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The Southside Mob

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 The Arrival of Augustus Valentine


Augustus Valentine was born and raised in London, England. He studied criminal Psychology at the University of London – where he first met his now long-standing friend, Kai DeVito. Augustus excelled in his work and found enjoyment in his studies – he was on his way to leave that place with a doctorate.

While Kai completed his course and gained a degree, the same can not be said for Augustus. Part way through his third year of study, Augustus was arrested on campus after his DNA was found on site of a local bank heist. Augustus was detained and taken to court to stand  before a judge – he was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment under the charge of a Low-Harm, High Culpability professionally planned robbery – This was due to his involvement in the planning and execution, but he was not found to have not been armed or to have committed any aggravated crimes during the heist.

While in prison – Augustus asserted himself as a leader and began uniting smaller gangs to better organise the trade of contraband both inside and outside the prison walls. During his time here, he gained his unique tattoos.

While serving his Sixth year – Augustus elected his closest associate to run his operation and used his contraband route to leave the prison in the passenger seat of a food supply van, driven by one of the guards involved in his smuggling operation.

Augustus wasted no time – He forged a false identity and left England on the first flight he could. Upon arriving in the US, he was surprised to discover his old friend Kai had settled in Los Santos – Augustus made his way to the city and just couldn’t wait to tell Kai what he had been up to…

After arriving in Los Santos – Augustus was pleased to hear of Kai’s new plans – He can’t wait to do his part for the Southside Mob.





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 The Cusp of a storm


Augustus, being new to Kai’s operation soon caught wind of talks between Kai and Murdablock. Wanting to know more – Augustus arranged to meet with Kai. They met that evening while a storm brewed overhead, Kai explained the current situation, the war and those involved – The entire conflict piqued Augustus’ interest.

Augustus and Kai then went to grab something to eat – as they did the storm erupted, thunder, lightning and buckets of rain fell – but it did not bother them.


As they stood outside of their cars, marvelling the light show in the sky, Augustus mentioned that he may have some good friends looking to join Kai’s cause – Augustus assured Kai they’re good people, from back home.

Only time can tell when these new recruits may end up or what role they may end up playing in the Southside Mob’s story.



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New Blood





Kai is interrupted in his driving with a call over the radio. Valentine is informing Kai of some new people to introduce to the gang, people that have been found by Johnny.  Valentine tells Kai of those who are wishing to roll with them and what they're looking for. They appear to be a good fit.

The Mob gather a couple of the guys together and meet the new prospects. A few discussions are had, and Kai lays out the law of the crew and what rules need to be followed to be integrated into the way of life.  With great enthusiasm, the new blood are keen to get involved and want to take their opportunity to join. 

To see the abilities of these new men, the Mob sets their sights on a General Store. With the opportunity for easy money, the crew get together and agree to hit it.

The group set out their roles, keeping some outside as lookouts, whilst the others would head inside. Everyone had their instructions and their role to play in the robbery so that this could go down as smoothly as possible, and hopefully, without having to injure the shopkeeper if not necessary. 


The adrenaline sets in. The all clear is called out by the lookouts and it's on. It's go time.

They rush in, masks and gloves on, holding up the shopkeeper.  One of them goes for the cameras, destroying them so that they could not be used against them, as well as another rushing for the video evidence, taking and destroying any footage. Everyone had their role and they played it.

The streets were quiet, with only a few sirens here and there but none heading towards the store.  The robbery was smooth. No unexpected arrivals, and upon cleaning out the register and ensuring anything tying them to the store was taken care of, they escaped.

The new blood did well, and so they were accepted into the ranks of the Southside Mob with visions of prosperity ahead.



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A Few Friends Wanting In





Lamar, an already established member of the Southside Mob, has a few friends to jump into the Mob. They wanted to see what we were about and if they could take part.

Lamar had previously spoken with Augustus Valentine regarding some friends that were wanting to join with him, so this was not too much of a surprise. Lamar called over the radio so that we could meet, and so we chose the parking lot of the pier.

The men talked about what we were about, and introduced him to everyone there, before briefly explaining our position and aims. Lamar, taking them under his wing so that he could get them fully kitted out and be looking the part.




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A Change of colours



Kai called a meeting of the mob so that they could address something happening within the gang. Kai had some concerns with the amount of gangs running purple colours which usually resulted in confusion between different gangs and mistaken identity.  Being sick of having to explain which of the many purple gangs they were, the Southside Mob decided to make a change so that they could maintain an identity under a more unique appearance. One that would set them apart from the other gangs whilst still having a colour they liked. 



The Mob discussed different colour options, and as everyone liked the colour of yellow, especially when mixed with black, they began looking for anyone else using the colour.  After discussing this with a few contacts, including leadership of the Aztecas in case it was anyone not operating fully inside the city, it appeared that only one gang was wearing yellow; a small, mostly unknown gang, but one that should not be any problem, and healthy opposition.



