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Everything posted by Umbra_Smith

  1. Hey Spencer, I'm Umbra and I'm from Ireland.
  2. Beautifully written Paulo, my heart aches at the fact I couldn't read this thread faster. I could not find any biblical allusions in this story unfortunately.
  3. This is fantastic, I can't wait to meet you in game!
  4. This is fantastic, I believe Atlas was the Greek Titan who held up the sky too!
  5. There being "7"00 lights is also a biblical allusion, "Seven was symbolic in ancient near eastern and Israelite culture and literature. It communicated a sense of “fullness” or “completeness” (שבע “seven” is spelled with the same consonants as the word שבע “complete/full”). This makes sense of the pervasive appearance of “seven” patterns in the Bible." -Bible project. This is a reference to the next line of the book of genesis, where God saw that the sun and saw that what he had made was good.
  6. If you read into the post a small bit you may be able to notice the biblical allusions, notice how after 4 days Paulo returned to see the lights, this is in reference to God creating the sun on the fourth day.
  7. Another cracker of a post from Paulo! I love the assured faction SO MUCH. Thank you so much @MarcoD for making this faction post possible and making my day better because of it!!!!
  8. Hello I am Umbra Smith
  9. I *assure* you (get it?) that this faction thread gives me peace of mind. So much so that it is the only reason I wake up in the morning.
  10. -1, This does not strike me as overly realistic. However I would be open to an increase of areas you can be robbed in at night, similar to how drug labs work but a group of much wider areas.
  11. All rp I have had with this faction has been very positive!
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