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Remove the 30k price for engine repair

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0i work at lsc and tested few vehicle, how much they would pay. 


hakouchu or whatever it calls about 4k

elegy retro 1750

infernus classic around 8k

warrener 500

cheetah classic 500

shafter 8k

and there was few other random cars that cost around 500-100


and thats visual fix, even if car in perfect conditions. 


didint checked engines prices, but that story about 30k warrener is not true, there was a bike not warrener but still it costed a client 30k

Edited by Shamozli
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Like LSC guys dont have enough money alrdy 😄 😄 JK. Well yea, someon jack your ride and kill it, do it twice in a day and bye bye bank account lol As far as i will do, buy a tailgater for 20k$, crash it and buy new one since its cheaper than repair 😄 😄 People will sell broken vehicles, especially new players who dont have a dime. Not to mention the frustration when desync occurs and takes 30 000$ away from ya. I will pause until this situation gets resolved, server fixed and then come back playing cuz all of this is just too much 😄 Take care guys! I will be following situation on 4um. ☮️

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34 minutes ago, Shamozli said:

0i work at lsc and tested few vehicle, how much they would pay. 


hakouchu or whatever it calls about 4k

elegy retro 1750

infernus classic around 8k

warrener 500

cheetah classic 500

shafter 8k

and there was few other random cars that cost around 500-100


and thats visual fix, even if car in perfect conditions. 


didint checked engines prices, but that story about 30k warrener is not true, there was a bike not warrener but still it costed a client 30k


I linked a picture of the bike costing 30k at full damage. Now if a bike is destroyed 10 times, that would put that total cost at 300k, the median value for the Drag. I'm hoping this was done unintentionally, as I don't feel any vehicle should cost this much as it would take me roughly 24 hours to earn this much money in welfare (highest tax bracket), or 3-4 hours of working a standard non application job. For a new or low tax player it would take roughly half that time for welfare (double what I earn) or the same amount of time working. You can also be griefed by others having you car destroyed, or losing your vehicle to things out of your control such as desync (gas stations exploding, cars exploding, etc). Just seems really uncomfortable at the moment.

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10 hours ago, Redharry said:

Ok that is your problem it’s not the right thing. Unless the mechanic job was fixed in my absence that is the broken form. There are three mech offers to send and number 1 is the engine. We were not supposed to use it because it is broken 

wym this is my problem lol
the server was updated for visual repairs to no longer affect engine repairs, you now have to pay separately and players are being charged mind boggling amounts of money for their engines to be repaired 

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