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Everything posted by Trenix

  1. While logged in, you cannot currently change your password in the panel. This should be available in the settings menu. You have to first logout and do "Forgot password" in order to do so. Yes it's minor but sorta frustrating. It fooled me because I had trouble figuring out how to change my password.
  2. Yeah you've just ignored everything I said, so have a nice day. I at least tried.
  3. What a straw man argument, it was nothing that we're talking about. Again, let me get my point across. In the real world, if you do something in broad daylight within the public, you will most likely get caught. In GTA, in a public place, you will most likely never get caught. Why? Because we're limited. We don't have functional cameras on buildings, pedestrians, or streets full of cars. Does that mean a crime will not happen around those things? Well obviously it will, but it's not only less likely, it's stupid because they will get caught almost always. We're to act as if we're the character among in a living breathing society. Welcome to the world of roleplay.
  4. And you've successfully proven my point. These people were all caught on camera, hence you have a video of it. Notice, we'd limited by the game and that's why most crime goes unsolved. In reality, not so much. Sure you can always do stuff out in the open, but expect to be caught like everyone you just showed me. Thank you for that.
  5. With so many players coming from the epic store, would be a good idea to make the vetting process more thorough. I'm not sure how it is currently, but I assume you're still required to take a simple quiz, which people can just record the answers and give to others. In my opinion and from what other servers are doing, you should make an application which has to be approved in order to be whitelisted. No multiple choice, just open ended questions where someone who actually read the rules and what roleplaying is about, would easily be able to answer them. A player who is willing to put effort into the application, will be more likely to understand the rules and become an actual roleplayer on the server. My experience on the server and from what I'm reading on the forums, is quite concerning. People are playing the server for the wrong reasons and have no regard to the rules whatsoever. I guarantee that if the process took 1-2 days, most non-rp players would turn away, whereas now they're just making it hell for us RPers. Quality rather than quantity, otherwise this server is just like GTA Online with more players and different features.
  6. I bet 90% of the server right now, especially with the influx of new players, would want this to be another GTA Online with new features. That doesn't mean we should just resort to mob rule. Imagine if we based the report system on mob rule, wonder how that'll play out. You literally did sign up to play a life simulator. You're literally playing a game where you're required to roleplay or you will be punished for failing to do so. You need to literally act like the character you want to be and must react in a realistic way. Even performing poor roleplay is considered non-roleplay and therefore is a breach in rules. You've been a member since 2019 in December, how did manage to get through the vetting process somehow remain in the server while being completely oblivious of the rules? No let me backtrack, you do not only fail to comprehend the rules, but you don't even know what kind of server you're playing on to begin with. That's the real problem.
  7. I may be new to this server, but I'm not new to RPing, used to go way back to SA:MP, before MTA existed. Roleplaying there was really strict and getting into a server was difficult, filling out forms and whatnot and waiting to be whitelisted. Those high standards however were worthwhile, because you'd think twice about your actions. In this server, it's like I'm in a DM. It doesn't even seem like admins have the tools in place to figure out who did what or watch the reported players screen temporarily to catch them in the act, making punishments only be possible with valid recordings. That was unheard of in the past, all we did was screenshots if anything. The quizzes are also weak and can easily be bypassed, especially problematic when a group of players just feed each other the answers to get on. It's far different than if someone had to write paragraphs to try and earn their way into the server. This isn't mob rule. Anyway, it's wrong that I have to now distance myself from players because I'm afraid people are going to rob me or steal my crap. Majority of my interactions were not friendly, they were mostly rule breakers and robbers. Is that what you guys want? Players being afraid to RP with one another and create a community because your only form of roleplay is to rob people? Personally I find that pathetic and you're far from actual Rpers. Back in the SA;MP days gangs would sell drugs, guns, and fight with one another. Gangs would rather recruit than rob people, the more, the better. They also needed people to sell illegal items to. They wouldn't bother another player unless they were provoked. What doesn't make sense is that you come to an RP server to rob and kill people instead of playing GTA Online. Seems like you intentionally came to take advantage of a more vulnerable community. I'm surprised anyone is agreeing with you. In real life, no one would rob someone in the middle of a busy street, highway, near a bank or any other government building unless you're asking to be caught. Just because AI doesn't exist, doesn't mean these areas are not in the public where there would be cameras or pedestrians. A person who knows how to RP would find ways to rob a player by luring them to a secluded area. Hell, some players would be fine losing cash from a robbery, as long as it is RPed correctly. The RP situation is worth paying for. Yet if you're just being a griefer, then don't be surprised when you get so much resistance and have stricter rules against your playstyle that both parties don't equally enjoy. You're roleplaying in a video game, sometimes people seem to forget that we're all here to have fun, not just you.
  8. Ever heard of Dungeons and Dragons? It's kinda like that. You have to "act" and follow strict rules for the ultimate outcome of having an enjoyable experience. If done right, it's extremely rewarding. This is not an RPG, it's not a DM, not GTA Online. It's a roleplay server with features that improve our roleplay scenarios.
  9. So since the server is getting extremely popular because of the epic store, it's got people like me and others coming back to the game. Unfortunately, it's also bringing in loads of non-rpers and griefers. When I started RPing I found that majority of players either want to rob or kill me, without any intention of RPing whatsoever. The majority of players seem to be treating this as an RPG rather than an RP server. Now I get it, people are still new to RPing so we have to help and correct new players. However most of these players refused to hear me out and have treated this game like GTA Online. So I found out how to get evidence to make sure people who break the rules and think they can get away with it, are properly punished. In fact, many people are getting away with it and believe they cannot be ever caught, because unless you have a recording or someone in an admin position actually sees it, nothing will happen. So lets change that. First off, you have to have a Geforce graphics card for this to work. Here the requirements, they are listed under 'Share and SHIELD PC Streaming'. This program has a feature that records you 24/7 but only saves a few minutes before the time that you tell it to do so. So for example, if you click save, it will save 15 minutes of recording before (not after) the time you clicked the save button. This is how you can make sure everything is always caught on video. Here are the steps. Install Geforce Experience here. Once Geforce Experience is installed, start up GTA V and while it's running, press Alt+Z to start up the Geforce Experience overlay. Click on instant replay and click on settings (make sure it isn't on so you can change the settings). Set the duration of recording you want saved, the longer the duration the more space it will wast on your storage, I recommend 10-15 minutes. For the quality, it's recommended to set it to low so the file size is small and it's easier to send it to an admin. Save your settings. Click on instant replay again and put it on. Press Esc and play as your would normally. This may effect your performance slightly, if at all. After something happens that is against the rules, press Alt + Z, click instant replay, then click save. This will then save the recording, depending on how long you wanted it, to your gallery which you can then click in gallery and retrieve it. If your file size is too big to send, you can also trim it using windows or upload the file to youtube. Your welcome for those who are getting fed up like I was and finally got a solution. No more worrying about having enough evidence to report someone.
  10. Then the fines need to be heavily increased, no one follows it and I don't think I've ever seen any officers enforce it.
  11. Everyone and their mom has a bandana on. They walk in stores with it, banks, and roam the streets. They even walk around with it while carrying a gun. Can we crack down on this an give them fines for doing so? The worst part about it is that you can't set an alias for them, so you never know who they are and there is no reason to ever remove a it. Either that, or us to set an alias to people with a bandana, but not a mask and make the mask people pay a fine for using a mask in public. Also in no way should a person in a mask or bandana, be able to carry a gun legally.
  12. Trenix

