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A new script to put bodies in passenger seat

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There should be a new scripted way to put injured allies inside the passenger seat. Currently people usually RP putting them in the passenger seat but scriptly they're in the trunk. The stupid things come when you can't fit them inside the trunk when theres a whole backseat available, making you leave your friend for dead.

The command should be /storepassengerbody or somesorts to differ it from /storebody. MD and PD are already able to do this with draged people so civilians should have a way to do this as well.

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I would love to see this being implemented one way or another. To my knowledge, MD can also put them in the ambulance if they are close to the doors or something, so with proper role-play this could be modified for all the players to do the same with their vehicles. The fact, that you can only put injured bodies in the trunk of the vehicle makes it less realistic than in the back of the vehicle or something. +1.

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