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Bring back the 1.5x multiplier on packed cash, chopped cars and fix house robberys.

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Lots of people in eclipse are never going to see the problem with this because they are litteraly stacked because of how OP the private labs used to be allowing people to make 200k+ per day just by starting a cook and leaving it. Before the change of how much packed cash was worth if you were to rob houses you could make at most about 140k a day and that would take about 4-5 hours of time spent just spent robbing the house, selling and cleaning the money and also cutting it. You can start one house robbery every 4 in real life hours and you would make about 45 - 50k and thats before you spend money on other things like food, fuel and other things you just spend money on normaly when playing. So in 12 hours you can make 140k and you spent 4 hours robbing and cleaning money, thats not too bad even though it is literally grinding. Now from robbing houses after the nerf and even with the removal of animations in house robberys + the lockpick speed which pretty much gaurantees you to fail unless you smoke weed and now you only make around 30k from an hour and 15 minutes minimum of work is really bad. Just makes people loose motivation and is really unfair as this is nerfed but drugs havent been ? Almost seems like PvP is being encoraged here as everything other than drugs is nerfed. Also removes alot of RP opportunities as factions often have people bring them these goods and if the people who get them cannot be asked since its no longer worth their time why bother ? Please bring it back to how it used to be. ATM's giving you slightly more money does not make it fair at all.

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+1  Bring back the old chopping prices, 9k a chop is pure waste of time compared to how much we used to get (25-30k for the 45 ones and even 42k for the 35 turns).

Just the engine used to sell for 7-9k at the labs, now it's not more than 2k. The old engine prices would be estimated worth as much as a complete chop today. Insane nerf. It's unbalanced, only thing worth now is just cooking.

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I haven't played my criminal much since this supposed nerf, but if it is indeed something that changed I would like to see it reverted. It already felt like houses got a slight nerf sometime ago, I feel like I was getting around ~55k on average from them after selling everything (~35k profit after the cost of the contract), but the last like 10 that I've done I think were around ~45k (~25k profit), which almost doesn't feel worth it as I generally did these with one other person for the RP. If it's even less now, I'd never do another house robbery.


I only ever really robbed stores as it was low effort ways to make money and the recent buff to the amount of cash you get from ATMs made me try a few of those every once in a while. I'd really like to see both Store and ATM robberies get some kind of overhaul to make them more "fun" to do. I could only stand to do a few at a time before I would get bored and want to do something else. If they are worth less money now, I feel even less like I want to do these activities.


Edit: Forgot to even talk about chopped cars. If they got nerfed as well that is pretty much all the stuff I did as a crim getting nerfed as I play a petty criminal with no gang affiliation, which makes the risk to go to labs much higher as I generally don't have much backup (I'm fine with this part, I feel like solo crims or small groups SHOULD feel these places are high risk).

Edited by Lutherian90
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Jesus thats alot to unpack, you could easily have boxed this into 3-4 different suggestions to make it easier to discuss....so ill try to divide my opinions onto each separate point you raise:

House Robberies:

I am in agreement that for the setup and time commitment of house robberies the payout is kinda meh/RNG based. occasionally you will come across that a house that has a gun or other high value item stashed, but its incredibly rare. moreover if its a gun, it dosent come with ammo so you cant even use it right away to create more RP ops short of waving it at a store clerk, unloaded. in general house robberies feels like the weakest form of criminal OP right now. depending on the location of the house it can be relatively safe but its also incredibly time consuming and moreover, time sensitive. you have to plan the rest of your playtime around it which makes sense. but for the amount of setup, not to mention the equipment which for a 20k robbery will be about 3 boxes, a drill and a truck/multiple vehicles, a lot of crims just see it as not worth..this is disappointing as clearly its a RP op that the devs put alot of work into but are seeing relatively little activity.


The recent changes to labs means I am unable to have an informed opinion onto weather or not this is a good change for the server. My snap decision is that this would just equate to more clap gangs holding more labs for their own dudes and robbing smaller orgs. with smaller orgs no longer able to cook drugs in relative safety to build themselves up. this is again taken with the massive grain of salt that is, its a new change so we should wait to see how this plays out.