    Weazel News App

    It could be the Weazel News App. Maybe we could check the news on it along with the listings and they could still earn from it.
  13. Does anyone ever use the bus stop? Even as a new player I much rather rent a vehicle, call a taxi, or as a random person to pick me up. Biggest problem is that I don't know where the bus stops are, nor where they lead to. Would be great if they were provided via icons on the GPS. Would come in handy for the early days of the game, or when you lose everything.
  14. Trenix

    Weazel News App

    Add a new app to the phone where people pay to advertise whatever they want for a cost. That ad remains listed for 7 days before it gets deleted and then you can post another. You can only have 1 ad up per character at a time. Newest ads will post first, oldest will be found near the bottom until they get deleted after 7 days. I think this is far better than relying on the chat for ads which clutters it up quite a bit. It also gives ads an easier way to be seen by people who are actually trying to look for it. Plus the phone needs more apps, it's pretty empty as it is.
  15. Trenix


    There needs to be a separate faction for towers. Mechanics don't seem to ever respond.
  16. We need a faction which is not as demanding as an officer and instead fines cars that are parked in incorrect areas. For this faction, all you need to do is drive around and leave tickets on player's cars that are parking incorrectly. Clearly training will be involved, but it will be might lighter than an officer. Honestly, it's an eyesore seeing cars parking at red curbs and having no penalty against them. Officers tell us to call mechanics and there aren't enough mechanics to tow all these cars. So the solution is simple, a faction that fines these people until they realize where to park. Also towing is harsher than just a fine, so I don't just want everyone's car towed.
  17. So I bought a charger and used it on my work vehicle and realized that it got consumed. Would be nice if the charger could be kept as an item, where it can be stored in the vehicle or player and be used without it being completely consumed. Maybe make it so that every time you use the charger you have a 15-25% of breaking it or something of that sort, to retain the demand for the item and keep its price low.
  18. +1 Right now I keep driving at 80 because I'm too afraid of getting another expensive ticket.
  19. GPS devices are becoming obsolete. Nowadays everyone is using their cellphone as a GPS. It actually surprised me that when I got a phone, I was unable to use the map but it was only made available when I purchased a GPS device. This is not really user-friendly to new players, especially since a GPS is an actual item and can be stolen. There is nothing worse than not having a functional map, being stuck in the middle of no where, and relying on a taxi (hoping one is available), to save you from an hour walk. That ruins the experience quite a bit and can even push players away.
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