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Rework Inventory UI and Split System

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Hello fellow players! Thank you for clicking this suggestion and taking the time to read through this. 

1. Presently when you have stacks of items in your inventory, your only option is to "split" them which effectively takes the stack and cuts it in half. I am suggesting an addition to the interface which would allow us to specify how much of the stack we want to actually split off. I believe that considering we have limited inventory slots (not to be confused with weight capacity) this would be very beneficial.

As a small example, if you have 5 tacos in your inventory and want to give somebody 1, you have to split twice (once to separate the 5 stack into a stack of 3 and 2, then once again to split the 2 into single units).

2. All areas and items capable of storing things (glovebox, trunk, fridge, etc.) have limited inventory slots which can make it impossible to utilize the full weight capacity if you have a lot of low weight items. I suggest reworking the inventory UI to allow for more physical slots for storage while at the same time leaving the weight capacity completely unchanged.

Again, thanks for your time. Any and all feedback is much appreciated.

Edited by Aldarine
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Split > overlay [#]? > Enter > splits

Give > overlay ID[#]? > accept request item? > /itemaccept > transfers item.
(no need to give again as the give is queued, the person can deny the item by walking out of whisper range, /itemdeny or timeout.)


Edited by Xoza
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More slots in inventories definitely would be appreciated, and a new splitting system would help in a lot of scenarios.


I'd also like to see a combine change where if you drag and drop the item over another of the same type, they combine into a stack, so Dragging 2 stacked items and dropping on a stack of 3 makes a stack of 5 in that slot.

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As I have stated many times in the many other threads about the inventory UI, I completely agree it needs to be completely reworked. 

And as more functionality (cast bars, crates, mining etc) the need to rework it increases. 

1) Command to directly place items in bags/cabinets without putting them on the ground first.
2) Command to hand things to other players directly.
3) As OP mentioned, way to take things from your shoulder/hands directly to the trunk.
4) Completely new Outfit UI.
5) And many others that have mentioned elsewhere.

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