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Everything posted by Arrta

  1. Arrta

    Random VOIP bug

    Its also related to the VOIP indicators on the right side of the screen.. While the VOIP indicators happen more than just on the POP. It seems the people you have talked to on the radio or on the phone do not have this POP issue.. It's only the people who you have been within proximity to hear them that do the POP even when out of range.. The thing is, if you reload the game and never get near someone, you never get these pops.. like for example. I reloaded on the beach, and since then I hear nothing but the ambient noise.. if I were to drive up to the pier and walk next to everyone there then head back to the beach I would begin hearing the pops again. So the issue is something with the VOIP code remembering you were in range of Player X, and attempting to send you their audio, then aborting because you are out of range.
  2. Arrta

    Random VOIP bug

    Date and time (provide timezone): Multiple Character name: Julia Knox Issue/bug you are reporting: VOIP Audio POP. When you have previously been in VOIP range of someone, but later on are not, you still hear them due to the VOIP bug, but it cuts the audio out once it realizes you are out of range.. This ends up giving you hundreds of VOIP POPs as you hear them talking to others then it cuts out.. and it does so in a way that you are risking the hearing of your player base. Additional, if someone does end up losing hearing your are also facing lawsuits if it can be traced back to this issue. Expected behavior: Playing the game and not risking hearing loss. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: These should be played at 100% to observe how loud the "POP" is, as 100% would replicate the recording volume. Audio levels for the beach scene Audio levels for the pier scene As you can see there is a drastic jump when the VOIP spikes happen before the game realizes the people are out of range and stops them. Vehicle license plate number*: NA
  3. This has been resolved silently. It can be archived.
  4. I'm 100% behind Aieos on this one.. bring them back or add them appearing on voip use.
  5. Not staff so you can tell me to go away if you want, but I do have a tech background.. Do you or the guy who was testing have keys to these vehicles? I'm wondering if maybe that might be why its not alerting you. See, I had this guy attempt to pick my car the other day.
  6. I just had something similar happen to me, though in my case there was proof it got destroyed, tail rotor slid down the hill.. I landed it fine, 1000 hp, 2:30 later it was gone, but the marker was still there.
  7. Date and time (provide timezone): Multiple, video example Wed Feb 03 19:15:01 2021 UTC Character name: Julia Knox Issue/bug you are reporting: /drag visibly broken from the draggers perspective. When dragging someone they teleport around instead of moving fluidly. This is only seen from the perspective of the dragged person. To them, they are correctly being dragged behind the dragger. Expected behavior: To be able to see the person being dragged properly. Having them teleport around is disconcerting and sometimes hard to keep track of. For example when trying to move through doorways or around obstacles. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Vehicle license plate number*:
  8. Date and time (provide timezone): 2/FEB/2021 Character name: Julia Knox Issue/bug you are reporting: Using /outambulance does not sync properly and everyone sees the patient as still being in the ambulance. Expected behavior: Patient is properly removed from the ambulance. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: When used, the /outambulance does remove them, but only the player themselves sees themselves as removed. To everyone else they seem to be inside still. You can /drag the patient away from the ambulance and they will eventually resync. Vehicle license plate number*: E-19
  9. Date and time (provide timezone): 2/FEB/2021 multiple Character name: Julia Knox Issue/bug you are reporting: Patients are occasionally not properly loaded in to the ambulance and you must use /invehicle to reset them. Expected behavior: Patients would be properly loaded in to their assigned seats, instead of standing in them. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: The first example is the only time I have ever seen a patient get loaded in to the drivers seat. The second example shows the standard issue. Patient gets put in the proper location, but is not loaded in to the ambulance. If you were to use the 3rd person cam to look under the ambulance, you would see them standing through the vehicle. Driving away with a patient in this state could result in their death. Vehicle license plate number*: E-19 in these examples, but we all see it happen.
  10. Date and time (provide timezone): Multiple, All examples were from Feb 2nd Unix Times are in the samples Character name: Julia Knox Issue/bug you are reporting: Invisible/desynced Players on arrival of medical personnel, does not happen all the time, but some people are not visible to us. Occasionally their friend needs to carry them to resync/make them visible to us, other times we just have to walk over them. Expected behavior: All players to be properly sycned. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: It is random. You can arrive on scene and see them or you might not. There may be other players there who can see them when you cannot. And when partnered up both you and your partner both do not see them. There is an even rarer occurrence of being able to see the player, but seeing them, in the wrong place. I do not have a current recording of this second scenario. There was one time I was kneeling down inspecting someone I saw in front of a car, when the people on site said they were behind the car. And they were correct, as I could not stabilize on the location I saw them in, but had to go to the location everyone else saw, but was empty for me, to stabilize. At which time, they teleported to where they should have been for me to stabilize. These are 3 examples of this happening this evening. Vehicle license plate number*:
  11. Date and time (provide timezone): Multiple, has happened for a few weeks now. Example video is from 01/FEB/2021 04:17:04 UTC (1612153024) Character name: Julia Knox Issue/bug you are reporting: When at ambulance dropoff, injured players do not properly sync for anyone who is around to see them be dropped off. To everyone else, they are still in the ambulance. But to the players themselves, they have been released from the ambulance and are at the recovery location. This results in 2 issues: 1. When transporting 10-15's, PD does not see them appear at the spawn location, which means if the recovered player knows about this, they can attempt to escape. 2. Friends who follow to transport the injured party back to a vehicle, or back to where they were do not see them at the respawn. This results in people going to /b to say things like I'm next to your car, unlock it, OK I'm in the seat, lets go. Additionally using the /outambulance command if PD needs the patient out again, or if you are trying to fix a vehicle load issue (I'll report this separately) results in it looking like they are still in the vehicle, but the injured player says they are out. Expected behavior: Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Screenshot from a current report showing that the patient (ID 122) looks to still be in the ambulance as it drives away, even though you see the AME saying he was taken to the ER, which would imply he was at the respawn location. Video of a dropoff not related to the report from the drivers perspective. Vehicle license plate number*: Multiple, but the video example is E-19
  12. Date and time (provide timezone): 23-JAN-2021 - 12:14 to 1:28 AM UTC Character name: Julia Knox Issue/bug you are reporting: Players who are in vehicles do not regen HP, and also do not lose HP when incapacitated. Expected behavior: Players in vehicles can regen HP and expire if EMS does not show up. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Photos with timecodes, and maybe a video later. Vehicle license plate number*: N6WWDG0Z 01/23/2021 @ 12:14am (UTC) - Got in my truck 01/23/2021 @ 12:29am (UTC) - Drove around doing trucker deliveries for almost 15 mins before getting out of the truck for a few mins right after this photo. 01/23/2021 @ 12:30am (UTC) - Got back in the truck at this time., As you can see I regened some HP between getting out and back in. 01/23/2021 @ 1:28am (UTC) - Right before I got out of the truck and regened back to 80%
  13. I have a 360 degree camera in my car as a dash cam, but no I do not wear one IRL lol
  14. I wear one as a civilian. I got a legal job later in my IC life, but I have ICly worn them for nearly my entire time in the city.
  15. Arrta