Chops have not been changed much recently to my knowledge? they are still far and away the easiest and safest way for small time/solo crims to make money. a solo crim small chopping cars (no engine/chasis) can easily make 20/30k p/h which is kinda baller in this economy. this is however entirely dependant on there being enough cars to chop and at peak times, when 2-3 gangs might be patrolling the city looking for cars the pickings can be very slim. most gangs have the spawn spots pretty figured out at this point and can easily loop and own them.


The ATM change for me is a welcome one. ive always seen it as an entry level crime for small time crims and seeing both a payout increase as well as a reduction in response alerts both help with this. good job.

Final thoughts:

Ill finish on the point that I understand that the new changes are supposed to encourage RP, private labs were removed specifically because of this. because Devs dont want the server to be all about sitting in a property watering tables and just generally not being out on the map, doing stuff. and I totally get that but, the removal of such a large mechanic has left an unmistakeable void which has yet to be filled. I feel like crim ops need something, anything more besides fighting over labs. i dont know what this would be yet, i dont know what shape it would take but i know that game balance is just that, its a balance, and when you remove something so big, you should add something back to restore that balance. we are yet to see that. there are alot of avenues we could take for new criminal ops. black market running, petty crime, fraud, there are a host of options to explore. I hope that these will be looked at.

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When chopping two cars just doors and tires (one was a high end car) and only getting 6.5k from it, I think its clear to say chopping is no longer worth the time and that crims are being forced to go to labs with the new drug update and perks with drugs. I personally hate labs a lot as it is mostly 'get robbed or die' sometimes people just shoot on the spot, I'm staying away from DM rp at all costs. It's a pain in the arse that prices are nerfed for chop parts.

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BIG +1 simply bring back the old prices because this new economy sucks and old prices should be brought back. I don't really get why chop shops are nerfed since you put too much time for chopping a single car even with friends or alone, and now this new economy just making new criminal players leave the server since new players are mostly chopping cars to make money and now its just a waste of time.

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1 hour ago, Quietthecutie said:

Jesus thats alot to unpack, you could easily have boxed this into 3-4 different suggestions to make it easier to discuss....so ill try to divide my opinions onto each separate point you raise:

House Robberies:

I am in agreement that for the setup and time commitment of house robberies the payout is kinda meh/RNG based. occasionally you will come across that a house that has a gun or other high value item stashed, but its incredibly rare. moreover if its a gun, it dosent come with ammo so you cant even use it right away to create more RP ops short of waving it at a store clerk, unloaded. in general house robberies feels like the weakest form of criminal OP right now. depending on the location of the house it can be relatively safe but its also incredibly time consuming and moreover, time sensitive. you have to plan the rest of your playtime around it which makes sense. but for the amount of setup, not to mention the equipment which for a 20k robbery will be about 3 boxes, a drill and a truck/multiple vehicles, a lot of crims just see it as not worth..this is disappointing as clearly its a RP op that the devs put alot of work into but are seeing relatively little activity.


The recent changes to labs means I am unable to have an informed opinion onto weather or not this is a good change for the server. My snap decision is that this would just equate to more clap gangs holding more labs for their own dudes and robbing smaller orgs. with smaller orgs no longer able to cook drugs in relative safety to build themselves up. this is again taken with the massive grain of salt that is, its a new change so we should wait to see how this plays out.


Chops have not been changed much recently to my knowledge? they are still far and away the easiest and safest way for small time/solo crims to make money. a solo crim small chopping cars (no engine/chasis) can easily make 20/30k p/h which is kinda baller in this economy. this is however entirely dependant on there being enough cars to chop and at peak times, when 2-3 gangs might be patrolling the city looking for cars the pickings can be very slim. most gangs have the spawn spots pretty figured out at this point and can easily loop and own them.


