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Everything posted by Sico

  1. Is there any permanent access price
  2. Paragon Sold, Drag still for sale
  3. Text 504-3391 with offers
  4. Sico

    Buying Hakuchou Drag

    Where do u see bumps every 3 hours mate
  5. Is the custom plate made out of gold or sutn?
  6. Sico

    Dinghy for sale

    What do u want for it
  7. Buying drag Send offers 504-3391
  8. Those ways are either, banks which u can do 1 every 2-3 days and get arrested anyways cus theres feds everywhere, or cook drugs in public labs where there's feds as well. We need private labs back bro.
  9. That's most likely people who have been on the server for a long time and saved up a stash. Based on what we have seen so far, seeing the island as a meetup spot for PD's rollcalls people will stop bringing heavies or they will be losing more and more to the point where they cant afford any more weapons. Would be better to balance the prices imo, because majority of people with smaller bank accounts wont take the risk of losing such an expensive weapon and on top of that, receive extra charges.
  10. 35k and a rental faggio, I cant even fit a bed in there for my homeless friend, wtf man.
  11. Hello Ash, do you think the government could change this to some sort of full ownership contract, or is that impossible for a property like this? As in this case I think it would almost be impossible for myself to lease it due to me having extensive police records.
  12. Buying Vineyard property. Send me offers 504-3391 / 444-9340.
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