    Body Cam RP

    If people want to introduce a real Body Cam item that can be found when frisking, without needing to RPly check, this thread should be voted up.
  16. I'm going to +1 on this, but add in some stuff. Due to the recent ruling about needing to RP buying a camera, and not just RPly taking one from seemingly nowhere and turning it on, I wanted to mention some things I was told when I first started RPing a camera as a civilian. When I was first told about RPly turning on a camera for the ability to use it in game, I was told you had to buy a physical camera. In the furniture store there is an ING Camera that I was told about and to buy that, so you spend money on it. So I have an ING Camera in my house on a tabletop. RPly this is my body cam, but I do not physically carry it on my person as it is a furniture item and takes up 10 vol, so I carry it RPly. Unfortunately this means if I get held up, when frisked the criminal does not see I am carrying one on my person when they use a generic /me pats you down /do able /frisk Unless they ask when frisking me, what they will find /me pats you down checking for items on you or in your pockets /do would I find anything? /frisk I'm not sure I need to tell them one is on me on the generic one because they did not look. Granted I have not been robbed frequently, and IIRC all but one of the few times I have been, I was killed. If they kill me, obviously I lose the footage, but because I do not really carry an item, I have just been acting like the SD Card is lost or erased, and the camera is with me when I wake up. If we were to have the ING Camera turned in to a 2 vol item (instead of being the standard 10 vol like all furniture items), I would carry it on my person, and purchase a new one upon death as it would be lost. Alternately, the OP's idea of introducing a new body cam item for you to purchase and carry would also work.
  17. This is still an issue. 2021-JAN-17 19:55:43 UTC
  18. This was implemented today and I have an issue with it. There are times where people fall off the pier, make a call from the water, then someone else picks them up and takes them to the beach. If the person who carries them to the beach does not also take them to the hospital, but instead leaves them there, the injured person now has their call canceled, and has been moved. And since you cannot make another 911 call for 3 mins, they could still bleed out. Has the 3 min lockout, also been removed? On the other side of this, I have seen people make the phone call asking for medics, then jumping in the water to rescue the injured person so they do not drown. Doing this, then jumping to save someone also negates the call they made. I do not think this is a good change, and I have an MD character. It also brings up a new game mechanic from the crim side. Say someone gets shot, and they call for a medic. The crim can now pick up and carry the person away from the call location, and the call will cancel. They can now hold up the downed person knowing that the medic is no longer going to be coming.
  19. Date and time (provide timezone): 1/JAN/2020 Character name: Julia Knox Issue/bug you are reporting: Top 112751700 has no name Expected behavior: The top to have a name Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: https://imgur.com/a/JoGi1gf Vehicle license plate number*: NA
  20. Date and time (provide timezone): Video 1: 1608672600 (22/DEC/2020 - 9:30pm to 9:34pm) Video 2: 1608861100 (25/DEC/2020 - 1:51am) Video 3: 1608923744 (25/DEC/2020 - 7:15pm) Character name: Julia Knox Issue/bug you are reporting: Hitting random invisible objects Expected behavior: To not hit things that do not exist. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Someone mentioned to me that this only happens when you are carrying someone in your trunk. And that seems to be the case as the two times it happened without a body in the trunk, there was an corpse that appeared in the road after we hit it. All video evidence seems to point to that as well. Video 1: https://youtu.be/2HtFB6DgwSU Video 2: https://youtu.be/QE6_6-hyfRM Video 3: https://youtu.be/cXhKPm-E6Pc
  21. Small update on this.. When 1.1 came out and the new SD building.. they broke the water dispenser there... So I recommend we add that back in as well now. When asked how that works, I always respond ICly with my bottle has a LifeStraw built in. Realistically though, the life straw does not filter salt from sea water.
  22. Since 1.1 dropped the "Talking on Radio" indicator is the same color as the downed player indicator. Could we get the "Talking on Radio" color changed back to the Orange color it was in 0.37?
  23. This is still present after the RageMP 1.1 update.
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