The ATM change for me is a welcome one. ive always seen it as an entry level crime for small time crims and seeing both a payout increase as well as a reduction in response alerts both help with this. good job.

Final thoughts:

Ill finish on the point that I understand that the new changes are supposed to encourage RP, private labs were removed specifically because of this. because Devs dont want the server to be all about sitting in a property watering tables and just generally not being out on the map, doing stuff. and I totally get that but, the removal of such a large mechanic has left an unmistakeable void which has yet to be filled. I feel like crim ops need something, anything more besides fighting over labs. i dont know what this would be yet, i dont know what shape it would take but i know that game balance is just that, its a balance, and when you remove something so big, you should add something back to restore that balance. we are yet to see that. there are alot of avenues we could take for new criminal ops. black market running, petty crime, fraud, there are a host of options to explore. I hope that these will be looked at.

Not even close making 20-30k a chop without the engine and scrap metal. A complete chop, including chassis and the engine, will be only worth 6-8k now. However, it used to be 25-40k

Edited by YasinByn
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6 minutes ago, YasinByn said:

Not even close making 20-30k a chop without the engine and scrap metal. A complete chop, including chassis and the engine, will be only worth 9-10k now. However, it used to be 25-40k

I did not say making 20-30k a chop. please read my comment carefully. I said per hour. dependant on availability and RNG you could find 2-4 cars an hour to chop. depending on their quality those numbers are realistic. there has definately been a decline in the profitability of chops but i maintain that its the easiest route for smaller crims to make money. 

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+1 on all of it. All the change did was hurt smaller groups that don’t have official status IMO. In all honesty I am fine if the server wants to make drugs the leading way to make money. There is definitely some realism in that. But all the new labs table ratio is horrible. Takes me 30 mins to organize my crate with what I need to bring to cook on the different tables. Unless you bring extra materials just to risk losing more time and money.

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I will never pay 20k for a house to only risk loosing that contract, my 8k drill, 3k gloves, impound fee for my vehicle and such.  The risk is way to much for the reward. 

Same with banks, risk 10k fines, 1-2 hours if not more in jail adding more fines, impound fees to hopefully make 35k or slightly above.  Once again The risk is way to much for the reward. 

Same with chopping. The risk is way to much for the reward.   This basically means we "kinda" make the same money we did back in the day when all we needed was sit still and hope the owner or gangs didnt come during ur 5 minute countdown at the chop dealer. But now risking all your tools, time and etc. 


if the new labs was like Garbage, Island, LSD and such. It would be more "acceptable". but when we are having 2 coke tables 2-3 crack tables and 1 LSD table in most labs (not exatcly but im not far off) It basically trippled/doubled the cook time than what it was which removes the whole point of lowering the cook times on the public tables and etc.  People also call cops alot in labs which makes them shut down.  i dont know if LEO@s have forgotten to ignore crims snitching on crims or if its legals randomly finding these new WAY to public labs such as Scrapyard and a few others!

Also the long wait for the rotation to start, making most of the weeks have 1-2 shitty active labs or such.

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Perhabs this idea will be hated, and i understand why... But hear me out - safe door (little one) could be robbable, player would need to acquire medical listening device ( statoscope, i believe? ) and with that, it would give circle-minigame for 100 chances or even more, but they could also be balanced - meaning, a lot of circle minigame rounds, but they are not too fast. The limiting factor would be amount of circles needed to be solved, and not the speed. That way it would be balances, newer player that do not have quick reflexes could attempt to break into it, but since there is a lot of rounds needed, it would take some time, thus increasing chance of owner or law cement forces finding it out. 

