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Larger Gang Balance

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Had an idea to possibly implement a certain kind of "tax" to larger gangs if they got over a certain amount of members and increasing for each member over a certain threshold (for example 50).  So let's say you have a gang that is getting really large and basically running the whole city, if you have, lets say 50 members or more, you would have to pay a kind of "tax" to the gov/server/police that would also increase for each member over 50 (as an example) to keep these gangs under control and to make sure gangs don't grow to big to the point of being basically unstoppable without some downfalls.  Now this could also work IC-ly through a couple different means such as paying police off so their organization doesn't get investigated, paying off the gov to let them run certain parts/stores in town, etc.  If this sort of "tax" was implemented on larger gangs it would add more advantages and disadvantages to smaller and larger gangs.  With this implementation it would also make it so just recruiting a bunch of randoms to just have numbers is no longer viable because if you just recruit almost anyone you see those players may not be as active and therefore would make it harder to sustain a larger number of members.  This means that if a gang is growing large they would have to spend a lot of time making sure ALL of its members are dedicated and would really increase the quality of larger gangs and cut down on just stacking up on numbers of gang members to have a general numbers advantage. 

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Paying off cops can already be done IC as long as the cops have corruption approved. Its unrealistic that an illegal gang would have to pay "tax" to the government and tax evasion does exist.

The government here and the police department already have too much money and they only lose it due to minor things. There is no need for us to be paying more to them considering as a criminal you've only a few ways to make money which is not stable at all and you also have the risks that come with it.


Also with the limit on members gangs would just sit at 49 members so they don't have to pay the tax and the only gangs that are able to track members are official.


This is a poor suggestion in my opinion. -1

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Makes no sense whatsoever for a gang to be paying a kind of membership fee to to the government or the police, we're not roleplaying that corruption exists among the government or police and these factions have OOC rules against RP'ing corruption. 


Gang limitations is something that would have to be set by faction management team. 

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21 minutes ago, Chrisy said:

Paying off cops can already be done IC as long as the cops have corruption approved. Its unrealistic that an illegal gang would have to pay "tax" to the government and tax evasion does exist.

The government here and the police department already have too much money and they only lose it due to minor things. There is no need for us to be paying more to them considering as a criminal you've only a few ways to make money which is not stable at all and you also have the risks that come with it.


Also with the limit on members gangs would just sit at 49 members so they don't have to pay the tax and the only gangs that are able to track members are official.


This is a poor suggestion in my opinion. -1

Guess that makes sense, was just wondering people's opinions on this

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I wouldn’t say a tax to government or anything but maybe an “ expenses cost” this would rp  something like warehouse maintenance and general costs like utilities of facilities. Of course I guess you could say property tax would go to the government. This would just ad more realism. I’d say the gang would need more than 70 members though and obviously official status. Because not all members will be active at any given point. 

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