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Send a message reminding of NLR when you die

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When you get injured, you receive a message notifying that if you don’t get help from a medic within a few minutes you will die and lose all your on hand items and cash. Why don’t we send a similar message reminding not to return to the scene of our deaths as we die and respawn at the hospital? I know that people should know that already but new players or some experienced players even may forget and accidentally break NLR. It won’t hurt to implement such a thing.

Another thing that would be useful is reminding the party who killed the person that he should also not interact with him for a full 30 minutes. Another way to implement this is that when someone bleeds out everyone within a few meters will receive the message.


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53 minutes ago, Teca said:

Ummm you do get a mesaage when you die reminding you of NLR......

Really? I don't recall ever seeing one before?

Edit: I've checked some footage of people being killed and no I don't see any message doing so. The only messages you get after respawning at the hospital are the same ones you get when you start bleeding out.


Edited by kenichis
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I think it stopped working after the NLR message box that held your character at Pillbox was removed.

I think a box should come up where it says...
"You died in <neighborhood>, you may not return there until <time+30min>". With a confirmation requirement of "[Okay]"
before you can move again.

Edited by Xoza
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18 hours ago, Xoza said:

I think it stopped working after the NLR message box that held your character at Pillbox was removed.

I think a box should come up where it says...
"You died in <neighborhood>, you may not return there until <time+30min>". With a confirmation requirement of "[Okay]"
before you can move again.

Really like the suggestion regarding the neighborhood, but i think any kind of reminder is pointless, most people do know the rule and just choose to ignore it hoping they dont get caught.

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2 minutes ago, CaesarSeizure said:

Really like the suggestion regarding the neighborhood, but i think any kind of reminder is pointless, most people do know the rule and just choose to ignore it hoping they dont get caught.

Maybe when you enter the neighborhood again it should trigger a ping towards admins / log it somewhere that they broke NLR? In the future when they are being handled for a report the admins could reference that log wether he is a constant rulebreaker or was it a one time slip up.

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