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Jaquan Smith

To /NOT/ be able to put music in VOIP

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I think there are some situations where this is acceptable. For instance, RPing as a DJ. Or when you want to RP a speaker with specific songs/music types which aren't available for the scripted speakers.

I agree, however, people standing at bank or driving through the streets in there cars shouting music through VOIP is NRP. 
You should be able to report these players, and have this behavior stopped if it is interfering with others RP.

Adding a rule clarification to the NRP section could be a good option:

"Using VOIP to stream music outside of realistic, sensible RP which does not interfere with other players ability to RP is considered NRP."

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9 hours ago, Jasmine said:

I agree, however, people standing at bank or driving through the streets in there cars shouting music through VOIP is NRP. 

There is nothing NonRP about blasting music through VOIP in the car, IRL a lot of people do them many times and they are handled by police officers pulling them over, warning or giving them a ticket. This situation can also be handled like said, in game. 

However, you are right about blasting music at bank is really annoying as it is a place where a lot of people stay and socialize with each other.

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I've seen Staff Members intercepting people who are abusing VOIP, for example, if someone is yelling to abuse it, a member of staff ask someone to stop. The same goes with the music, there have been incidents when staff asked people to stop playing music over VOIP without any proper role-play.

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This should be in Rule suggestion but coping with what you're saying I agree to some extent. Perhaps a rule addition to Non-RP rules: 
"You are not allowed to play music through your microphone without significant RP" So people should do /me opens his phone and scrolls through his music list.

/me hits play.

/do Music would be transmitted through phone's speaker.


Also it does not make any sense that you play music SO loud from a phone. So another rule that would limit such thing from happening should be:

"Playing music through your phone on speaker should be in whisper mode (lctrl+z and set it to whispering on the bottom left) so people should not be bothered with it fully"


You can RP being a DJ as mentioned in events and play music as loudly as you want as long as it is an event and everyone consents to it. 

Playing music in voip can never be a rule break unless there was no RP. Since with RP, there can be counter RP to make them stop transmitting. For example: /me forcefully takes his phone and shuts the music off.

/do Would I be able to?


Removing such thing would just increase RP limitations.

Edited by Philo
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