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Adrian Johnson

Shop that creates car/house copy keys

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Hello Community,

I am not sure if this has been brought up, i could atleast not find it. However i would suggest a shop that is made for a simple reason and that would be to buy copy's of the keys that for example belongs to your car/house. I have seen the post about duplication of car/house keys but what sense would that make if you can just write: "/givekey (ID)" i dont think that would suit a RP server.

So what i was thinking about is a building/shop somewhere in the city where you press Y and it would pull up a menu that shows you the ingame assets you own + a function to buy one or multiple keys for your car/house which would cost you a fee and it would be crafted with a progression bar. Let's think about it, if you want copy of your house keys you go to a shop IRL and they will give you a bill + they will tell you how long it takes (Fee + Progression bar).

Let me know what you beautiful human beings think.



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On 12/14/2018 at 5:15 AM, Denni said:

+1. If someone with the key gets robbed; free car! 

I wouldn't say free car, I like the idea of having an inventory car key specific to your car, if you don't have it you can't start/drive or unlock the car. If you loose that key however, you'd have to take your ownership paperwork to the autoshop to have a new key cut or have the vehicle rekeyed. This would make car interaction more immersive. If you want to steal a car without keys, you'd need a bobbypin to pick the lock and a hotwire kit (usable on one vehicle, like a charger, until rekeyed)

@Adrian Johnson I don't mean to derail, only expand upon your idea... thoughts?

Okay, here I go.

  • Requires the key in your inventory to unlock and start/drive. Key is coded to that car. This would allow two stage protection from theft, but would still allow a player to enter an unlocked vehicle without the risk of it being stolen unless below is followed.
  • Car can be stolen by...
    • Stealing the key from the owner.
    • A pin and hotwire kit, alarm would go off during pinning or application of hotwire kit at random chance, you can use more hotwire attempts to try to stop the alarm.
    • Hotwire kits are black market items which can be purchased from a random black market store that spawns in various locations or from a chopshop. (The black market store could have a lot more ideas attached to it)
  • Cars keys can be recovered by.
    • Recovering the key, that can be turned in at the impound or PD.
    • Having the car towed and rekeyed at a mechanic shop. (Mechanics would need a plate registration lookup tool, or call PD to verify ownership of the vehicle before rekeying.)
  • Car keying are like a code/permission applied to a vehicle during the rekey and only two keys may be coded at one time.


This may be more complicated than necessary though, it does bring some good RP potential, provides a money sink and includes additional parties.

Edited by Xoza
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On 12/17/2018 at 1:37 PM, Xoza said:

I wouldn't say free car, I like the idea of having an inventory car key specific to your car, if you don't have it you can't start/drive or unlock the car. If you loose that key however, you'd have to take your ownership paperwork to the autoshop to have a new key cut or have the vehicle rekeyed. This would make car interaction more immersive. If you want to steal a car without keys, you'd need a bobbypin to pick the lock and a hotwire kit (usable on one vehicle, like a charger, until rekeyed)

@Adrian Johnson I don't mean to derail, only expand upon your idea... thoughts?

Okay, here I go.

  • Requires the key in your inventory to unlock and start/drive. Key is coded to that car. This would allow two stage protection from theft, but would still allow a player to enter an unlocked vehicle without the risk of it being stolen unless below is followed.
  • Car can be stolen by...
    • Stealing the key from the owner.
    • A pin and hotwire kit, alarm would go off during pinning or application of hotwire kit at random chance, you can use more hotwire attempts to try to stop the alarm.
    • Hotwire kits are black market items which can be purchased from a random black market store that spawns in various locations or from a chopshop. (The black market store could have a lot more ideas attached to it)
  • Cars keys can be recovered by.
    • Recovering the key, that can be turned in at the impound or PD.
    • Having the car towed and rekeyed at a mechanic shop. (Mechanics would need a plate registration lookup tool, or call PD to verify ownership of the vehicle before rekeying.)
  • Car keying are like a code/permission applied to a vehicle during the rekey and only two keys may be coded at one time.


This may be more complicated than necessary though, it does bring some good RP potential, provides a money sink and includes additional parties.

I'd like to see this and op suggestion implemented along with the current KEYS suggestion in relation to PD/SD. Keys should be globally required to start vehicles. If combined with hotwiring a command could be created (inventory menu seems a little full now), /keyring (personal command to check keyring, displays keys 0 through number of keys you have, would display differently than /vehiclestats as this will include other peoples vehicles), /checkkeys ID, requires approval or able to do once /friskapprove is given, would inspect the keys on the ID's keyring, #0 through number of keys. /takekey ID X X (/takekey 420 2, would take the third key on their chain as a temporary key).

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