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Scripted getting kicked out buildings

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Players wearing a mask or bandana in a store, bank, or any other government building, should have 30 seconds to take it off or they get kicked out of the store and respawn at the front. If a player enters a police department with a mask/bandana they should also have 30 seconds to take it off or they get kicked out front and receive a fine. It's ruining the RP experience seeing players with masks and bandanas concealing themselves without any penalty or reason to be wearing them.

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-1, IC. cus what happens when you're wearing a mask because you're robbing the store then? also it takes less than 30secs to do anything beside robbing the store anyways. let the PD handle stuff like this, not a script. because if anything, I'd feel like a script telling me I have to hurry up with my selection or take my mask off, ruins the experience. I'd much rather it be from a cop on patrol doing his job. sure you can argue that if it were a REAL store the owners would have you take it off, but its not a real store, it's not a player controlled cashier, and just doesn't make sense to have  this implemented into the game.

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9 minutes ago, IAmTurtle said:

this is an ic issue 


In reality, an employee, security guard, or the owner, would kick you out. Being that we're restricted to a game where we don't have the people to do things like that, it should exist.

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Just now, Cadet said:

-1, IC. cus what happens when you're wearing a mask because you're robbing the store then? also it takes less than 30secs to do anything beside robbing the store anyways. let the PD handle stuff like this, not a script. because if anything, I'd feel like a script telling me I have to hurry up with my selection or take my mask off, ruins the experience. I'd much rather it be from a cop on patrol doing his job. sure you can argue that if it were a REAL store the owners would have you take it off, but its not a real store, it's not a player controlled cashier, and just doesn't make sense to have  this implemented into the game.

So maybe do a command before those 30 seconds to tell the system that you're robbing the store and therefore wouldn't be kicked out.

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Just now, IAmTurtle said:

still an ic issue

That's like saying remove all GUI because it's an IC issue. Like a human should actually be behind a cash register for every store in order to purchase it. Or a teller should be at a bank in order to do transactions and whatnot. There are limits, which is where a script becomes handy.

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if that was the case, then everyone would do the command just to kill the timer and continue doing whatever else they were doing. its just unnecessary bro not everything has to be 100% realistic

Edited by Cadet
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Just now, Cadet said:

if that was the case, than everyone would do that just to kill the timer and continue doing whatever else they were doing. its just unnecessary bro not everything has to be 100% realistic

Except, that would notify the police. Or at least it should. And yeah, we should try to make it as realistic as possible because when I go into every store/bank/police department and there are thugs with bandanas, bats, and guns, you know there is a real issue in roleplay.

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1 minute ago, Trenix said:

Except, that would notify the police. Or at least it should. And yeah, we should try to make it as realistic as possible because when I go into every store/bank/police department and there are thugs with bandanas, bats, and guns, you know there is a real issue in roleplay.

we don't need it notifying the police. they already complain about getting to many calls. speed cameras used to do it if you were going faster then 150 but they removed it due to to many people going that fast and it just blocking dispatch,

also if you do't like people wearing a mask don't ware one and let other people be.

Edited by IAmTurtle
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not even.... when you're actually robbing a store, the script calls the cops once the robbery is over, not before or during. wearing masks in public is a LAW, not a rule. therefore its IC and the PD should deal with it, which they have been. 

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14 minutes ago, IAmTurtle said:

we don't need it notifying the police. they already complain about getting to many calls. speed cameras used to do it if you were going faster then 150 but they removed it due to to many people going that fast and it just blocking dispatch,

also if you do't like people wearing a mask don't ware one and let other people be.

There should be a priority in what officers take fist, not sure if that already exists. Robbing a store should be high on that list, above player robbery, speeding, or other minor offenses. Also that's not the point, it is not realistic for everyone to be running into public buildings with weapons and covered faces, therefore it is non-rp. If we don't have the officers to enforce it, scripts should assist them. Same how we use AI for stores.

Edited by Trenix
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24 minutes ago, Flucifial said:

For those that say this is an IC issue; can't we say the same about the A.I clerk? What if we just removed them and required store owners or their employees to be at the front desk in order for the store to sell things?

Yes I do

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