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Everything posted by Payn

  1. Hello I have put in this event suggestion and would like to suggest that we have more willingness around events. There is an event team and im sure theyre not short for time due to the normal amount of events. I think there should just be events for things like this as its just fun for all! Maybe some script support to to give event related items like flares or firework launchers if approved request to celebrate black history month.
  2. Fortnite did a dance competion Why dont eclipse do one and best dancer gets a dance in the game Im tryna do the milly rock at legion square and pd and sd and doc and city hall!
  3. I have been waiting a week now for my appeal to even be acknowledged by the possible punishing admin, yet ive not heard anything. Would be nice if they messaged to say they were looking into it at least as they are active elsewhere.
  4. Could have been Ahmed Rasheed I heard he was recruited when he was 12 to Al Quieda @skeletee can you confirm?
  5. Too late now, you made me come second because of your poor decision, i’m not homeless i used a loan to pay for my entry to be ruined by your poor mine. Expect a suspicious bag at your doorstep and next to your car
  6. thanks bucko it has been altered to display the correct lola who was hosting the show as a judge that night at the galaxy theatre who was judging the show that night at the galaxy theatre with me Ahmed Rasheed
  7. doing background checks from 3 years ago when this is a post about LGBT, think you’ve gone way off topic buckaroo
  8. also don’t see how this is relevant lol, bros tryna salvage the argument with some random ass screenshots. Get some sleep mate it seems much needed
  9. called a joke mate so sad you went back like 3 years to find that randomly hahahahaa sharing that with whole of the forums to us brazy stuff. Grown man like you needs to chill out buddy
  10. People need to accept that not everyone is accepting of things and if sure if sometbing came up that other communities didn’t like then they’d say their opinion that’s how it works
  11. You sir are a man of knowledge, thank you for actually speaking the truth and understanding that it cannot be a one sided thing.
  12. Please don’t man. I am educated very much so, maybe just not the same as yourself which is fine!
  13. dayum bruh i thought this was just an appreciation post why all the pointless essays being written about this lol
  14. if people kill a cop for soemthing they want to IA over they just gonna get a DM punishment
  15. If a cop is like just awful and deserving of an IA i’m gonna IA them doesn’t matter if i’m crim or not
  16. this whole thing confused me to much
  17. Yup, someone literally put a clip in here where there is a PD officer just spawning in a carbine mk II but apparently its 'enforced' which isnt a strong argument really, you can say something is 'enforced', like the law, doesnt mean everyone follows it.
  18. I think this should defintiley be more enforced then as I dont think I have ever seen this type of RP from any officers other than the ones who either create the rule of this, or a select few others. People clock on, select their weapons and they stay on their character always, I see officers rolling up to traffic stops with rifles on their backs and everything. 1. whats the need 2. why is it on them in the first place if they are supposedly meant to rack it in their cruiser unless they are using it. Referring back to the /fl, im sure many can agree that /fl is abused in the way you can retrieve stuff from it so quickly, and the majority I see dont RP taking anything from cruiser, or they often just "already have stuff in their cruiser" such as a sniper rifle... I highly doubt youve always got a sniper in your cruiser. It either needs to be more closely monitored so that these rules are actually being enforced rather than just being words on paper.
  19. pretty much all of the bikes which i know that there are things around them saying not to have heavies on back when patrolling on bikes no matter what kind.
  20. twustttt bruva hopped out the toros feeling incredible
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