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Allow Parking of Friends Vehicles [w Keys]

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Simply put, if you have keys to a vehicle you should be allowed to park it in the house garage as long as the owner of the vehicle also has keys to access the garage. To prevent someone stealing a car, require the owner of the vehicle to be within a few feet of the house it will be parked at when keys are given, so they know which house it's in. 

To prevent "stealing", if the owner of the house removes someones keys while their vehicle is in the garage - have it be sent to Mors automatically with no fee.

People unpark their friends vehicles all the time and just can't park it back. Small QoL change that would be beneficial imo.

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Huge +1

If we have perm house and car keys we should be able to park each others cars. It's troublesome not being able to park especially if you're roommates/family/married and having to find a place to hide the car only for it to get chopped and then you have to pay money

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