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Legal vests for the public!

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As of 11/7/2018 - You are NOT able to purchase vests from ammunations.

Suggestion Allow it so players can purchase a 30% percent / light weight vest.

Short description of your suggestion: 

People don't want to become drug addicts for some extra protection if you catch my drift. Not everyone wants to be on the illegal side and not all of us want to die for not having a vest while on a Motorcycle. We need these vests for these inconveniences!

Valid License : Keep in mind you have the choice of purchasing a vest BUT you require a VALID weapons license in order to purchase said vest. If your weapons license is valid then the ammunation shop keeper will allow you to purchase a Vest for what ever price the ammunition is selling it for.

Invalid License If your weapons license is EXPIRED you will not be able to purchase a vest until the expiration/suspension date is through.


The Los Santos Police Department should be suspending criminal weapons licenses. If they commit crimes they shouldn't be able to purchase vests or weapons. This will also remove money from the server to avoid inflation.

Drop you opinions in the comments below

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I don't see the necessity of kevlar vests. You mention motorcycle accidents and I think it's perfectly fine that a player would need assistance from medics after a great crash or fall.

If anything - if this was implemented it would probably make criminal groups even more trigger happy, which is something that wouldn't benefit the server and/or RP climate in any way.

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20 minutes ago, lenx said:

-1 for the accessibility you are suggesting.

Vests should be importable through the warehouses, the same way heavy weapons are. Put a decent cost behind them and you wont see them around all the time, but they will still help even the odds in firefights with cops vs criminals.

This actually sounds alot better, Imagine being able to import vests?

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You guys all have a solid point, thank you. can someone close this suggestion please!

15 hours ago, waffels852 said:

-1 absolutely not, would make criminals a lot more ridiculous as to what they would do without a moments hesitation.


17 hours ago, Rodiz said:

I don't see the necessity of kevlar vests. You mention motorcycle accidents and I think it's perfectly fine that a player would need assistance from medics after a great crash or fall.

If anything - if this was implemented it would probably make criminal groups even more trigger happy, which is something that wouldn't benefit the server and/or RP climate in any way.


18 hours ago, Andy said:

I can't say I support this idea. -1

When walking down the street you would never see a civilian wearing a balistic vest. 


2 hours ago, lenx said:

-1 for the accessibility you are suggesting.

Vests should be importable through the warehouses, the same way heavy weapons are. Put a decent cost behind them and you wont see them around all the time, but they will still help even the odds in firefights with cops vs criminals.


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On 11/8/2018 at 4:30 AM, lenx said:

-1 for the accessibility you are suggesting.

Vests should be importable through the warehouses, the same way heavy weapons are. Put a decent cost behind them and you wont see them around all the time, but they will still help even the odds in firefights with cops vs criminals.

Fully agree on making them possible to import.

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