truck. Unfortunately, his wife and daughter lost their lives, while he gets into a coma.




Nobody thought this day will come, after one year of sleep, he finally woke up and damn he was in for a surprise. The entire city changed with him. The fear, the hate towards illegal, is gone. As he was going around the city, he was approached by a gang recruiter, Anthony Hunt. He was from the gang named Los Santos Disciples, and went through the recruitment process, but little did he know the truth... It turns out that the gang was hated, that the higher-ups were scammers, and that everything he was told was a huge lie. After finding that out he decided to go solo with his brother Nikolai.




Being solo is fun for a while, but not having a family behind you is dangerous and not much safe. While he was farming weed, a guy approached him named "Johny Crazy". They talked a little and Johny offered him and his brother a chance to join a family, "The Goblins". After a little while, he and Nikolai took the offer and started their recruitment process to join "The Goblins", who knows what’s ahead for those two, but one thing’s for sure, it’s gonna be one hell of a ride.


Joaguin Nava, Mini Goblin




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Everyone waits for the special meeting, when the people in the recruitment process know if they get approved or not, when the members know if their efforts are enough to get a rank up.
Who receives a good mark will get a “free shower” like always and everyone wanna take a “free shower” of success!

The meeting starts with the situation of the family.
What bad happened in the last weeks and what good happened, you show more respect to the mask and who helps more.



“If you don't receive your rank up status it's because it is not your time yet! Keep improving and make others improve!”

After that meeting the high command got an opportunity to meet another family who helps a lot the family increase their fire power!



“Abilio Fresh” text “Alicia” one of the high commands of Aztecas for a possible meeting, change some faces and discuss some diplomacy.
“Alicia” answers faster than expected and the meeting starts with a few numbers from aztecas but ends with all of the members they have available in town.
Names change and the diplomacy starts, future plans and future situations they can have.
“Goblins” Keep improving their relationship with “Aztecas” with imports and helping them with any situation they need, that is the way the respect between them increases!


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Nikolai Manusharov RANK UP (Young Goblin)




Nikolai Manusharov is a man who is persistent and as such wants to achieve all his goals. One of his goals was to prove himself among the gang and get a rank up. Since he knows that such a thing requires a lot of effort and work, he immediately threw himself into action.





First of all, He had to meet all the gang members and make friends with them. If you ask him the best way to make friends with someone is to go into action together!
As always, there will be a lot of goblins, weapons, and vehicles in the joint actions organized by the high command. Nikolai tried to obey all orders, to help his friends, and to meet new friends from other gangs. He participated in all the big meetings and training, he learned how to become a better goblin and family member.






But that's not all, he had to show that he is financially stable and that he can support his friends as well as his family. Although there were various problems with the police in the meantime, he never surrendered! He kept pushing his goal to the end!




That effort came true! Nikolai became the Young Goblin.



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Little Goblin Growing


Being a part of the family is something that Joaguin always wanted, and his wish came true, but that’s just where the party’s starting. As he is a new member in “The Goblins”, he needs to prove himself to his family, that he is worthy and that they can trust and lean on him.



It was a sunny day, and Joaguin was with his friends from Goblins checking labs. When they arrived at Chilliad, they decided to hold it and wait for an ambush. A lot didn’t happen, but it was a nice training, well coordinated and he liked it a lot, plus, he was one with the bush.



Because it was getting late, and nobody came to the lab, a meeting was called upon by the higher-ups, and Joaguin, joined by his younger brother Nikolai, decided to go and join them.


After regrouping with everyone and a little scouting, they decided to go to the mountains near Stabcity, to talk about all the situations and about the progress they made over the week.


One of the topics of the meeting was the progress of our members, and Nikolai and Joaguin were one of them. They were commended for being on the radio and trying to help their family. They have proved themself in many situations, which is a big plus for them. Now all that remains is for them to strive on, be strong and not give up, who knows what more is gonna come ahead of them.


Joaguin and Johny “Crazy”


Joaguin Nava, Mini Goblin


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Connor Hughes (Pre-Prospect)

"When you get knocked down, Just get back up."
My name is Connor Hughes and im a new Pre-Prospect for The Goblins


How I Joined
Connor Hughes's Best friend (Alex) joined The Goblins on 17/09/2020 and Connor wanted to follow onto Goblins also.
The next day Alex and Connor were running labs when Freddie Spinks and Alistair Cain turned up and had a chat with Connor.
30 minuets later Connor was now a pre-prospect for The Goblins.

Connor went to get suited up and got his car painted then went to hang with some others from The Goblins at HQ.

Connor is currently Extremly enjoying The Goblins and planning to stay for a long time.
Connor is Especially looking forward to clapping and he is ready!

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