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3 Warning Kick System

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So seeing as speeding through NCZ's is considered Non-RP driving and is a rule-break, it would make more sense for speeding in NCZ's to be a 3 warning kick system instead of having these massive fines build up. Every time you're caught speeding in a NCZ by a speed camera you get a warning. The warnings would reset to 0 every 30 mins.

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11 minutes ago, KeistuoliZ said:

Like wtf is it hard to slow dont by ncz zone maybe even put cruise mode, i got like 3 tickets since beginning, that means you can avoid them easily.

The system is not made for us, we know how to drive, but if you see the reaction of @xxxJustTimmy then the problem gets clear, he got no intentions to stop his behavior, and will just continue to speed within NCZ. so the ticket system is not working like it should, they need to punish the players that keep speeding in NCZ with a 7 days non-rp behavior ban, maybe then they wil learn how to drive normaly within NCZ.

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22 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

So you'd want this in addition to the speed cameras? It was already made clear several times, speed cameras will not be removed until a drastic improvement is seen.

The speed cameras stay, but dont give fines. If you're caught speeding on the speed cameras you get a warning. 3 warnings and its a kick.

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well your also committing a crime in an ncz by taking a pursuit through there.... 
But I feel the fines should stay as it is a deterrent. I feel like a real system that if you cant pay the fines you'd be required to have your "base income" Unemployment garnished until the fines are paid. (Essentially putting you into a negative bank balance) Really all that needs to happen is people stop driving like this is GTA online. This is an RP server, drive like a normal person and the cops wont bother you, nor the speed cameras... but everyone tries to drive like Ricky Bobby and well....yea.... But I think perhaps seeing a warning system put in on top of the current one, where players are kicked if they are repeatedly committing offenses constantly... racking up hundred speeding/reckless operation charges then this would be a good addition.
As personally as a criminal I prefer to go un-noticed by both cops and civilians, allows me to do my business peacefully and not get killed and/or arrested. As the cops in a city the size of Los Santos would number in the thousands especially with the crime rates here. Also this is a massive city likely rply sitting on a population in the millions, the streets are not Talladega speedway.

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A kick after 2 warnings wouldn't really do much honestly. You simply rejoin, get back in your car and continue doing whatever you were doing. If it was a temporary ban for breaking NCZ rules however, it could be more effective. But I feel like speeding cameras are enough for now.

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