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39 minutes ago, Antonio_Colombo said:

Perhabs this idea will be hated, and i understand why... But hear me out - safe door (little one) could be robbable, player would need to acquire medical listening device ( statoscope, i believe? ) and with that, it would give circle-minigame for 100 chances or even more, but they could also be balanced - meaning, a lot of circle minigame rounds, but they are not too fast. The limiting factor would be amount of circles needed to be solved, and not the speed. That way it would be balances, newer player that do not have quick reflexes could attempt to break into it, but since there is a lot of rounds needed, it would take some time, thus increasing chance of owner or law cement forces finding it out. 

i would believe the main reason they dont do this is because c0's are a thing, so they try to minimise the time you are locked into the minigame for, but drilling definitely needs changing

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On 12/30/2023 at 3:13 PM, TheBigCheeez said:

Lots of people in eclipse are never going to see the problem with this because they are litteraly stacked because of how OP the private labs used to be allowing people to make 200k+ per day just by starting a cook and leaving it. Before the change of how much packed cash was worth if you were to rob houses you could make at most about 140k a day and that would take about 4-5 hours of time spent just spent robbing the house, selling and cleaning the money and also cutting it. You can start one house robbery every 4 in real life hours and you would make about 45 - 50k and thats before you spend money on other things like food, fuel and other things you just spend money on normaly when playing. So in 12 hours you can make 140k and you spent 4 hours robbing and cleaning money, thats not too bad even though it is literally grinding. Now from robbing houses after the nerf and even with the removal of animations in house robberys + the lockpick speed which pretty much gaurantees you to fail unless you smoke weed and now you only make around 30k from an hour and 15 minutes minimum of work is really bad. Just makes people loose motivation and is really unfair as this is nerfed but drugs havent been ? Almost seems like PvP is being encoraged here as everything other than drugs is nerfed. Also removes alot of RP opportunities as factions often have people bring them these goods and if the people who get them cannot be asked since its no longer worth their time why bother ? Please bring it back to how it used to be. ATM's giving you slightly more money does not make it fair at all.

you dont know yet what they have done to the tables man, try run 10 tables in your backyard, ill pick you up tomorrow in the mental institution, its gone WILD, no hate bro 🙂

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On 12/31/2023 at 1:23 PM, YasinByn said:

Not even close making 20-30k a chop without the engine and scrap metal. A complete chop, including chassis and the engine, will be only worth 6-8k now. However, it used to be 25-40k

i dont understand how the devs (with all respect) come up with this ? like fine-tuning a bit of a nerf, aaaight cool.... but lowering the price of something like this by more than 4 times is borderline insane haha, like a big red " fuck it button" hahaha

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7 minutes ago, Ritchie Stones said:

i dont understand how the devs (with all respect) come up with this ? like fine-tuning a bit of a nerf, aaaight cool.... but lowering the price of something like this by more than 4 times is borderline insane haha, like a big red " fuck it button" hahaha

player cars chop for more than this wdym? i killed someone and chopped their kamacho not long ago and got 12k just for the engine and scrap

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16 minutes ago, Ritchie Stones said:

hahahaha 12k for a kamacho, daaaaayum, 

but thats player owned, plus i didn't sell the doors, hood or trunk lid. could've easily been 25k with all of them included no? before the chops were changed a kamacho would only net 13k total

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When it comes to chops, at very least if not return to the old prices, the toolbox should A) be more publicly accessible and B) should be a LOT cheaper than it currently is. To elaborate on what John Nut pointed out about the risk of loss simply not justifying the potential reward. No-one in their right mind is going to spend 150k + on a toolbox plus the 50k or so for car lift and hoist to chop cars for a 10-20k reward.

If the reward for these activities is getting cut so damn drastically then the entry cost for all the things required should also be cut evenly

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15 hours ago, Marshmeloh said:

When it comes to chops, at very least if not return to the old prices, the toolbox should A) be more publicly accessible and B) should be a LOT cheaper than it currently is. To elaborate on what John Nut pointed out about the risk of loss simply not justifying the potential reward. No-one in their right mind is going to spend 150k + on a toolbox plus the 50k or so for car lift and hoist to chop cars for a 10-20k reward.

If the reward for these activities is getting cut so damn drastically then the entry cost for all the things required should also be cut evenly

To be honest, this is one of the greatest ideas lately. I haven't done it for a while because it's not worth to even bother trying. 😄

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