Everyone then moved onto the clothing stores, taking a look at what their new colours would look like. The decision was made and they loved it.  The men grabbed yellow masks, and other assorted clothing which would soon become the new represented colours for the gang.  After sorting their colours, they moved onto fixing up their cars, bikes and vans.  With the new colours made and money spent, it was final. The new yellow colour, and a new chapter for the Southside Mob had begun.




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A friend of a friend, is a friend.





Kai woke up, grabbed his morning coffee and got dressed.  He came out of his house, hopped into his car as his phone began to ring.  Cleetus Walker was in town, and he wanted to organise a meeting.  Cleetus had already spoken with Jae Fang of the Four Seas Order with plans to meet and so a time was set. 

Kai gathered a few of the men whilst the others continued running drugs.  Once the text came through that everyone was ready, the Southside Mob drove over to the Four Seas Order and met on the roof.

The topic of conversation was to be as expected when two organisations meet for the first time officially in this way.  Everyone got to know each other and pleasantries were shared. Kai and Jae discussed where their allegiances would lie, especially in regards to the Council, as well as what their plans were going forward.  Knowing that Cleetus was close friends, and the Southside Mob's already made plan for who they support, the pair continued to discuss their agendas for a short while.

Some friendly advice was shared and intentions made clear; and things looked good. 

It was obvious that paths would once again cross in the future but Kai was keen to see what form this would take.  Once the discussions were over, the men bid their farewells and concluded the meeting.  Kai has Jae's number, and vice versa. The same goes with Cleetus.



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A sad departure & a happy future.




As The Southside Mob tried their first hand at making drugs in a more public drug lab, things went bad, their look-out, Michael Brandox

had failed them in more ways then one. He was supposed to tell them when trouble was comming and, he did, yet, he still failed them. He came back, running down a hill, running over the underboss, Cleetus Walker in the process, as he was trying to get to his car as they were being jumped. This was the last straw for Cleetus, Kai & Valentine. They needed to sort this out -now-. After their humiliation, they called in a meeting, during this meeting, he let Michael & Tom, who had also acted out, think of their actions as Cleetus, Kai & Valentine talked about what they would do, they had already talked to Michael & Tom about their short-comings, yet, they didn't learn. They called Michael forwards, he knew what was coming. And told him what he had to do, take off your colors and walk, no choice given except for that, and he complied. He took off his clothes infront of the others, his brothers, his family, and walked off.







Then came Tom, we brought him up infront of us and told him the facts as he saw the person who got him into the Mob leave, his colors taken away from in infront of his own eyes and he thought he was next. Though, this is not what happened. Cleetus, Kai & Valentine did talk about his removal, but they gave him an option, a chance at redemption. Tom asked if he was allowed to think of it over night but, they didn't give him that time, and fortunately for him, he said he would take this chance. Kai, Cleetus & Valentine were relieved they weren't going to lose another brother, though their eyes would be on him.





Even though after all of this sad news, the High Command still had some good news hidden up their sleeves. They called forwards Stretch Davis & Dixa Cooper. They walked forwards and were greeted by their High Command. Cleetus dipped his head with a smile as he would tell the good news to the two, they were being promoted to Soldiers. They had proven their worth for now to the Mob and were thus rewarded with their first step up in the ladders of ranks they could climb in the Mob's system. And thus, The Southside Mob's night ended on a shorter yet, slightly happier note then what had happened then day before.





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One day Vlad , Tom and Denzel were thinking about robbing a convenience store. After they got strapped up , they made a final decision and started preparing for the store robberies they were about to do. They decided to use bikes as getaway cars since they have a good acceleration and some of them like the BF400 can go off-road very good. Since Denzel had some experience in robbing convenience stores he explained to Tom and Vlad how to do it successfully without getting caught. After some talking they all agreed on robbing 2 stores up north near Sandy Shores. They chose that location because not many people go up there and cops take longer usually to respond to such locations. Once they arrived at the store they parked their bikes and they put on some non-latex gloves to prevent leaving fingerprints and that can end up to them getting possibly caught due to tracking. They broke the CCTV cameras and began robbing the store. After 5 minutes they have successfully robbed every single penny in the store and drove off without getting caught by the police...





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I've seen a lot of examples in game which would depict you as the Southside DM and Metagame squad. My group have offered countless RP opportunities, however some of your newer recruited members seem to only want to mess around. 


HOWEVER, this post is 10/10. Really looking forward to coming across you more in game and RPing with you guys in the future! 

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10 hours ago, Ridgway said:

I've seen a lot of examples in game which would depict you as the Southside DM and Metagame squad. My group have offered countless RP opportunities, however some of your newer recruited members seem to only want to mess around. 


HOWEVER, this post is 10/10. Really looking forward to coming across you more in game and RPing with you guys in the future! 

If you have any actual examples/evidence please PM me them, otherwise I'm just going to have to ignore your comment.

We have no interest for rulebreakers and I have witnessed no DMing whatsoever... especially as we have staff in our leadership. You make it seem like it happens often so either its not us, the other yellow gang or.. idk.

Glad you like the thread!

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